好驚奶奶 ~~~

  • My baby will be born next month. My 99 will come back... damm she dose not k how to take care of baby.
    <br>I already told my hubby that if she did anything to my baby which I don't like cI don't think I could just not to say a word like before ga

  • 111,
    <br>congratulations on your baby!
    <br>oh your 99 doesnt know how to take care of babies? then be careful of her cuz she doesnt know how to help you.

  • sigh... my 99 called me twice today!!! what the fxxk!!! my husband went on a business trip today and it's just a short flight... and they're sooooooooooo afriad! chi sin ga! he always goes on business trips ga la. and they just call every other flight he takes! her son will call them if he arrives... and they always think that east coast is so snowy that he'll be in danger or what... come on! they're driving me crazy! and their son just arrived. can't they give us a break?
    <br>besides, if their son hasn't landed yet and he didnt answer the call, they just kept calling and would call me too ( so they can also check on me for this excuse). so bin tai! i just can't stand them!
    <br>i just told their son to ask his mom to call his company and tell them 'my son can't go there, it's too dangerous for him'

  • u know they just treat their son as a kid! and by doing this, sometimes they just embarrass their son lor. sometimes he goes with his co-workers ga ma. what the hell are they doing? if they're so afraid, they just follow their son lor. low b ga.
    <br>u know their son hasnt even landed, what's the pt of calling? they think that he can answer their call on the plane? sigh...

  • 111, 你又同奶奶住?? 又在外國?
    <br>ss , 你學drive car? 小心點 ~~ 你在外國有無其他香港朋友? . 你有無msn. .. 得閒大家可以傾下計.
    <br>我奶奶日日都返工.. 搞到屋企好dirty. 我唔想再理會間屋. 所以由得佢...........仲有一個星期. 下星期就搬得 !!!!!

  • aa,
    <br>yes ar...i just started to learn to drive. the 1st instructor was terrible, very bad. then i changed to another driving school and today's instructor is good. at least she didnt make me feel so nervous as the 1st one. hopefully i'll be ok soon...
    <br>tell u what... my 99 ended up calling me 3 times today! so crazy. her son already called her when he arrived la. then later he arrived the hotel and was in the shower, i bet my bin tai 99 called him again, so he didnt ans and she dared to call me again! chi sin! of course i didnt ans her... she left a voice mail and i immediately deleted it too!
    <br>btw... do u have yahoo messenger instead? i go there more often... but cuz of the time difference... i'm not sure if we can meet... i hope so la. so boring here. My friends here are all my husband's friends jar.

  • 各位,
    <br>我返來啦, 我今日終於可以正式公報我有咗啦, 今日bb個絨毛報告出咗啦, 一切正常
    <br>我想回應返之前姊妹的問題, 希望大家唔好怪我阻咗大家睇post, 同埋有幾段的豬媽媽日記

  • 11月9日
    <br>今朝探體溫36.52, 己經第14日高溫啦, 我都好想知道自己會唔會中獎, 我老公摸我, 話我好熱, 好似發燒咁, 我話起身驗下, 我唔用david紙驗, 我用支在萬寧買$25雜牌子驗, 一驗即刻一深一淺, 兩條線都有色, 我有少少發夢的感覺, 即刻用埋david紙再驗, 又係一深一淺, 好開心呀, 但又唔知係咪真, 諗住上床再訓多陣, 一陣再睇清楚個result, 但係訓咗上床, 又即刻落床, 成個人醒曬, 根本訓唔番, 我只係識得係個廳度行來行去, 希望時間快d過, 可以確定個結果
    <br>最後我好肯定我一定係中獎, 本來想等到20日先睇盧乃本, 但係無張醫生紙在身邊, 好似好無安全感咁, 所以我即刻打電話返公司, 講底去睇醫生遲d先返
    <br>我去到醫生度, 放底小便比姑娘驗, 真好緊張, 唔知會唔會食炸糊, 最後醫生親口話比我聽我有咗, 我成個人鬆曬, 醫生仲寫埋紙比我廣華度做產檢, 但係好唔好彩, 我有少少感冒要食藥, 但係我都希望可以忍到唔洗食
    <br>我即刻打比老公話比佢聽, 我自己本身己經開心到真係唔想返工, 不過最後我都有返工, 但要忍住唔同人講, 真係好辛苦, 但係為咗bb好, 無辦法啦
    <br>其實我一驗到己經好想同你哋講, 但係我真係唔想無咗個bb, 我驚bb小氣, 所以唯有唔講住, 我相信你哋唔會怪我, 同時我知道好多姊妹都好想知道有咗bb
    <br>的感覺, 所以我將呢段時間的所有事記底, 到適當的時侯, 再post比你哋睇
    <br>放工後, 我即刻打電話去廣華查詢登記產檢, 但係無人聽, 唯有明天再打啦

  • 11月11日
    <br>今朝老公打來, 己經係廣華度約咗期做產檢, 12月19日, 老公仲話好在早d去登記, 廣華個邊己經話咗5月之前預產期個d全部唔收架啦, 好在早d攞張醫生紙去排期啫
    <br>今日去睇中醫, 中醫己經把到個bb的心跳, 但係由排egg計, 今日先16日, bb真係勁呀, 中醫仲話, 瑪麗醫院有個姑娘, 又係好似我咁, 兩個星期己經把到心跳, 個bb出世仲係12磅, 嘩! 如果以我的身形, 生個12磅, 點生呀? 今日同昨天一樣, 又係頂唔順, 食咗一次藥, 每食一次, 都好後悔, 但係自己唔爭氣, 無辦法

