好驚奶奶 ~~~

  • ss
    <br>原來世界真係有人因呢個節食飯 ..

  • >_< , 如果1月6 日收key, 1月15日才起租. 我睇租盤,睇左成三個月. 搵到心水盤,再帶師傅去睇. 今次個單位, 因為漏水,所以比其他頂樓單位, 平左2千元. 由於想hold 個單位, 於是 俾左1個月按金.. (不過,事前已經知道, 外wall 滲水,要大廈管理處整 而且,會在12月尾先整...)
    <br>整好,都要等業主油下wall. 先入伙. 所以,睇怕都要一月中.
    <br>不過, 媽咪話唔好...唉

  • aa,
    <br>hope you can move in the new apt asap la! i know how you feel when living with your in-laws. u know i lived with them for 5 days when i 1st came to the US... there's no freedom at all!

  • btw... last nite was my 99's birthday and we celebrated together last Saturday la. And my husband also sent her a birthday card. But i knew 99 would call last nite ga la. this is her excuse to call and check on us. So last nite she called when we were having dinner with a friend in a restaurant. she's soooooo 'ma fan'! my hubby told her we're eating already but she still kept talking and talking. OK i knew exactly what she's asking even i didnt talk to her(i didnt want to). Let me give u the 'script':
    <br>99: I got your b/d card la. Thank you. Have you had dinner yet?
    <br>hubby: oh ok. We're eating now.
    <br>99: oh it's so late already. it's not good to eat so late. what are you eating? it's so noisy there (she said this EVERY TIME)
    <br>hubby: oh we're having dinner with a friend in the restaurant.
    <br>99: Eating out again? what restaurant?
    <br>hubby: we're eating Italian food.
    <br>99: What italian food? Italian food is not good for you. it's so oily and too much cheese and ... (whatever, everything is not healthy for her except the food she cooks)
    <br>hubby: ok la.
    <br>99: why is it so noisy? (again!) who're the ppl talking at the back?
    <br>hubby: oh its XX (me) and my friend talking.
    <br>99: oh i was thinking why it is so noisy. So are you coming home this Saturday (bullshxt... she 'informed' us to go already)
    <br>hubby: yes. we're going home on Sat.
    <br>99: what should we eat on Sat?
    <br>hubby: you decide la.
    <br>99: how about...?
    <br>hubby: whatever you like la.
    <br>99: ok so come home earlier this Sat. And finish your dinner early la. It's so late already (shxt if it wasnt her we could have finished earlier! )
    <br>see? my 99 always finds some excuse to call and bother us. no matter what time it is!

  • SS 你奶奶咁長氣..無野搵d 野來講. 好似我奶奶咁, 同人講電話,講是非, 成粒鐘都唔會收線.
    <br>[有家歸不得], 今天做冬. 可以早點走, 但係我唔想返屋企,唔想見到奶奶, 今早返工,見到佢(都唔叫佢). 昨晚,師傅通知我..已經選左幾個入伙日子(1月入伙) . 所以,要追緊d 業主

  • aa,
    <br>yes la, my 99 just can't stop. sometimes, she calls us every nite (when we're having dinner !) to talk about the same thing! very annoying lor! i just hate her more and more. its like even she doesnt live with us, she still wants to 'involve' and disturb our lives!
    <br>for the winter festival, did your 99 call and ask you to go home earlier? i totally understand how u feel... i hope u'll be able to move out asap!

  • oh yes i forgot to say... my 99 asked the same questions to check on us every time! and the questions are so 'detailed' that i think she's the police asking questions! haha no jokes! Just the tone is different... sigh... no freedom!!!

  • ss

  • aa
    <br>依家個仔要搬走 .. 係佢人生中最最最大件事!!

  • aa,
    <br>我有睇開你哋啲 post,但因為我無乜婆媳問題,所以無留言。
    <br>所以,小心 handle !

