好驚奶奶 ~~~

  • 今晚,老公去打波 得我同奶奶係間屋. 全晚關自己係'書房', 仲慘過大學住宿舍. 起碼可以行出行入.有自由.
    <br>剛才回家,又行後門.(唔想見到99 or 被99見到)

  • aa,
    <br>你意思佢係街度等你, 所以你要返到屋企入咗房先見唔到佢, 頭先佢大佬先send咗張菜單過來, 咩都要佢話事, 就來人哋d錢點洗都關佢事架啦

  • cywong,
    <br>you're right ar. My 62 and 99 are also like that... they'll be afraid of you if you just ignore them. that's what my sis-in-law's hubby does. now they dare not to talk to him too cuz he doesnt even answer them! he just won't be angry or sad ... well just no reaction on what they say... so they're so 'mo yan' and won't talk to him la.
    <br>hm...that's so good. i hope i can be like him.

  • aa,
    <br>yes ar. when i go to their house, my 99 always '由頭scan 到腳' ga!!! chi sin ga!!! i usually just wear jeans and jacket... nothing special, but she still wants to pick sth to blame me. ALSO, she wanna see if my husband bought anything new to me lor... din din dei.
    <br>u know last weekend... i wore the same old stuff with sports shoes only. so she's nothing to blame me. then she immediately thought of sth else!!! so 'clever'! she said 'why don't you take off your jacket immediately ar? you're very cold here mei?' fxxk!!! i just went inside the house jar wor??? what the fxxk was she talking? she always wears MANY CLOTHES both at home and outside la. din ga! and i just went inside and they didnt turn on the heat (they save $ all the time!) sigh... ho bin tai... bin tai!!!

  • SS, 我奶奶咪又係咁, 返鄉下擺入伙酒, 迫人地"放低個手袋". 佢d 鄉下地方, 阿豬阿狗都入來食飯, 手袋放在櫃內. 得把銷仔. 房門又大開中門. 真係xyz
    <br>剛才奶奶又煮人參. 我死都反抗. 老公出聲話我吃緊西藥. 奶奶先收聲.
    <br>fxxk. 佢自己唔食.又唔理我m 到 定食西藥. 成日要我食佢既野.
    <br>剛才, 我話唔飲. 佢全程黑面. (搬左,就唔洗睇人地"黑面") ~~~~

  • 今日老公個大佬又short啦, 無端端打比亞二, 話62出年70歲, 諗住點搞喎, 嘩! 出年四月先係, 洗唔洗咁早呀, 好心short少陣啦

  • cywong ,你大伯..有病.

  • aa,
    <br>佢一直都有病架, 所以我都諗緊明晚會唔會過到骨呀, 過到骨到時係咪團年個時出來食飯見到先算

  • cywong,
    <br>你明晚做冬? 着多件衫呀! 實過到骨嘅!

  • wind-hk,
    <br>you're very funny! but yes, be careful cywong!
    <br>btw... my 99 also 'informed' us about the 做冬 thing la. my 62 & 99 are always like that... they'll 'inform' you as early as possible (this time they're late ga la). then when we were eating dinner, they said, 'OK next Saturday we 做冬, so come home earlier to have dinner. Then next next Saturday, we celebrate Christmas..."
    <br>when she said that....i felt so unhappy ga la... cuz i knew whats coming next! she then really asked, " how many holidays do you have during christmas?"... see? she wants us to go there to stay overnite!!! that's the scary part! sigh...

  • 我99月頭時己講邊日做冬 .. 講果時仲話"你屋企邊日做呀,睇吓駛唔駛就時間"
    <br>車!!! 我媽真係無咁煩,邊日都得,唔做都仲得呀!一家人食飯之嘛,咩時間都一樣啦!!!!

  • cywong

  • ss
    <br>因佢之前成日都話街d人著咁低都唔知做乜,話d人露嘢比人睇喎!!!!!!!!我真係頂佢唔順 ..
    <br>唉! 我都唔識點講好!!!!

