
  • @oxymoron


    今晚HB可以安排到時間見我。我就乖乖係公司OT到8點,然後等HB既電話。我們相約了八點見,但HB突然有點事,說希望八點半走得,於是我就行下街。行到八點半都未有HB消息,所以我就send個sms問下HB。HB話就快走得,不過都仲未離開公司。我太累了,所以就站在老地方等HB。結果,我一等就九點。我又累又餓啊。 我覺很得累,但又唔想成日吹HB走,唔想左住HB做野。

    見到HB的一刻,我好開心阿,不過HB都係依舊沒有表情。他一定好累了。我地今晚去了食日本野,HB好錫我,好味的都留給我 。我趁HB去吸煙的時候,趕快埋了單,哈,HB平時唔比我請架,我好難得先請到他一次。 HB話我曳,話我茅!居然偷偷請他,哈,HB成日請我,我都想請他嘛。HB見我請了吃飯,係都要帶我食甜品。HB知道我喜歡阿 。行去"糖朝"既途中,我不斷叫HB帶我去ml,不過HB話他腰骨痛窩

    吃完糖水,我地就乘巴士回家。係巴士上面HB攬住我,我就好舒服甘係HB懷抱到休息 。今晚架巴士好少人啊,HB當然手多多,摸下我pat pat,又摸下ball ball,又想摸下妹妹。不過我生氣啊,HB唔同我ml,我都唔比HB摸我妹妹阿。不過我就好曳,隔住條褲不停摸小HB,哈哈,好大好hard阿

    我: 四比一,我地三個都想ML
    HB: 咩三個啊?你講咩
    我: 我,小妹妹同你既小弟弟都想ml,係你一個唔想
    HB: (滴汗)
    我: 最雖架巴士有人啦,都唔明d人點係巴士blow job

    HB就拖住我去了另一個位。呢個時候架車剛剛上了高速公路,即代表無人會再上車。我望住HB,問他想唔想blow job,點知平日很小心的HB居然話好啊 。我就好心急,好想拉開HB的褲鏈,我不停拉阿拉阿都唔得,我同HB講,HB就自行鬆開褲頭,拉下拉鏈。依?HB今日穿黑色内褲既?平日HB穿灰色架!?不過我唔理甘多,拉下内褲就見到小HB站起了。感覺同平日很不同呢,我好擔心小HB會被人看到,於是我就立刻開口"絕"小HB。 小HB好濕啊,我慢慢含,慢慢舔。我只是含了半分鐘,就給HB喝停了。我好驚啊,好驚有人。原來HB說,他很high,再唔停就忍唔住。好啦,我唯有暫停一下。我問過HB後才再開始。我又再慢慢含,然後就邊含邊舔 ,我既頭
    不斷慢慢地上下上下,讓小HB在我口中出入。呢個時候HB又再叫停。我又再停了。HB叫我慢慢玩,玩耐d...(語氣有少少話我)。其實我已經好慢了。HB突然細聲地叫,射喇!!!!我唔理三七二十一,就立刻含住小HB。我努力地吸多幾下,我就感受到精精一下一下地射出來。 我今次仲一邊"絕",一邊吞下精精。 HB叫我吐出來,不過我已經吞了。嘿嘿

    每次我吞完,HB都會特別錫我,他攬住我錫了我額頭很多下。我們下車,HB又立刻買水給我喝。 之後HB就送我到我家樓下,我攬住HB唔捨得上樓啊,哈哈。我好挂住HB嘛 。


  • BJ in a bus is one of those I haven’t tried yet... given my age, it likely won’t happen in my lifetime LOL

  • @oxymoron I did have BJ in a car before, but it wasn’t much fun as I shot very quickly.

  • @oxymoron

    Any age can take bus and HB was not young too. At that time I was a fresh grad n he was in mid 30s I guess

    I think HB n me can still bj on bus .... as long as there is not much ppl

  • i think the difficult part is that it is not easy to find a lady who is willing to do it for me... very few women would swallow cum....

  • @oxymoron

    HB shot quickly on bus n in car too
    Too excited I guess
    We always bj on the bus back then...
    We ml in car before too
    I didn't enjoy much in car too .. cos too rush as afraid
    We once parked at hill side ... wanna ml beside the car....but there were many cars n even police car come from time to time.
    Anyways it was good that we can enjoy the view and the breeze ...