  • aa,
    <br>lokchu己經覆咗你, 你返去個個topic個度睇一睇

  • aa,
    <br>仲有, 你有無同你老公商量過, 如果第時bb出咗世, 邊個揍, 我驚佢到時話要比自己亞媽揍, 仲要你搬返番去同佢住, 所以你哋要傾清楚

  • aa & cywong,
    <br>Merry Christmas!
    <br>hey cywong, my 99 and lo yeah used to call me in day time too (to check on me too! chi sin). But after a while, i didnt wanna hear their voice so i didnt even answer their phone, so they dont call me anymore. at 1st every time i saw them they'd ask me why i didnt ans the phone ga... i just lied that i wasnt carrying my phone hahaha. besides, they'd call my hubby if theres emergency anyways.
    <br>aa, about your situation, i also agree that u shouldnt tell her yet. she'll go crazy and make plans to threaten u guys to stay at her house for sure! so tolerate a bit longer!

  • 我有咗b b 之後, 我 99 & 62 都無理過我 or 對我好d.. 而且仲時時在我面前話我不是.. 之後我曾向老公 compliant, 但老公不停說我唔會了他們的意思.. 之後我對老公講不想再見他們直至我生咗才算.. 但在冬至當日出來食飯, 我 99 突然比了一封大利是我, 叫我生咗之後買嘢食補身..
    <br>佢使我好突然, 真的估佢唔到..而老公的眼神話我知, 佢亞媽是對我好好.. 是我自己唔會了..

  • ss,cywong , 哥斯拉.... 多謝大家關心. 我已經放左風俾姑奶聽. 新年前,會搬(因為已搵到屋). 不過,幾時入伙/收樓, 就無出聲.
    <br>我考慮緊好唔好講個漂亮大話. e.g 間屋風水唔好. 婚後三年都無BB, 所以搵間風水屋. .... BTW, 老公同意左將整間房D 床, 櫃全部搬走. .. 不過,搬運費都要二千六(如果買新既,AROUND 三千二左右)
    <br>唉,好頭痛!!!!. 今個聖誕洗左好多$$$. 昨天和姑奶去東莞. 佢老公BOOK 左五星級酒店. ,老公又衰好人. 幫佢地找酒店數.. 激到死.
    <br>TO 衰人, 千其唔好難過 , 日後,你生左BB, 對返62,99 好咪得 ~~~~.

  • 原來黑口黑面,真的好有用,現在99 唔敢再叫我. 亦唔會同我講野, 互相當對方透明. 99現在只會煩老公. 今天假期, 佢唔敢再煮好午飯,迫我地吃!!! 我本身是一個樂天派. 鍾意笑 ~~. (現在,黑口黑面,真的有點辛苦. 不過,還有三個星期. 就可以搬!!!!)
    <br>agent 話今個星期四,開始維修. 睇下要做幾耐?! 師傅擇左月尾俾我入伙 ~~~, 希望一齊順利 !!!
    <br>HAPPY NEW YEAR ~

  • aa and everyone,
    <br>Happy New Year !
    <br>But i'm not sure if i'll be happy. tell u what... yes... treating 99 as transparent works......BUT she still bothers us by calling my hubby EVERYDAY. u know this week my husband has holiday... so she wanted us to stay over there very much! of course we didnt stay there! and she also wanted to come down to our house too! (wa... no way! luckily she lives so far away!) u know she uses a lemon tree as an excuse to come down here. she said that we dont know how to plant the tree and so she has to come here to help us! i told her many times that we can just bring back the seeds and plant ourselves but she wouldn't let us do so. See? this is just another excuse to check on us. and whenever she comes here, i know she'll comment this and that about our house! also she wants to bring lotssssssssss of rubbish to our house (she always wants to force us to bring back those UGLY vases, bedsheets... those things she doesnt want and has plenty!) :(
    <br>and then so we didnt agree to stay there and she cant come here now...so she calls us EVERYNITE to check on us. I'm VERY ANGRY although she didnt call me but my husband lor. u know as i said... it's dinner time every nite! and asked what we're doing before and why we eat/cook dinner so late (chi sin it's not so late it's just she has nothing to do and finishes dinner early jar!) wa... so angry! and then she also asked my hubby where i am ! fxxk her! it's not her business!

  • tell u what, although i dont want to type here when my hubby's home, i really cant help it this time. she called about the same time last nite when our friends were all here too. and she just kept talking non-stop!
    <br>and i know she must think that i didnt cook and my hubby did all the work too. cuz whenever she called, my hubby said he's cooking dinner then she asked where i was! shxt whatever she thinks... i just hate it!