  • aa

  • >__<,
    <br>佢係short架, 所以二嫂都話佢想幫62擺返10圍8圍, 顯示自己考順呀嘛

  • Hi sisters,
    <br>I had some scary story and want to share here. One nite, my bf's mum called him that she will stay overnite @ our place. My bf asked her any reasons and she got mad and saying " I can come anytime and stay overnite if I want!!"
    <br>Ok, then we waited till 10:30pm, she got in( she got the keys). My bf ignored her and I was so embrassed so I only say "Hi" to her. Then she opened the glass cabinet and fixing the little dolls(some toys, doreaemon and kitty), close the door, and open and fix and close and open and close for 30 MINS!!! I dono y she had to put the toys in right place cos they are already in a right position!!!! Then she checked what's in the drawer and seems not happy and "BANG" ! the drawer. Me and my bf were shaking and I keep calling my fd what to do!!! (of coz I hide in bedroom) .
    <br>And then, my bf asked her anything wrong or not happy, she ignored him and closed the door.
    <br>I couldn't sleep that nite and got my mobile next to my pillow and ready to call 999!!!

  • licapink,天下間既奶奶當個仔屋企係自己屋企. 我奶奶都自把自為唔出聲去個仔屋企, 如果你奶奶仲無lala 去你屋企. 唔好理佢, 唔好彩佢. 笑笑口叫聲"aunt".就算

  • >__<,
    <br>Wa... your 99 is exactly the same as mine!!!
    <br>1. Inform as early as possible about the 'festival dinner' - Mid-autumn, Chung Yeung, Christmas, New year, Chinese New Year... AND... suprising------- EVEN GHOST FESTIVAL!!! you see? they 're so din... i haven't heard of anyone who'll 'celebrate' ghost festival lor! so to speak, they just wanna 'celebrate EVERYTHING so that they can ask everybody to go home (except my bro-in-law... he's so happy la... he moved very far away ar!!!)
    <br>2. She's not satisfied with EVERYTHING we wear or give her!!! Ok once my mom came to the US to visit me, it's that 8 po 99 who asked my mom to bring over some towels from HK. Ok so my mom was so nice and she bought her so many towels... then now my 99 complained that those towels are not good lor... not even once wor! shxt... does she know what is 'politeness'??? i wonder lor. someone bought her sth from so far away and she still complaint! and i dont know why she doesnt buy those here lor... i think she's just so 'qoo hon'!!!
    <br>Then few weeks ago, my 'qoo yeah' brought her a travel bag, then she complaint immediately! wa... so impolite lor! u know what she said, 'this size is not that good wor, it's useless!' din ga! my qoo yeah of course didnt give it to her directly or talked to her la. he also hates her a lot lor.

  • hey i forgot to say that my 99 complaint about the bag in front of my qoo yeah!! she's really annoying!
    <br>your bf's mother is also very crazy wor. i think she's even worse than mine! what's she doing ar? she's not a kid anymore? can't she let her son live his life? so bin tai!!! you better ask your bf to change the lock or sth... not so safe!
    <br>your 99 is also very bin tai. and i really dont know why they NEVER accept other ppl's opinion! my 99 is very stubborn ga. sometimes even my 62 (REMARK: he's not so nice too!) can't stand her and asks her to shut up! but then she still keeps talking lor! really very annoying!
    <br>but aa, you're moving la ma, so you better think of the bright side now. hehe think about how to decorate your new apartment!

  • Sorry sorry...i know it's sooooo long but thinking of my 99, i really can't stop.
    <br>U know i got married in June and of course, these traditional chinese ppl should give me some jewellery for my 'ga jon'. haha but tell u what my qoo hon 99 of course won't be so nice to me la. Suddenly she's not so traditional la wor?! what the fxxk! u know she told me, 'it's useless and not necessary to give 'lung fung bracelet' ga la, so i'll give you a 'yuk' bracelet and a pearl necklace. haha.... see? so cheap lor. that yuk bracelet is so ugly that i never wear (not even during the wedding) and ok i like pearl, then i just wore that pearl necklace from her jar. btw... she bought that thing in China long time ago ga. sigh...
    <br>Even my mom said that she's so qoo hon lor... :(

  • 我昨日一去到酒樓, 除咗件外套, 99就望住我個肚, 其實我己經著咗件好厚的冷衫, 根本睇唔出, 到食片皮鴨, 佢叫

  • 我昨日一去到酒樓, 除咗件外套, 99就望住我個肚, 其實我己經著咗件好厚的冷衫, 根本睇唔出, 到食片皮鴨, 佢叫

  • 我昨日一去到酒樓, 除咗件外套, 99就望住我個肚, 其實我己經著咗件好厚的冷衫, 根本睇唔出, 到食片皮鴨, 佢叫我食, 我話我唔食, 佢話係呀, 唔好食鴨呀, 我話, 我從來都唔食鴨, 佢話, 你從來都唔食架, 根住又找番以前話同我哋都有食過, 咁來問我, 不過我無啋佢

  • cywong,
    <br>你99試你呀? 點解唔直接問姐, 咁無聊嘅? 咁你咪即係過咗骨呀?