  • Such wild and crazy things we would do when the passion ran high... LOL

  • @oxymoron

    Just bj n no need to swallow the cum then ...
    HB knows which bus routes have less ppl too
    Also If the bus goes by highway , then it is easier to bj
    If the bus goes by the streets, there maybe chance that there is another bus next to u and the passengers in another bus may see you ...
    in this case HB will put a coat over me when there is another bus comes nearby
    Need to be careful
    Also need to control the time too ... need to finish before we arrive to our destination

    HB manages all these

  • @oxymoron

    Another outdoor activity


    HB:“哈.....” (唔理會我)
    HB:“係啦” (都係無正面回應我)


    用餐既時候,HB就同我講:“今晚D大腸賣曬喇,無得食喇 ”



    早前HB無意中講過我的利不會快速地舔,所以今次我就remind自己要記得舔快一些。,我努力不斷flip我的利,快速地lick HB的龜頭,龜頭邊和龜頭上的小孔。但我舔不到數下,HB就叫我慢慢來。看來他忍受不住呢。哈哈。於是我改變攻勢,把小HB含在口中,眼向上望看住HB,一下一下地吞吐小HB,讓小HB在我口中進出。讓HB欣賞到好婬的我,我覺得好high。不過不到十數下,HB便把我叫停。




  • @oxymoron

    HB likes outdoor activitiy haha

    One time we bj and even do in the 郊野公園

  • I am not a big fan of outdoor sex or BJ. It is risky and alway too rushed, and I would be too nervous to really enjoy the process... just me I guess... :(

  • It seems your HB has planned it well every time. It was well staged and didn’t happen spontaneously

  • @oxymoron

    I think HB likes it ....we often bj at outdoor and even have sex. He finishes quicker than usual when it comes to outdoor sex too. It is more exciting and we r nervous to be seen...

    I enjoy bedroom sex more .. can do everything slowly... more enjoyable... but i will like whatever HB likes

  • @oxymoron

    I think he doesn't have plan... just plan it when we were at the bus stop ...

    I think it is difficult to us to have bus bj too...

  • yes, i like sex on bed, simple and comfortable. and the skin to skin contact is the most intimate feeling anyone can wish for....

  • @oxymoron

    I like excitement and to be submissive 😛

  • said in 在這裡跟他的一個回憶:


    I like excitement and to be submissive 😛

    It’s obvious that you enjoy serving your master.

  • @oxymoron

    Yes .. I love to serve him. When I call him master he would response to me more.

    He likes me to tell him what my desires are. But when i ask him what he wants, so that I can satisfy him, he will ask me back what I want to do. I don't understand why he doesn't want to tell me.

    He should know i will try my best to complete his requests

  • If he asks you to 3p or more, would you do it?

  • @oxymoron

    I have thought of this question too ... but l think he won't la ... 以前有人非禮我,有陌生男人抄我牌,他都好緊張,唔會分我比其他男人掛。

    如果係mff.... 睇住他同人地攪我會唔開心。他有女朋友老婆我就無資格出聲...

  • @oxymoron

    我問他想我點服侍他,他一定係叫我自己諗或者答我no idea ... 要我講...

    例如射面,射胸,lick his fingers n toes , lick his anal , anal sex etc

    Anal sex we tried .. he got in .. but didn't thrust in n out last time . He said next time he will fuck me hard...他以前好喜歡係街摸我後門,但又講過其實無話好鍾意。

    He said no preference to lick toes , only fingers is fine...我問lick anal 呢,又話No preference too ...我唔知他鍾意咩。


  • The question was.... would you do it if he asked you to do MMF?

  • @oxymoron

    Ummm .... very difficult to answer u...
    I will be upset that he shares me with others
    But I don't want to disappoint him
    And many issues I need to consider ... such as safety ...

  • Don’t worry. It’s normal; we all have limits. Like I said before, I never had 3p sex before. I cannot see myself sharing my lover with another guy, and I never had the good fortune of meeting two consenting ladies who were willing to go MFF with me. Best to leave that as an unfulfilled fantasy. LOL

  • @oxymoron

    有時候睇mmf av 都好興奮 ... 但我唔想濫交...