  • 11月12日
    <br>今日打電話去港安約盧乃本醫生做產檢, 我唔敢約咁早, 由排egg起計六星期先見醫生, 咁啱來緊又放大假, 所以約咗12月11日, 我當時問姑娘, 己經在診所驗咗, 要唔要來到再驗多次, 姑娘話唔洗, 但係如果我諗住找盧醫生接生的話, 盧醫生新舊症都唔會接, 叫我到時自己問下醫生, 會唔會接
    <br>我真係好擔心, 上次bb有事, 如果今次盧醫生唔接, 我又做咩要比錢去私家生喎, 我不如去政府生, 留番多d錢比bb用好過, 而Oscar老公話都係找番林勇行做, 但係上次係個度醫生話比我知, bb有問題, 所以有少少陰影, 但係老公話, 佢比較當機立斷, 叫我唔好諗咁多, 唯有放鬆d啦
    <br>我而家每日都會飲2壼同2樽水, 因為大肚婆要飲多d水, 一日要有12杯先夠, 飲多d水, 好似話可以令子宮充血, 先夠比bb用, 我好希望你哋知道我而家的心情, 比d鼓勵我, 但我唔想博, 而家只好自己努力
    <br>今日又係咳得好緊要, 把心一横, 快d食藥食好佢, 好過到時要食氣喘藥, 食咗的話, 個心會跳得好快架, 我個心跳得快, bb個心跳得仲快, 希望快d好番, 唔好再病啦

  • 11月13日
    <br>今日放假係屋企休息下, 食下嘢, 我而家有記錄底自己有幾多磅, 我唔想到時過肥會好辛苦, 我上次去港安見盧醫生時, 姑娘有幫我磅過, 116磅, 我諗最好到我生的時侯, 唔好過140磅, 應該差唔多, 今日都係唔爭氣, 又食咗一次藥, 其實中西藥都好啦, 我都唔想食咁多, 中醫有開到安胎藥比我, 一個星期三次, 但係我都唔想成日食, 所以我決定, 我放假的時侯, 會煲桑寄生蛋茶飲, 返工的話先食中藥, 隔住咁來食, 我諗我在放假前差唔多食曬佢d藥, 不過唔緊要呀, 我諗住放假期間, 飲住桑寄生蛋茶, 應該無問題

  • 11月16日
    <br>今朝早量體溫見到36.5, 真係驚架, 昨日37.7, 今日跌咗咁多, 我再量多次, 又去返37.77, 我諗真係量得唔好, 今日真係黑仔, 收到二嫂電話, 話老公個亞麻去咗, 點解我兩次有咗, 唔係搬山墳, 就係死人, 今次真係要找個好好的藉口唔去至得啦, 唔係有起咩事上來, 對自己身體都唔好呀, 我即刻打比老公, 問下佢有無收到電話, 老公都話要諗下先, 最後經過我同老公商量, 到時話我個個星期返深圳Training算啦, 不過我知道62 & 99, 實多多聲氣, 但係話比佢哋聽話有咗, 佢哋實唱通街, 為咗bb的安全, 都係博唔過, 同埋老公都想過到Oscar先比佢哋知, 費時有事上來, 又問長問短, 真係好煩架

  • 11月19日
    <br>昨晚半夜突然肚痛, 好辛苦, 其實我日日都有大大, 加上我有食多d菜, 同麥包, 可以幫助去大大呀嘛, 唔知係咪食得嘢多呢, 有時早上7:30食完嘢, 10點幾又見肚餓, 到食飯個時, 成個飯盒都食得曬, 好似昨晚咁, 我成咗成大大碟麵, 真係好好味, 以前食方包, 都只會食一片, 而家起碼要食二片, 因為一個人兩把口, 我媽咪仲話我小心到時會好肥
    <br>我把口真係成日都唔停, 一見肚餓就要即刻食嘢, 唔食真係有少少想暈, 而家都咁, 遲d都唔知點算, 今日同老公去百佳, 見到有人吵得好勢利, 原來百佳有人撞到個女人, 仲有人話如果你真係有咗bb, 就要去睇醫生, 搞到好多人睇熱鬧, 但係吵來做咩, 快d去醫院or睇醫生好過啦, 到時遲咗去醫院都唔知點好, 都唔明點解d路人又唔幫手打電話, 只係幫手係度吵, 到最後有人話會做証人, 有咩事上庭告番百佳, 個大肚女人先識得打電話, 本來仲好似話自己走就算, 唔睇醫生喎, 我都唔敢行到咁埋, 有咩推撞到時就唔好啦
    <br>都唔知係因為冬天定係有咗bb, 個人成日都好想訓覺, 昨晚都唔係夜訓架啦, 但係今日都要午睡, 可能bb第日出世之後, 會成日訓覺, 人哋話咁會好揍d, 我都希望係咁呀