  • SS, 你老公好老實.. 你99好Q 煩. 成日打電話俾你地. 天下間既奶奶都當新抱唔識煮飯, 唔識照顧個仔. 最好,D 99同個仔住 幫佢蓋被. 幫佢沖涼. (D 99 有病)
    <br>我99, 每晚'掛D 衫係WINDOW 邊', 開到好大隻, 凍到我死... 佢真係有病....

  • aa,
    <br>YES, d 99 always think that they're the only one who can take care of their son! but dont they know that their son is not a kid anymore???
    <br>and i know... most traditional 99 think that it's better to leave the windows wide open to dry their clothes... chi sin ga!
    <br>and tell u what... i checked my mobile phone last nite... my 99 did call me once before she called my hubby! that means...although she dared not to call me, she still had to call me cuz she called her son every nite already!!!
    <br>yes u're right... my hubby is a very good son... thats why my 62 and 99 like him the best (he's a bro and a sis). sigh... this should be a good thing... but now i really dont know :(

  • i want to add that their love towards their son becomes a burden to me-- they become more picky on his beloved son's wife! (although they also dislike their other son and daughter's other half)... sigh...

  • SS, 99打你mobile,. 唔聽得唔得?? 我姊妹99又係咁. 去左加拿大都日日打俾個仔. 我姊妹,直頭唔聽電話.
    <br>前日, 叫左奶奶一聲. 佢以為friend 返. 今早,又企起書房門口. 問我早餐食乜?!!.. 我立刻關門. 叫佢問個仔!!!! 好x 煩.
    <br>** 搬屋消息**要整兩個星期. 希望一月十五日有key 收

  • 99好Q 煩, 我同老公係書房. 關左門. 係都要拍拍拍拍門. ,要你地應佢. 頂. 嘈乜. [你落街咪落街. 成日做小動作!!!! 係都要拍門. 話'你落街'
    <br>好憎99 !!!!!. 我已經唔敢同你講野. 怕左你. 搵地方搬. 點解,連假日,你都要唔俾安樂日子我過!!!!
    <br>你當我係乜!!!!! 琉具AR!!!!! 鍾意,就扮好人. 唔鍾意又扮喊, 又扮慘人.!!!
    <br>我忍你!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 忍多兩星期!!!!!!

  • aa,
    <br>yes ar...i havent answered my 99/lo yeah's call for a long time. but they still call sometimes ar. cuz at 1st, i was just polite so i answered their call. and then they always called me... so now i dont answer their call la! too ma fan!
    <br>hey your 99's really ma fan too! even she goes out, she just said once and then leaves lor, she doesnt have to knock at the door so many times! she's so crazy! sigh... i guess she just wanna catch your attention. just like my 99.
    <br>btw... she also called earlier! so bin tai. just told us there's sth to see on TV! she just has all kinds of excuse! and then last Saturday we went there for dinner... they had so much to say again! tell u what...i feel very angry... cuz they looked down upon me lor.. why? cuz i studied in HK! So what? they seem to think that i know nothing and i dont know any English! btw... it's them who only know simple english even after they're here for 40n years!!! fxxk them! they asked me to spend money to study English, then go to university again!

  • i hate these ppl who ALWAYS pretend that they know everything and they're superior! i hate when they say HK universities are useless (my degree should be internationally recognised!) no matter what... i studied unversity and although i'm not smart, i'm not as stupid as them! and now they even wanna manipulate what i do. they said that i should study English for a year and then study for a business degree. chi sin! i do what i like to do, i dont think it's their business!

  • 姑奶個奶奶 既印傭借大耳x $$$$. 於是,兩年媛既姪女無人接放學.
    <br>(2)奶奶話自己唔得閒 , 剛剛找到工做,每日四小時.唔得閒......... 又話朋友叫到.唔可以唔做.....
    <br>(3)then.. 姑奶請part-time . (4)奶奶又話'如果要洗$$$, 就唔好.....[但係都無話幫手]
    <br>(5)兩日後.. 今晚食飯, 奶奶不停話,自己無記性.. 又扮慘..
    <br>我忍唔住串佢[無記性?? 又去返工? 自己連個孫女都唔睇.] 佢仲講大話.話個女唔洗佢去.
    <br>頂. 咁既奶奶.... 真係好乞人憎