  • wind_hk,
    <br>我都唔知, 不過我點都會等佢哋續咗份租約, 同埋己經同老公講好咗, 一定要等到做團年出來比佢哋見到, 先出聲, 唔係都唔會講, 因為費時到時大佬搞事, 又幫佢哋搬返出來就真係多得佢唔少啦
    <br>我睇見佢99, 62 & 大佬當侄仔好以三歲咁, 都成12歲, 仲送埋d公仔嘢比佢, 嘩! 男仔來架, 你估仲細咩

  • cywong,
    <br>你侄仔? 即你62&99已經有男孫? 咁仲咁緊張做咩喎!

  • wind_hk,
    <br>佢哋好耐無抱孫呀嘛, 之前侄仔五歲個時, 二嫂又剛剛無咗第二個bb, 咁佢咪叫大嫂生囉, 話男又好, 女又好, 一個都好呀, 搞到大嫂即時走, 而家擺到明佢咁多個仔之中, 除咗我最大希望會生之外, 都無啦, 佢咪short囉

  • 搞x錯. 明明講左,自己食緊西藥, 奶奶係都要煲人參湯,土伏令, 怕我唔死咁.(99仲話,唔怕,飲la.
    <br>懶好人問我今晚想飲乜湯. 問左幾次. 好la 我話[鹹魚頭豆腐湯],,,點知, 變左, 豬骨豆腐湯. 又肥又怪雞. 我同老公都傷風. 仲煮雞食.
    <br>唉.... 忍ar.仲有三個星期!!!!
    <br>老公話... 搬左出去, 就一星期返去吃一次飯.. 好...我暫時應承住..到時,就唔理咁多

  • cywong,
    <br>yes ar, dont tell them now... your 99 and bro-in-law are too ma fan!
    <br>yes yes,.. dont even go there once a week... still very annoying!
    <br>like what i'm doing now... even once a week, i still can't stand them.
    <br>u know last weekend, my lo yeah and 99 said it's for the 'winter' thing gei... it turned out its the celebration of 99's b/d.
    <br>wa... so cheap! they wanted us to go there to celebrated her b/d and tested if we remember! so bin tai!
    <br>and then we had to go to restaurant to have dinner with her and cut the cake at home. u know my 'qoo yeah' didnt even stand there when she cut the cake! he just sat in the living room to play computer! u see? they're like kids!
    <br>and my 99 EVENTUALLY gave me a lei si for my b/d ! cuz she's so happy that day and she finally felt 'embarrassed' that she didnt celebrate with me (and didnt plan to). she thought she 'won' the battle gwa. so she told me 'oh sorry we forgot to give you the lei si last time!' chiu!!! what ? 'forgot? impossible lor.

  • sigh.. u see? even i go there once a week, there're still so many 'stories' to tell !
    <br>if i continue there're many more...sigh...

  • ss ,如果真係一星期返去一次. 我仍然會用十分鐘吃完碗飯. then 閃開. (完全唔會理奶奶)
    <br>不過,奶奶見我地搬走, 佢一定會立即返鄉下,"搏我地搬返去"
    <br>家陣,最頭痛係. 唔搬走d 傢俬, (床,櫃等).就要買過. 真係好憎奶奶!!!!!

  • SS,
    <br>其實個個星期見, 真係好煩喎, 我一年見個幾次都咁煩, 係呢, 你哋而家好似未有小朋友呵, 有的話, 咪仲煩

    <br>我睇到你寫呢度真係笑咗出黎,原來真係會有人同我99一樣連呢個節都要食飯 ...

  • cywong
    <br>你就好啦,一年見幾次 ...

  • aa
    <br>佢即刻話羊補身呀!我話食第2 d都可以補啫,唔食就唔食架啦,之後佢咪黑面囉.

  • >__<,
    <br>佢真係癲架, 咩都關佢事, 第時等佢哋知道之後, 我就會比場好戲佢哋睇架啦

  • 剛才, 奶奶煮'菠蘿豬扒' , 俾佢嚇死. 都唔知乜來, 老公鬧佢, 99 仲笑笑口. 想個仔同佢講野. 就更係搵d 野俾人鬧.
    <br>>___< 唔好食.