  • 11月20日
    <br>呢排返工都係返工望收工, 有時真係情願無生意都好過自己激氣, 有時d客講極都唔明, 搞到自己好辛苦, 快d放大假就好啦, 好想同bb快d見面, 昨日回應咗哥斯拉, 其實真係好想話比佢聽我係有咗, 但係真係唔想一場歡喜一場空, 都係保守秘密好d, 我知到時大家一定會好開心架
    <br>今日62終於打來叫我哋請定假做白事, 當然我知道一話比佢哋聽有咗, 佢哋實會開心到周圍講, 仲要我一定要到, 因為有多個人送一程呀嘛(我係話我肚入面個個呀), 不過老公即時好醒目話比佢哋聽, 本來無問題, 但係公司三個月前己經安排咗我上大陸training, 所以多數來唔到, 無計啦, 為咗bb講大話都要架啦, 最後62都唔肯放過我, 叫我返公司攞過人情喎

  • 11月21日
    <br>你哋咁多個都恭喜我, 我都好想回應你哋架, 但係又唔想bb小氣, 今日有個男同事唔睇路, 撞到我個nose, 搞到我痛到出唔到聲, 仲眼淚都出曬來, 咁另外一個男同事安慰我, 話佢無心架, 唔好咁啦, 我即好嬲咁話, 如果佢真係整到我的話, 佢呢一世都賠唔起呀, 個男同事即刻話, 你係咪驚唔係撞到一個呀, 我叫佢唔好再講啦
    <br>點解62係都唔肯放過我, 我知道一話比佢哋聽, 佢哋就更加要我去, 都講到話要返大陸做嘢, 仲要叫我老公勸下我, 佢都short short哋架, 係咪而家少咗我, 就搞唔成呀, 又唔係, 佢自己要面, 唔想有人出席唔到之嘛, 我老公同佢講都明話, 話我今次要考埋試, 如果個試唔pass的話, 就唔洗做啦, 佢都仲叫我老公, 叫我盡量去, 佢係咪有病架

  • 11月25日
    <br>今日個人無咩胃口, 係咪之前開心得制, 食多咗呢, 可能bb都唔想我咁肥呀
    <br>今日62又打來啦, 又係問我會唔會去啦, 我老公都係話唔去啦, 佢話算啦, 唔迫我哋, 又話叫老公個日唔好食雜, 要食齋, 你估周圍都有咩, 仲叫老公個日好4點到喎, 咁要返工架嘛, 你估話走就走咩, 仲叫老公返公司攞個人情, 你估而家有幾多公司會唔會同你講人情, 放你走呀, 佢都short架

  • 11月30日
    <br>一返工就好辛苦咁, 最好快d放假, 等我可以係屋企可以好好休息一下, 過咗今日, 由排egg個日計, 應該5 weeks啦, 但係一日未見到bb都好擔心, 有時都會諗下自己會唔會宮外孕, 好驚又出事呀, 不過見自己有胃口, 食到嘢, 個肚次次食完都鬼咁大, 好開心呀

  • 12月1日
    <br>今日我哋team lunch, 公司請食飯, 12點幾就同兩個同事去咗攞位啦, 見到張menu, 個同事係咁叫, 當然啦, 唔洗錢嘛, 我都食咗好多, 同埋今次戒口, 唔係戒得好清, 因為無人知我有咗, 同事叫咩都會計埋我一份, 蝦餃都有照食, 仲食埋芒果布甸, 食完都有少少內疚, 不過鬼叫自己忍唔到咩
    <br>今晚有抽獎, 唔知bb會唔會好旺, 抽到呢, 果然抽到$300 coupon, 好開心呀, $300己經係最多架啦, 因為人人有份, 又圍圍都有, 都算唔錯啦
    <br>仲有呀, 我食飯之前, 入咗去屈臣氏, 見到有個中醫坐咗係度, 話免費把個平安脈, 咁我諗住, 睇下佢有咩講, 點知佢一把脈就”周”眉, 但係把完佢只係話我心血小, 叫我買嘢, 好似把唔到我有咗咁, 都唔知佢係咪扮唔知架

  • 12月11日
    <br>昨晩都唔知係咪緊張得濟, 好夜先訓到, 今朝一起身, 有d唔想食嘢的感覺, 最好即刻比我見到個bb就好啦, 不過無理由真係唔食, 點唔想食, 都要食碗粥, 但係我連一碗粥都食唔曬, 到最後去到醫院, 我之前預約係第一個架嘛, 都唔知點解都未夠鐘, 來到竟然變咗第四個, 仲要黑到睇完第三個, 個醫生要上去接生, 最後等咗成兩個鐘先見到個醫生
    <br>其實之前個醫生返到醫院己經見到我, 仲同我笑一笑, 到我入去見佢時, 佢的眼神好似話我知, 我知你來睇產檢咁, 咁我咪開口同佢講, 我睇產檢, 佢問我知唔知有咗幾耐, 我話最後經期9月30日, 又問咗我好多嘢, 跟住叫我訓上床睇下, 我同老公當時都不知幾緊張呀, 佢一照, 就即刻照到個bb, 仲話好過上次好多, 我即刻好開心, 但係好似見唔到個bb的心跳, 咁我咪問佢, 好似見唔到心跳, 佢話唔係呀, 係呢度呀, 我再睇清楚d, 真係見到呀, 我仲好似見到bb的頭仔同個身, 不過睇唔到手腳, 我咪問下個醫生, 好似見到頭同身喎, 佢話係呀, 同埋佢話計番size, 有8weeks半, 嘩! 成兩個月啦, 我仲以為得6weeks幾
    <br>不過有另一樣嘢令我擔心, 就係做oscar, 當盧醫生同我講, 四個星期之後返來見佢, 佢仲話到時你應該做埋oscar, 我都預咗佢會叫我係港安做, 因為我呢次係醫院睇呀嘛, 唔通佢會sales出面d嘢咩, 當佢睇file時, 我都有問佢, 我上次oscar係林勇行度做, 同埋上次因為中咗18, 要抽絨毛, 今次就算照到bb無事, 會唔會都要抽, 佢即刻話, 因為我中過一次, 所以我算係high risk, 建議我唔洗做oscar, 直接抽絨毛做化驗算啦, 如果我真係唔想抽, 就先做oscar, 到醫生話要再抽, 先做, 其實我一早預咗要抽, 如果佢唔開口叫我抽, 而我自己決定抽, 有咩事, 我諗我會怪我自己, 但係佢都開口叫我抽, 起碼到時有事, 我唔會將所有責任推曬比自己, 當然我亦都唔會怪個醫生, 因為可能我無呢d福氣
    <br>而家起碼我都鬆一口氣, 等12月30日做抽絨毛, 如無意外, 1月3日會有快速測試結果, 希望今次一切順利啦