  • wa... she's so mean ga. your qoo 9 asked her to pick up the little girl for a week only! and your 99's also very good at acting!
    <br>btw... i forgot i left my burberry handbag in my husband's bedroom in his parents' house ar!!!!!!!!!!! My luggage was too full when i moved to the US and then my husband didnt want to take the bigger luggage to here before. Then i put that bag with my other stuff in the bag.... :( :( :(
    <br>now i brought all my stuff over except that little bag of things! (i had to do so cuz they said i couldn't leave my stuff there!!! chi sin! it's their son's bedroom! obviously they treat me as an outsider lor!)
    <br>sorry... my mainpoint is... that's the most expensive handbag i've ever had (my only one....!!!!!!!!!) ... i'm afraid they'll throw it away or what! :( :(

  • 向所有同奶奶同住的媳婦致敬。與奶奶同住只會令自己快一點入青山。為什麼天下間的奶奶也喜歡講大話及裝模作樣? 好難理解?! 我個人黑白得太分明,又執著又火爆,同奶奶住只會係一個 lost lost game。

  • 梁太, 你講我好對 同奶奶住. 真係會迫自己發癲. 昨晚,同姑奶食飯.. 佢無意間話,女鬧阿媽就得. 鬧奶奶就一唔得[擺明諷刺我]. !!!! 我串返佢[ 家陣當奶奶透明,亦當自己透明 , 我收到KEY, 買齊傢俬就搬走, 奶奶方面, 你地去搞掂, 我唔會同佢講野]
    <br>SS , 你會唔會返99度吃飯 ?? 返去果陣拎返. 佢地會唔會咁衰, 問都唔問你, 就掉左去??

  • yes Ms Leung... even i dont live with my in-laws, i'm going mad already!
    <br>i got back my handbag last Saturday la... btw, i go back there to have dinner with them EVERY SATURDAY. But i swear i won't go there this Saturday... i'd rather stay at home alone... :( i'm very unhappy....
    <br>1. i'm alone in the US w/o my family and good friends
    <br>2. my lo yeah and 99 always think that i'm using their beloved son's $ (i brought over my own $ too fxxk them!), that's why they keep pushing me to learn to drive asap and find a job ( i want to do this too but i had to apply for adjustment of status 1st)
    <br>3. i was 'scolded' by them SUDDENLY last Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're angry that although i received my green card in the end of Dec (so you see just a few weeks!) i still haven't learnt to drive yet! Bin tai ga!!!!
    <br> ---> i've another friend who's learning to drive and i wanna know if her instructor is good 1st
    <br>---> me learning to drive or not is not their business
    <br>---> they accused me of not staying over nite there but not learning to drive during holiday (we told them that we had to renovate the house during X'mas; besides even though i did nothing during the holiday, i would never go there to stay overnite lor!)
    <br>you see? they're very unreasonable to me! and the week before, i already told them i'm finding someone to teach me to drive already. then a week later, my lo yeah suddenly said that 'i thought you learnt to drive and got the license already! (what the fxxk was he talking about? i couldnt be able to drive in a week ha ma????) why's it taking you so long? what did you do during the holiday? i thought you two didnt stay over nite here cuz you were busy in learning to drive' FXXK!!!! it's my own business! and i'd never ever stay overnite there anymore! he's crazy!
    <br>and then i dont know why the hell he lost his temper on me suddenly and kept scolding me during and after dinner! and i still had to pretend to be calm and just said i knew nothing about learnign to drive and i wanted to know about it from my friend... shxt!
    <br>they're bin tai! they thought i'm their daughter-in-law and they could be so rude to me and look down upon me! i'll not go there this weekend again. they've been 'pretending ' to care so much for me be nice cuz their beloved son's there and asked me the same questions over and over already (about driving, job...). until last weekend they lost temper and scolded me in front of their belove son! alright, so you see they're the same you 99... very good at acting until then!
    <br>i'm very unhappy and upset now! i can't act anymore, i'm not going back this Saturday to be scolded by my fxxking in-laws!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  • sorry it's so long... but i'm so sad now and have no one to talk to.... tell you what... they're so good at acting and asking us back every week by asking us to buy this and that too.
    <br>one week, it's this vitamin, antoher week, it's that vitamin or pills... fxxk! why couldnt they just make a list and ask us to buy them at the same time? i know why... they want us to go back there every week and they know their beloved son won't say no.
    <br>also, they think that it must be me who makes their son not staying overnite every weekend (he used to do so).... they're bin tai! :(

  • ss,
    <br>你 62&99 又真係太過喎,更唔啱佢心意,都無理由鬧你架喎!佢鬧你個時,你老公有咩反應呀?俾著我係你,我會叫我老公快啲一齊走,仲要以後免得過都唔見佢。如果你老公一定要逢星期六返去,咁你叫佢自己返啦,以為你咪返喇,俾啲立場你老爺奶奶睇都好吖!支持你!