  • aa & >___<,
    <br>Speaking of soup & food, my 99's the same ga!!! she always cooks some 'healthy' soup (she thinks it's healthy)... u know it's sooooooo tasteless or had bad smell. She boils those soup w/o salt and oil (nothing!), no meat.... just nothing but bad/ weird smell... even worse than 'fu cha'! Sometimes i just drank a little bit and poured the rest into the sink when she couldnt see! U know she even forced us to drink more than one! 62 & 99 are both bin tai! if they're so healthy, why dont they just be vegetarians!
    <br>And for the food, my 99 always buys so many fruit/ vegetables and forces us to bring them home! chi sin ga... she always said they're cheap, or those are cheaper in SF and then forced us to bring them home lor! din din dei! some of her stuff are rotten already! how can we eat ar?
    <br>but aa, she's a bit better than yours gei... at least no weird dishes lor. Cuz she wont like those challeges and she's so 'healthy'!

  • >__< ,
    <br>hahahaha... your 99 also celebrates ghost festival??? wa.... !!!! what a news! i can't believe there's still anyone in the world who celebrates this?! u know, my 99 immigrated to the US for 40 years and she's still like this ga?! chi sin ga! why can't she be westernized... just a tiny little bit is enough for me!

  • cywong,
    <br>I dont have any kids now. So it's better. Otherwise she may 'boil' more weird soup for me. Yuck!
    <br>And yes, even going there every weekend is so annoying. Now i also try to be like my qoo yeah, just hide behind the TV/ computer and ignore them. they're just too annoying!
    <br>u know i used to go to their damn house earlier ga (even not staying overnite still soooooo bad), then i lost my temper again and told my husband i can't stand it and asked him to go there as late as possible. u know it's hard to stay there for more than an hour... :(

  • SS ,我奶奶就相反, 唔會叫人拎生果, (因為慳), 佢話外嫁女係外家拎野, 會拎窮外家.
    <br>各位,你地d 99 晨咁早講'做冬' 我99 就相反. 唔問,都唔講, 昨晚一問佢,幾時做. (見我同佢講野, )就開心話... 星期五, 不過, 鄉下就會早一日.....(then 老公又鬧,叫佢收聲)

  • 好過份~~. 同老公傾-買傢俬. 佢話張table 要買好d. 買貴 d 都唔緊要. 第二時,可以搬返屋企用!!!
    <br>屋企?? , 原來老公係諗全有日會搬返去同奶奶住!!!!!!
    <br>我講左句[如果,搬返去,即係我好折墮. 好pk ,先要返去]. .... 好傷心~~~

  • aa,
    <br>其實你有無問過你老公, 係咪唔想唔理個亞媽, 我老公話到明將來都唔洗我同99住, 仲要我媽咪無人理, 佢都會同我媽咪住, 我先嫁

  • aa,
    <br>唔好唔開心啦, 同佢慢慢傾下啦

  • aa,
    <br>同埋你要同你老公認真傾下99的問題, 唔好成日比呢d嘢影響心情, 同埋係咪你老公同99話咗搬咗出去, 第時都會搬番返去咁呀

  • 我老公唔會直面同99衝動, 只會叫佢收聲, 發脾氣掉野, 大力關門. 全家人. 其他仔女, 無一個人會坐定同奶奶傾.
    <br>老公話[如果佢失業,就要搬返去同奶奶住]....唉.. 佢份工係contract. 真係有點危. 不過,見步行步.橫掂都唔會生bb.

  • aa,
    <br>don't be so upset la. then your husband has his reason gei. if his job is a contract, there's a reason he'll be worried.but be optimistic, he will find another job! then u wont have to move back with your 99.

  • ss ,我死都唔搬返去. 家陣租'過萬既樓", 老公份工有事.. 咪租平d . 最多, 我一個人出$$ 租樓. 奶奶住緊層居屋. 老公無$$供,(1) 叫奶奶自己找拎$$出來. (2)賣左層樓去. 叫奶奶同個大仔住.
    <br>層樓無我名. 我一定唔會供. 因為,就算為頭家幾努力. 佢地都唔會多謝我

  • 間屋.. 初步assume 下星期會 維修漏水部份, 但係,仲未有確定時間表. 唉..好心急. 最近,隔日失眠. 昨晚三點先zzzz,大前日又兩點

  • aa
    <br>點解會無時間表架 ... 你已簽哂租屋係咪??

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