Derivat Cathinone: Chemical Composition and Applications

  • Derivat cathinone is a synthetic compound that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its versatile properties and potential applications. This article aims to provide an overview of the chemical composition and applications of derivat cathinone, highlighting its unique features and benefits derivat cathinone.

    Chemical Composition

    Derivat cathinone is a derivative of cathinone, a naturally occurring substance found in the leaves of the Catha edulis plant. The chemical formula of derivat cathinone is C9H11NO2, and its molecular weight is 177.18 g/mol. It is a white or off-white crystalline powder with a melting point of 220-225°C. The compound is soluble in water and has a density of 1.34 g/cm3.

    The chemical structure of derivat cathinone consists of a benzene ring attached to a nitrogen atom, which is substituted with a methyl group. The molecule also contains a hydroxyl group and a carbonyl group, which are responsible for its chemical reactivity. The presence of these functional groups allows derivat cathinone to participate in various chemical reactions, making it a versatile building block for the synthesis of a wide range of compounds.


    Derivat cathinone has several applications in various fields, including:

    1. Pharmaceuticals: Derivat cathinone has been used as a starting material for the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals, including drugs used to treat respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological disorders. Its chemical structure allows it to be easily modified to create a range of compounds with different biological activities.
    2. Materials science: Derivat cathinone has been investigated as a potential building block for the synthesis of novel materials, such as polymers and metal-organic frameworks. Its ability to participate in various chemical reactions allows it to form complex structures with unique properties.
    3. Catalysis: Derivat cathinone has been explored as a catalyst in various organic reactions, including the alkylation of aromatic compounds. Its ability to activate and coordinate with metal ions makes it a useful component in catalytic systems.
    4. Environmental remediation: Derivat cathinone has been investigated as a potential sorbent for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Its high surface area and chemical reactivity make it an effective material for the removal of pollutants from water.


    Derivat cathinone is a versatile compound with a wide range of applications in various fields. Its unique chemical structure and reactivity make it a valuable building block for the synthesis of various compounds, including pharmaceuticals, materials, and catalysts. Its potential for environmental remediation also highlights its importance in addressing environmental challenges. Further research and development on derivat cathinone may lead to additional applications and opportunities for this promising compound.

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