Mikiki「東九龍美食樂園」 夏日美食新推介

  • Mikiki匯聚逾30間新派人氣食肆和輕食茶飲店,供應意、德、西班牙、日、台、川、星馬、西式、新派港式、傳統中式以至Fusion菜式等各地特色美食!全港首度登場花系主題話題餐廳「Tiger Lily」屬新蒲崗區罕有,非常吸LIKE!帝港酒店全新精緻糕點品牌Royal Delights (R+) 首度推出香蔥煙鴨胸鹹蛋糕、煙肉焦糖碧根果仁鹹蛋糕及肉鬆香芋鹹蛋糕等鹹味蛋糕系列;品牌亦呈獻多款中秋節月餅禮盒,包括全新口味迷你士多啤梨乳酪奶皇月餅配搭迷你朱古力奶皇月餅。今期各特色食店更推出多款全新夏日限定美食或優惠,包括:「飯丸屋」花生醬卡拉雞飯糰和泡菜燒肉飯糰、「牛角」花咲八種焼肉盛合わせ,以及「鮮芋仙」盛夏芒果系列,令吃貨食指大動。

    同場加映多間人氣食店熱賣,包括:東京人氣過江龍「日本燒牛丼元祖」的招牌必試「燒牛肉丼」和香港店限定「旨辛燒牛肉丼」;親民日式「豚豚食堂」的「招牌牛油拉麵」和「炸雞奄列咖喱飯套餐」;四川家鄉風味「十三姨酸菜魚」的「招牌十三姨酸菜魚配水晶粉」和「人氣蕃茄湯清甜魚配烏冬」;抵食星馬風味「亞金南洋茶室」的「招牌海鮮叻沙」和「招牌亞金無骨海南雞配油飯」。「Das Bier德國餐廳」和「西班牙餐廳」更設掛滿格調小燈飾的林蔭戶外花園雅座,大推Happy Hour 超抵飲時段,讓人放工後邊喝邊歎德國鹹豬手或特色Tapas小碟。精明車主可在Mikiki吃得舒舒服服兼賺埋3小時泊車優惠;The Point會員亦可透過The Point App尊享外賣自取優惠,以手機訂餐可享高達67折立減優惠。


  • We make sure to provide the students in the UK with the absolute best quality of work according to educational standards of universities across London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, and Glasgow, etc. Many students struggle with writing a assignment expert because they don’t understand what needs to be done. Set time limits for everything you do. For instance, you may promise yourself that assignment writing. Other fail to translate their skills and knowledge in the write-up because they are just not sure how they can write about themselves without making it boring. Many students also fail to limit themselves to the word count. Luckily we know how to deal with all of these problems. Keeping this in mind, you can offer yourself a reward for completing the assignment help. The reward you offer must hold value to you. As a professional assignment expert writing company, we know how to turn your bland write-ups in effective results. Forget stress. Forget all-nighters. You can get your very own assignment experts written by experts. We know how to meet the deadlines since we understand time is always the enemy. Many students find it challenging to meet their deadlines, especially when it is something as important as an admission test. Here comes the actual part of the work. Take all the extracted material, your ideas and articulate them into words in a manner that’s reasonable, legible and makes the most sense to the reader. Follow the write my assignment of structuring, language, content, etc. so that the result is free of discrepancies In such cases, we assure students that we can work right on time without causing them any stress. So whether you don’t understand how to write about yourself or you are unable to manage your time in an effective manner, we got your back. Our assignment experts will save your sinking ship.

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