  • 12月15日
    <br>今日終於見到Mandy上來報下平安, 都安心d, 不過知道佢有個無良boss, 就真係替佢擔心, 個boss好衰, 咁對d大肚婆, 可以去平機會告佢呀
    <br>今日終於要同99食飯, 我一坐底除咗件外套, 佢就係咁望位我個肚, 其實我己經著咗件好厚的冷外套, 連二嫂都話睇唔出, 都唔明佢係咪恨抱孫恨都咁, 到食片皮鴨個時仲搞嘢, 佢叫我食, 我話我唔食啦, 佢話, 係呀, 唔好食鴨呀, 我話我從來都唔食鴨喎, 佢話, 係咩, 你從來都唔食咩, 跟住找番以前同我哋食過鴨, 飲過鴨湯個d來講, 我都費時啋佢呀

  • 12月19日
    <br>今日去咗廣華啦, 本來諗住政府都係麻麻哋, 但係去到又唔係, 前後只係用咗兩小時左右, 有時私家都要等咁耐, 但係都係乾等, 但係今次去廣華, 登記咗之後, 叫我先去比錢, 比$60係照超聲波費, 比完錢, 先驗小便, 再抽血, 照超聲波, 再見醫生, 我以為醫生都只係同我講幾句就算, 當然我去之前亦帶齊要帶的資料, 醫生真係問咗我好耐, 仲幫我檢查過, 話我宮內膜移位好多, 所以我相信, 如果我唔係呢次有咗, 來緊好快又要入醫院再做一次手術, 而今次政府醫生話的預產期係7月20日, 同私家係差一日, 私家話7月21日, 當然而家呢d日子都係唔準
    <br>其實今日照超聲波的時侯, 起初我以為照唔到, 我問姑娘係咪照唔到呀, 因為我又唔係好急, 同埋見到畫面好以唔係好清楚見到咁, 姑娘話, 唔係呀, 仲指住個位比我睇, 仲放大咗, 我睇住個畫面好以見到bb個pat pat, 但係又唔係好確定, 我好想問姑娘, 點解我會認為個個位係pat pat??? 因為係個pat pat位上面, 我好似見到bb對腳, 仲有中間位, 好似見到bb對手, 跟住姑娘就同我講, 呢個係bb的pat pat, 我估中咗呀, 真係bb個pat pat呀, bb比上一個星期大咗1.31cm, 好開心呀, 我出到去即刻同媽咪講, 因為今日媽咪陪我來

  • 12月30日
    <br>今日去咗抽絨毛, 去之前都同自己同埋bb講, 唔洗驚, 但係去到又唔係, 好緊張, 當我同老公一入到房, 個醫生就問我, 點解要抽, 上之係唔好彩, 問我係咪驚, 我同老公都話抽咗安心d
    <br>我訓到上床, 都有問個醫生會唔會照咗先抽, 佢話會, 我知佢本身都會幫人錄vcd, 咁我咪問埋, 可唔可以幫我錄埋, 佢話無問題, 佢一幫我照, 就好易照到啦, 佢話好好, 照咗幾分鐘, 好多個角度, 見到bb的頭, 手, 手指, 腳, 同埋腳趾, bb隻手仲係咁郁, 醫生話其實好正常喎, 一d都唔似有問題, 不過你哋要抽就幫你抽啦
    <br>我好似上次咁, 我都唔敢睇啦, 佢一幫我打麻醉針, 我己經覺得好痛啦, 但係醫生無等多一陣, 就即刻抽, 嘩! 好痛呀, 我即刻縮一縮, 佢叫我唔好郁, 唔係就抽唔到, 我即時感到個肚好似硬咗咁, 我知道bb知道有人走入來佢個地盤度, 所以有反應, 醫生叫我唔好郁個時, 我己經好驚啦, 我係心入面咪叫bb快d走啦, 點知bb真係郁一郁, 我心諗, 我叫你走, 你真係走架, 你乖啦, 你比醫生抽埋先啦, 咁就無再郁, 後來老公話我知, 佢係畫面見到bb避個醫生支針, 我諗真係我feel到佢郁個時d動作啦, 估唔到佢識得避, 好醒呀