  • SS,
    <br>I won't go to your 62 & 99's home every weekend if I were you! They won't respect you, so you needless to respect them also!

  • 路過,
    <br>thank you for supporting me. i told my good friends today. they all told me to stay away from them. cuz it's like i treat them better, they push me harder. i thought it'd be ok after not staying overnite at their house, but now it's even worse. they just take things for granted. their other daugher/ son seldom go back, they can tolerate, we just dont stay overnite (but still go back every weekend), they're still not satisfied and think i'm the one who stirred things up.
    <br>so my friends all said that they crossed the bottom line and involved too much, so i shouldn't go back now.
    <br>and yes, i'm going to tell my husband to go back himself... actually i wasnt happy with him too. cuz he said nothing while they scolded me! i know he didnt know what to say/didnt wnat to involve. but u see, i'm so helpless! they must think that they won the battle and can treat me even worse later. i'm very sad.... their involvement surely ruins my husband and i's relationship too. :(
    <br>that's why it's nearly 3am here now, but i still can't sleep....

  • ss,
    <br>講真喎,你老公真係有啲問題喎,你嫁佢都係信得過佢會 protect 你同照顧你嘛,但而家佢一粒聲都無出過喎。唔好話鬧返你 62&99 喇,講啲好話,緩和吓氣氛都好吖!你真係要同佢傾吓呢個問題呀,但你唔好 complain 你62&99,啲做仔嘅係唔鍾意,掉轉佢話你父母你都唔鍾意啦。但你要同佢話你感受,而家你已經好難再對住佢哋,話你唔想再同佢哋衝突,所以都係唔返啦。希望你老公會企係你個邊啦!
    <br>don't be sad, 係呢到同大家傾吓,個人會 balance 啲!

  • SS, 個個老公.都係唔出聲. 一個星期食一次飯,[當做慈善, 我阿嫂一食完飯,九秒九彈開. 自己坐係度睇書]
    <br>今晚又家無寧日,99掛住返工. 唔湊孫.仲七點先返到屋企. 煮飯又求其!!!!. finally, 老公發脾氣今個星期唔返去食飯!!!
    <br>好lor 好lor.. 快d 搬,快d 搬

  • 路過 & aa,
    <br>yes i understand that my husband didnt say anything cuz he doesnt want to confront his parents. last nite... i couldnt sleep and finally he woke up to see what's up with me (probably it's just the light). i told him i'm not going back home anymore cuz i dont feel good. he just said that he'll take care of me and all that, and then he said that the pt is not going back or not (What? it is!). he also comforted me by saying that his parents just care about us. and he also said that if they said these things again, i can just ignore them. What???? this is not care! he's sooooooo stupid! and i'm a human being... how can i ignore them when i keep getting scolded by them???
    <br>ok they care about him but not me for sure. and yes, 路過 you're right, he just doesnt understand cuz he loves his parents and they love him so much. this time... he just hurt my feelings... no matter what i said, he just said that i can just ignore them. so does that mean that i still have to go back? no way!
    <br>now i just feel so poor and i wanna give up if it continues to be like this. i'm all alone in the US and even my only loved one wont support me...

  • aa ,
    <br>i also wanna be like your 嫂, just eat dinner and leave asap is so good! but u know i already go there as late as possible now but still it doesnt work. every time we step inside their house, they started to complain, and said, 'where did you two go? it's so late already! every week you're like!... ' fuxk them, we're late but we were still there! dont they know that their other son/ daughter wont even show up?!
    <br>back to your case, when's your house ready?? hope you can move asap! your 99 is short short dei gei, it's even better when she's not cooking dinner la, then you 2 can go out to eat and dont have to face her!