  • 無喎,我之前的 SL 真的非常乾淨,一啲都唔 dirty。we mostly did anal without condom, and I shot inside her a few times. That was a great feeling shooting inside....

  • 不過都真心佩服你,自己灌腸都學識埋,十八般武藝都所剩無幾!

  • @oxymoron

    Last time when we did , we used condom. It wasn't very dirty but the condom turned abit brownish ... also, without condom the man may have infection easily such as 尿道炎?

    He told me no need to clean too, and said we will use condom, but I m afraid it may be dirty after thrusting ...

  • @oxymoron

    好容易咋,最緊要有tool ...
    塗些bathing soap 係個tool出口度
    出來好dirty (明明自己剛去了廁所)

  • hahaha... no need to explain the steps in scuh details. i got the picture... thanks any way. you are indeed very considerate and tempering to your lover.

  • @oxymoron

    Don't want that to disturb the mood....
    Last night I also did some research on it too.. :p
    Donno if he know I m so good to him ... or just take it for granted...

  • said in 在這裡跟他的一個回憶:


    Don't want that to disturb the mood....
    Last night I also did some research on it too.. :p
    Donno if he know I m so good to him ... or just take it for granted...

    i wish you will get what you desrie and more from him... good luck

  • @oxymoron

    He can satisfy me from day 1 ....
    I know we will have so much fun
    since I m a lady , it is not difficult for me to find a sl
    But it is not easy to find a match sl.

  • said in 在這裡跟他的一個回憶:


    He can satisfy me from day 1 ....
    I know we will have so much fun
    since I m a lady , it is not difficult for me to find a sl
    But it is not easy to find a match sl.

    Have you had other SL or tried other men besides HB?

  • @oxymoron

    I only have one sl

    I had 2 bfs before HB ...
    and 1 husband after HB

    HB is the best partner I have ever tried ..

    I only did 1 or 2 time with my first bf ... I don't remember

    I don't always do with the 2nd bf as I was a student at that time ... I think maybe 10 times spread out in few years

    I have regular sex with HB since we were together.. usually twice a month but sometime didn't do for 1 to 2months depending on his mood/ health etc ..and after I got married ... very rarely already.

    With husband ... first year of marriage maybe twice a month .. and now maybe once in a few months or won't do anymore

  • Do you think HB is reading your post entries here?

  • @oxymoron I wonder what would he be thinking when he reads your entries....

  • @oxymoron

    He read some of my diaries
    Not all

    I don't mind to let him see the post .. but I don't think he will read it ... even though he read, I think he won't make any comments

    He knew my history too

  • @oxymoron


  • said in 在這裡跟他的一個回憶:


    I c..

    Never mind ... I m just curious only

    I did encountered a man who want to support me ... cos I told him about the sex life I had with my sl ... he was willing to support me but I have to leave my sl and do all of the thing I did with my sl with him ...

    Of cos I didn't ... i don't need to be supported..as my family is not poor and I don't need luxury thing

    I wonder if there is any man giving an offer without seeing the quality of the woman too

    where did you meet this other man? and why did you tell him about your sex history with HB?

  • said in 在這裡跟他的一個回憶:



    可能有點兒飄飄然,沾沾自喜的成功感! it’s not everything that we get to have a lover who is submissive to our sexual desires

  • @oxymoron
    u made a mistake
    HB is my sl
    They r the same person ah

  • @oxymoron

    In my diaries I call him HB
    His name in she was HBDTOME
    So I called him HB
    This post is about my memories with my sl (named HB)

  • then who was the man who wanted to support you and wanted you to do with him all the things you did with HB?

    now i am confused... haha

  • i am asking about the man who offered to support you...

  • @oxymoron


  • @oxymoron

    He was only one of the net frds I knew online ...

    This is not my first time to tell my story in she.com
    He knows my things in post

    I was pretty and I could say all of the net frd I met like me ... I msn with net frds b4..

  • i see. so you met these netfriends while you were still with HB. have you met any NF after you are married?

  • @oxymoron

    I met net frds when I hv HB but didn't ml with other
    Also not always meet ; otherwise too busy
    sometime msn only

    After married of cos no.
    Don't hv time
    If I hv time I will meet HB la

  • Your HB must be quite generous to allow you to meet other net friends. Did you tell him about these encounters?

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