  • 其實我本來約咗私家醫生, 1月5日係診所檢查or1月8日係港安做檢查, 我最後情願請假早幾日去睇, 因為我己經知道6月私家無位生啦, 但係我去到問盧醫生, 我7月預產期係咪要而家book定位先呀, 佢話, 如果你諗住去浸會就唔洗諗架啦, 我話, 我唔係去浸會, 我去港安, 佢話港安無問題, 來緊要加多幾張床, 不過未book得住, 因為未有system預約, 而家得三間有得預約, 個d都差唔多滿架啦
    <br>但係星期四晚收到個診所姑娘打來, 問我會諗住去邊度生, 佢話而家港安開咗會, 有新政策, 要孕婦自己去留位, 仲話先到先得, 之前特首又話我哋唔洗同大陸人鬥早, 咁而加點呀, 咪又要早d自己去留位, 我己經好醒目咁問個姑娘, 要唔要比deposit, 佢話唔洗, 但係我今去攞留位信, 個姑娘又話, 要唔要比留位費, 就要問醫院, 我仲聽到個姑娘話, 而家有幾間醫院開完會, 都有新政策, 不過最後我打咗去港安問, 佢哋話唔洗比留位費, 大陸人就要
    <br>所以來緊中獎的姊妹, 中咗真係要政府私家兩邊睇, 唔係到時都唔知有無位生

  • 我呢兩日先因為點同99講話我有咗, 而嘈來, 我知道, 佢一知道我有咗咁耐先講, 實嘈, 仲會好無聊咁問, 我媽咪知道未, 其實都心理有數啦, 做女又點會唔同自己媽咪講先得架, 佢實問埋呢d問題, 到時我會答佢, 我媽咪未知架, 你係第一個知, 我睇佢到時有咩反應
    <br>同埋佢實會把口唔收咁話, 今次無問題啦嘛, 唔會好似上次咁啦嘛, 如果真係一個識做的99, 一定唔會講埋呢d嘢, 所以我同老公講咗, 你要我比面你亞媽, 唔好當眾話佢, 咁佢之前當眾話我又點計呀, 即係佢咩都得, 我唔得啦, 老公話, 你咪當聽唔到算囉, 我話, 你做我係白痴呀, 當聽唔到, 我比面佢, 佢咪踩埋來囉, 佢博咩啫, 咪又係想一齊住, 根本無死過心
    <br>我同老公話到明, 我比面係你, 唔係佢, 唔想你難做, 如果99同你個白痴大佬講埋d我唔想聽的嘢, 唔該你即時搞掂佢, 唔係我無面比架

  • 我今日去診所攞埋個絨毛report睇番, 12月30日我有咗11 weeks 3 days, 我即時計番, 即係話預產期有機會係7月18日, 呢次死啦, 我同老公話, 如果bb真係咁唔爭氣, 係呢一日出世, 同你亞媽同一日生日, 我唔理你呀, 佢還佢, bb還bb, 唔準一齊慶祝生日, 費下咩都攞我個b來做借口呀

  • cywong, 好開心.. 知道你有左bb , 最緊要做個開心的大肚婆. 奶奶既野, 當佢透明. 現在的我.."當奶奶透明" 已經好強, 同table食飯, 我都可以完全唔望佢. 亦唔會同佢講野.
    <br>*我下星期搬屋la ~~ 今天在新屋收到傢俬. 雖然洗左好多$$$(只係買傢俬電器,都要4萬). 不過,有一個自己既家. 唔洗做受人氣, 唔洗聽人說話!! 太開心...
    <br>至於BB 既事, 順其自然. 希望我有機會好似你咁上來分享~~~

  • cywong,
    <br>我等咗兩個月, 終於可以恭喜你喇! 恭喜恭喜恭喜! ^_^

  • 多謝大家, 其實仲有個結構性超聲波要做架, 希望呢個都ok啦

  • Cywong,
    <br>Congratulations on your baby!!! So i guess it's a golden piggie? So great!
    <br>Dear All,
    <br>I'm very unhappy & angry after going back to my in-laws’ house last Sat. i
    <br>didnt wanna go but it's my lo yeah's birthday... sigh... :(
    <br>long story-- my husband always has to go on business trips. When he is out of town, his mom would be VERY NERVOUS. but i really dont know what's the problem with her. he's always out of town & he knows more about travelling than her...
    <br>anyways, 99 called him non-stop even before he lands. she's sick cuz he'll call her after he lands anyways. But that 8 po will call me if he couldnt ans the phone. she just wanna ask me if her son is still on the plane. Chi sin! she fuxking knows when her son lands !
    <br>besides, she calls me everyday when her son's out of town so as to check me! fuxk! she's just afraid i'll steal her son's $ or what. of course i didnt ans her stupid calls as i know what's her problem (not the 1st time). but still, she keeps calling and leaves me voice mails & every one is the same- where are you now? what are you doing? fuxk! it's none of her business. cant she just mind her own life?
    <br>then u know she even asked my lo yeah to call & left a voice mail. u know i already asked their son to call them back. what do they want from me? fxxk!
    <br>then their son told his dad to fuxking stop calling me cuz i've my own things to do at home. they asked them to call him when they have anything urgent. BUT they are fuxking free & so they really have nth urgent. Even my hubby was pissed off, he told his dad that he should know why his other son moved so far away- it's cuz they scared him away! (it's true!)
    <br>but then u know what happened when i went to their stupid house last Sat? they blamed me again when my sis-in-law's not around. my 99 asked my lo yeah to help her say the following:
    <br>1. you must pick up our calls cuz there may be sth urgent ( what the fuxk! even if there's sth urgent, i can't help them! i live so far away & i know nth about the US! they should call my sis-in-law who also won't ans their non-stop mo liu calls)
    <br>2. my 99 always buys a lot of food but we didnt show up. what the fuxk? even we show up, we won't take her food home. it's her habit to buy so much food to put into the fridge and cooks weird soup (yuck!). she's mentally retarded! why blame us!
    <br>... to be continued