  • SS, 既然你逃避唔到'去你99屋企食飯', 那麼, 當施捨兩粒鐘俾佢地.... 做善事

  • SS,

  • 或者試下佢地講咩都望住佢地雙眼微笑,佢地可能會驚驚地唔知妳做咩

  • hi all,
    <br>2 nites ago, i finally couldn't tolerate anymore and i talked (better say 'lost my control') to my husband. I told him this won't work and i can't just sit there and pretend that i'm ok with their blame. i told him his parents had crossed the line/ broke the rule of this game. they dont even pretend to respect me in front of their son now. and they only 'focused' on blaming me for this and that EVERY time i go there. i can only foresee that they'll treaat me even worse if i just sit there w/o their son saying anything to help. Cuz last time they were so happy that their son didnt say anything. they obviously treated this as an approval lor. and then they just continued to scold me for the whole dinner and even after. shxt how can i go there anymore?
    <br>so i told my husband... i won't go there every week anymore. and i also said that he wouldn't protect me from their humiliation. and i'm a human being so if i continue to tolerate, i'll have nervous breakdown. so the conclusion is- if he wants to go there, he goes by himself. i'll stay home alone... at least i'll feel more peaceful.
    <br>then i'll only go there when my sis-in-law and her husband also go (thats the best thing i can do).

  • u know what... i went every time just cuz my husband (who's the good son) wants to go there every week. i was so pissed off that i told him it's he who put me in danger. cuz the more they see me, the more they think i've no power over them and their good son (they think he's on their side). his fuxking parents just treat me as an idiot.
    <br>so i tell my husband, if he continues to force me to go back there... i'll just go back to HK. Cuz i can't trust him anymore.... u know i'm really so disappointed about him. :(

  • 冷靜d,唔好為左奶奶塙差同老公嘅關係

  • SS , d 老公都係受軟唔受硬. 既然去奶奶都唔受人respect ,又俾人串, 唔好去.
    <br>好似我咁... 喊la... 老公一話要去同99食飯, 就喊. 但唔好直面同老公嘈.... [我都係晚晚喊. 完全唔出聲.. 等老公驚... then 再同老公講.. [我再對住xxx, 就一定喊]
    <br>then 再唔係,叫你媽咪同老公講. 俾壓力你老公. 等你唔洗同99食飯.

  • aa,
    <br>i also cried when i did that... cuz i really thought that going back to HK is not what i want. but in here no one supports me. thats what i told him. u know i'm alone here in the US... just felt so poor.

  • ss,
    <br>我都明你係美國好無助,因為無親人朋友 support 你,所以,你大前題係唔好同你老公嘈呀,而係要有佢 support 囉。同埋呢到有班姊妹支持你,cheer up !

  • 如無意外, 下星期,就可以搬入新居 除了TV, 水壺未買.. 其他傢俬全部都訂左
    <br>奶奶?? 當時未知.

  • 路過,
    <br>thanks a lot! yes... i tried not to always lost temper to my husband ga la. but that once they're just too crazy. and my husband could also see what they did, so it's ok last time lor. but in the future, i also dont know what he'll do. just the past weekend, he didnt go back too and of course, my 99 called twice to ask on Saturday la. for the 1st time, my husband didnt ans her call and she left a msg. cuz i told my husband if we're busy at that time, just let them leave a msg and he can call them back later ga ma... they have nothing special to say anyways. so my ma fan 99 of course called again.... my husband answered and i went updownstairs immediately... just dont wanna here their voice (so loud even on the phone). still i heard that she asked us buy this and that (every week she has sth for us to buy for her so that we've to go back. low b gei.... i knew what she wanted la... she can buy these things by herself... just a trick!) and then she's sooooooo worried about her son going on a business trip again! wa... he always goes on business trips ga wor... come on... he's not a little kid and it's not his 1st time! (see? this kind of mom... how can they like me? cuz they think i won't care her son as 'much' as her)... i heard my husband lose temper lor (he's very good temper ga la)...
    <br>she's just neverending... i wanna vomit once thinking of her.

  • aa,
    <br>Congratulations on your moving! hope you have a happy 2007!!!
    <br>btw... it seems to me that i didnt have a smooth start for 2007. 1. the bin tai in-laws' incident. 2. my bad driving instructor (yes... i could finally start to learn driving last week... but i can't believe that the instructor is so impatient and impolite.... he just made me feel so nervous :( . wanna change the instructor now. but hope that the next one will not be the same).

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