    1. we've to go back MORE. u know this is the pt i hate most. cuz their other son & daughter never go back & they dont blame them. why do they blame us ONLY? it's totally unfair to us. we live so far away and my husband is so busy. why cant they give us a break? my sis-in-law lives closest to them & they just asked whether she goes back & she said 'no'. then they’d shut up (i saw that myself). but then they said that we MUST go back more. bullshxt! i really inched them lor... very angry... i said 'wa... going back every week la wor...' of course my lo yeah & 99 pretended that they didnt hear it.
      <br>u know they're just so annoying & obviously they dont wanna accept the truth that their sons & daughter have their own lives. they're so selfish & are pushing everyone away from them. And they think it's our fault??? besides, my 99 NEVER goes elsewhere apart from the market (to buy loads of food to put into the fridge), then she just stays home every day!!! i forgot to mention- she has no friends, just a relative from Vancouver whom she always calls. even she has tons of relatives in the US, she NEVER calls them. even my husband guessed that our relatives in the US don't like his parents lor.
      <br>sigh... u see? they just wanna rely on my husband now. & it's NEVER enough for them! they think that my husband is the kindest among the 3 so they can force us to do whatever thing. besides they also think that it's me who asked his son to say all the above. but u know, even blind ppl can feel that they're requesting too much; they obviously treat their other son/daughter differently lor.
      <br>last Sat, i was so unhappy & angry that i cried in the car once we left... they just wanna start the battle with me. btw... we just didnt go back for a week before too. but i swear i wouldn't go back for CNY too. i hate their attitude & they obviously have mental problems (always staying home worrying about their son).
      <br>sorry for my long story. i just have no one to talk to as i'm helpless in the US now. :(

  • ss,
    <br>堅強啲!我睇完你 story,我覺得你未夠企硬喎,你同老公只係無返去一個禮拜咁多咋,未夠架!其實佢越 blame 你,你哋就越走得遠啲,佢哋 blame 一次,你咪將下次你打算再見佢哋嘅日子推遲啲囉!你老公要返,等佢自己返啦。你當時點對答返你 62&99 呢?我諗你要惡啲先得,佢唔怕得罪你,點解你要怕呢?仲有,你 62&99 話你個時,你老公係邊?就算佢唔係你附近,你之後同佢講返,佢有咩講呢?我唔知你係你老公前,係咪都未夠企硬呢?
    <br>你唔好成日將啲嘢屈係心到,無人幫到你,你要 show 返啲立場俾你老公,62&99 睇喇!你真係唔好去返去啦 (我意思係唔止一個禮拜咁大把),連電話都唔好聽啦,乜都你老公頂曬佢,如果真係有 urgent 嘢,咪留言囉!
    <br>仲有,傾吓再搬遠啲,當然唔使同你 62&99 商量啦,搬咗先算,第時咪話太遠,一年見幾次咪夠囉。

  • 路過,
    <br>thanks for your support!
    <br>no ar... i didn't answer their calls for months ga la. it's just they still dont give up. chi sin ga! last Sat they asked me why tim ar... i just said i was busy.
    <br>and i told clearly to my husband that i'm not going back ga la. its just last Sat was bin tai lo yeah's birthday... sigh... every one had to go back lor.
    <br>and u know, my husband FINALLY got angry at them too. u know why, cuz i told him i dont want to go back anymore except some big festivals ga la (but birthday also counts... sigh...) and Last Friday, he already called them and asked them not to bother me ga la! and he also warned them the following:
    <br>' you know why your other son moved so far away ga la'
    <br>my lo yeah said that he knows at that time ga. but then after the call, i guess my bin tai 99 was very angry and she just can't accept the reality that everyone's ignoring her lor. so she asked my lo yeah to tell me to ans their phone calls and go back more. chi sin!
    <br>so, 路過, don't worry. i won't show them anymore. last time i cried cuz we talked to them and ignored them already and they still dont understand and even dared to ask us to go back (chi ga! we warned them about their other son ga la!) u know, they still kind of think that my husband won't leave them alone, and thinks that i'm the bad person. well whatever la, cuz i won't even go back during CNY!
    <br>fxxk them! we warned them and they still said those things? they're just stupid and forcing us away. this time even my husband said that he doesnt want to go back for CNY.

  • ss, 不如你試下咁. 如果奶奶再打你. 你話唔知係咪個電話有問題.... 聽到好頭痛.. 再不停叫喂喂喂. 再自言自話.. [聽唔到...等我CALL 人整電話]

  • aa,
    <br>haha this idea is quite good!
    <br>u know before sometimes i said i couldnt hear the phone ring, sometimes i said i was doing sth... but still they didnt give up. chi chi dei. i think they really try to protect their son too much. very annoying.
    <br>hm... maybe if they call again, i should do this... but so far, they havent called me yet! haha i can't believe it! cuz every time their son is out of town, they keep calling me every day. well maybe it's cuz my husband told them not to bother me last Fri. i dont know, but they said that i must ans their phone the next day ga wor ( i didnt say anything when my lo yeah said that... just too angry)

  • ss,
    <br>做得好吖,一於唔好返去,等佢知道佢唯一肯理佢個仔都唔理佢嘅時候,已經太遲喇 .... wakaka
    <br>你老公星期五 warn 佢哋,佢哋星期六話你,但其實佢哋又無打俾你,簡單啲睇,佢哋要攞彩囉,唔肯認低威!唔緊要啦,你繼續保持你堅定嘅立場呀!佢哋會無你符!
    <br>btw, 你學車學成點?

  • 路過 & aa,
    <br>so happy to hear from you two! :)
    <br>aa, how's your new apartment? when'll u move in?
    <br>for my driving lessons, i just had the 4th lesson yesterday, my instructor is kind of busy this week ar. this morning, she said she may be able to come but she's not sure. now she didnt call that means i've to wait till the afternoon to see if she can come later.
    <br>well i'm not as nervous as before when driving ga la. but still not stable lor. haha my instructor also said that it's better for those who're really interested in driving (even play driving games) or younger ppl lor.... so i'm neither of those, thats why i've to practise more. hm... too bad my husband is too busy to teach me. otherwise i wont have to spend so much $ and go to so many lessons lor.

  • 大家好ar!!!!
    <br>我未睇你哋d message,遲d得閒再追番.
    <br>好好保重身體 :)
    <br>aa / ss 同各位,

  • >__< 公司搬去邊?? 我都忙緊搬屋.
    <br>明天搬la !!!!!!!!!! 星期日, 再唔洗見到奶奶 !!!!!!!!!!!

  • 呢幾日好多內地孕婦的報道, 表面上好似好咗, 但係單單睇我個case, 我覺得己經好差啦, 我真係想像唔到, 到真係開始生豬bb個時會有幾亂
    <br>我呢幾日條腰右邊好痛呀, 我打去問個中醫, 中醫話可能bb個頭向個邊, 所以我先咁痛, 我d同事同um都係咁講, 佢哋話等遲d bb轉咗個另一邊, 就無咁痛架啦, 但係到時咪要痛另外個邊囉

  • aa,
    <br>oh yes! you're moving out this weekend! thats cool! your 99 wont be able to bother u that much :P
    <br>waiting for your news :)
    <br>oh no... i also heard from my co-worker in HK that her waist is painful ar. but i dont know its cuz of this reason. hm... is there any way to make u feel better? like anything to rub on your waist? hm... hope u'll feel better! take care!

  • SS,
    <br>係呀, 昨日我開會個時, 企咗唔夠一分鐘就頂唔順啦, 後來wm個邊d人知道我有咗, 咪叫我坐囉, 我um仲話我, 而家我有特權架嘛, 你係唔舒服的話, 可以出聲, 唔好唔出聲呀

  • 大家好. 由於新家未搬上網線. 所以.要在公司才可以上she.com
    <br>我已搬到新居!!!!! 唔洗晚晚對住個苦口苦面既奶奶. 由於奶奶日日都返工. 晚上九點幾就zzz. 所以, 星期六搬屋. 佢不在場. 但係唔記羽'擁', 晚上返奶奶家. (點知奶奶見到我地搬野走, 就阿之阿左) 又話唔個仔唔睇住個老母.
    <br>挑!!! 同奶奶一齊住.家無寧日. 佢又諗下自己有乜錯. 大新抱唔同佢住. 細新抱又要走佬!!!
    <br>btw. 姑奶話新年時叫佢老母, 一齊來BBQ. 我話左唔得. 點知佢夠膽死話"唔得,一定來" . 頂佢個肺. 間屋係我. 仲惡過我!!.

  • aa,
    <br>Congratulations!!! You must be so happy now!
    <br>hey so do you think your 99 will always call you to ask you to go back ?
    <br>u know my bin tai 99 called my hubby last Sat to try to 'force' us to go back again. Last Thur, my hubby had already called her and said that we're not going back. but then she still doesnt want to face the reality. so on Sat, she called and yelled at my husband. she said, 'you must go back today. we'll "bai god" today for the new year'. What the fxxk is that for??? i havent heard about that. CNY is on Feb 18!!! i asked my mom and she said she doesnt know what it's for too. i just know that my 62/99 always have excuse to ask us to go back EVERY WEEK. they're crazy!

  • aa,
    <br>你姑奶擺到明好似我老公個大佬咁啦, 我都仲煩緊今個星期日餐飯, 99見到我個肚個時會好煩, 老公話到時佢哋問到我亞媽幾時知, 咪話我媽咪到而家都未知囉, 你最早知啦, 好未? 佢成日咩都要計較, 咩都要理, 關佢鬼事咩

  • SS, 奶奶問我老公 屋企個電話. 但係我地用手提, 無電話. 奶奶只會打俾老公.. 因為,我完全唔會理�
    <br>cywong, 你唔去食飯,得唔得??? 我昨日打俾姑奶老公. 同佢講,我唔想俾奶奶去我新屋. 佢話始終都要俾奶奶知道個仔住邊 !!! 頂. 老公以前讀書, 住宿舍, 夠無人去探佢.
    <br>既然 阻止唔到奶奶來屋企. 我決定. 奶奶來果日,我返外家!!!擺明唔想見到一個我憎既人.
    <br>如果姑奶串我, 我就丙佢.
    <br>你大肚,就最大. 唔想去食飯, 就話唔舒服. 話之佢地. 返工 已經辛苦. 仲要搞咁多家庭人際關係. 好Q煩

  • hi 各位, 我都俾我99激到氣頂....希望你地歡迎我加入, 等我可以放下氣, 我就黎瀑la......
    <br>婚後頭幾年, 我同老公係搬出黎住, 上年因為諗住生bb, 同埋都諗住俾99湊 (個時我姑9都想生, 係我99自己講話點都會湊我地個b, 因為阿女個b始終都係跟人地姓咁話, 又話會煮d乜俾我補身.....xxxxx....總之就好似對我好好咁la), 所以, 我就俾老公"乙水"左, 搬返到同我62,99住......我個惡夢亦都開始左
    <br>上年尾, 我証實左有bb, 我老公同99講, 99居然話 (沒有一絲開心) "真定假呀, 証實左未?" 之後1個月到, 我作小產, 老公好緊張, 99又話 "唔係好緊要o者, 我佗你家姐時仲嚴重, 仲辛苦la xxxxx ", 到我2-3個月, 我勁作嘔, 食唔到野, 老公見到都替我辛苦, 然後係閒談間同佢媽講, 我99又話 "大肚婆係咁架la, 我個時仲辛苦過佢la, 我xxxxxxxx" 係呢段其間, 我99只係1-2星期先煲次湯俾全家飲, 就算普通"阿膠"都要同我share, 係一份料, 但又要兩人飲, 咁都算, 到我依家4個月, 佢居然話 "你依家4個月, 又食到野, 唔好再飲d補湯, 唔係補大個bb, 好難生架la"....喂, 你幾時煲過補湯俾我飲呀, 大姐, 佢又聽佢個女話, 唔好食花膠, 蕃茄薯仔湯仲有益......我從未聽過花膠唔好囉......
    <br>到左依家我姑9有左, 佢就勁惋惜咁同我老公講 "你老婆唔辛苦, 佢家姐先辛苦, 佢依家每晚都望住碗飯發吽豆".....下....咁都得
    <br>之後又話 "依家d花膠貴左咁多, 你家姐都後悔早排點解唔買多斤" ....咁你地又話花膠唔好, 依家一斤都嫌少.....
    <br>呢d都係少事....我99講到好似會過去陪月, 阿b剩返係屋企就62睇幾個鐘....咁我做乜要同你住.....

  • aa,
    <br>唔去唔得架, 一來一年幾次, 清明我哋己經借頭借路唔去, 到而家食飯我唔去, 初一都要見啦, 到時一樣見到我個肚, 加上佢哋仲未知我有咗, 我老公一個搞佢哋唔掂, 我老公無我咁串架, 我會頂返佢哋, 我老公唔會架, 最多唔出聲, 所以無論如何都要去
    <br>如果話我唔舒服, 99又知道我有咗, 又話走去求神作福, 上之佢作完, 我個bb咪又無咗, 佢隻都唔知係咪手來架, 唔好再理我d嘢, 我就還得神落啦
    <br>總之到時我大住個肚, 佢哋點都唔敢對我點, 我要比埋個下馬威佢哋, 擺到明唔會比個bb佢哋揍, 我知99實會討好我, 又話整咩比我食, 我老公到時會同佢講明, 叫佢唔好搞咁多嘢, 就算佢真係夾埋嘢比我食, 我都會話唔食, 要食我自己唔識夾咩, 你話係咪先???

  • aa,
    <br>hm... if you dont want to see your 99 and she must go to your place, then yes, u better dont see her that day.
    <br>hey your 99 is so 'fake' ga! btw... can u move out again now? it's really better for you and your baby if u dont see her that often. after all, she wont make anything good for you and your baby.
    <br>hey you're really good at that! i wish i could be as 'inch' as you ar. but u know i just dont want my hubby to feel bad lor. i mean if i really inch them, they must complain in front of their son, then my hubby will be in trouble.

  • SS,
    <br>搬出去的機會好微....只怪當初自己幼稚/鬼"um"眼, 以為我99都係一個好相處的人, 但係我最最最驚訝係原來我99咁識做戲囉, 以前我仲係女朋友的身份時, 佢對我不知幾咁客氣, 依家, 咪做俾我老公睇囉, 所以, 在我老公心目中, 佢阿媽對我好好, 大家一齊住係無問題, 而佢亦感受唔到我依家的感受 T_T
    <br>你就好LA....你夠膽寸佢地, 如果我可以學似你就好LA.....我依家的做法似你老公, 唔出聲走左去.....唉.....好無用
    <br>同埋, 係咪個個99都係淨識得呢條屎穚, 初頭勁討好, 得手後就....哈哈, 點解自己當初咁易"乙水"呢.......

  • SS & man930,
    <br>我昨晩先同老公開戰, 咪又係關於佢亞媽, 佢本來都話會叫佢唔好幫我拜神作福, 昨晩改口風又話唔知點開口, 仲話, 我唔理啦, 你哋打交打死佢啦, 我而家唔同佢講嘢, 反正由頭到尾都係佢亞媽多事, 做做埋埋到時同你計, 我唔會比位佢入架, 我唔會比有機會架, 因為我太清楚佢個人啦
    <br>佢有事求你, 同無事個時個様, 太大變化啦, 佢自己又唔諗下平時點對人, 對人好, 次次都有目的, 所以我啋佢都short架

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