
  • 最弊d大既同佢地一齊癲!

  • 因為啲大自己想佔中但冇膽又要返工搵食,所以推啲細嘅行先之後支持,明眼人都睇到啦!你估支持佔中班大人唔要搵錢㗎?佢地成日扮哂偉大咁因為佢地冇乜損失冇受影響!

  • 有啲支持佔中人仕同我講,佢地支持佔中但又驚比人拉比人打又要返工,所以只是去一陣同買啲食物支持班學生叫佢地加油,呢啲人咪廢又自私囉!

  • What happened in Jun 4 has tremendous effect in Chinese history. Gov't recognize the need to appease its citizen, though it decided to use economic rather political reform to do so. In the next 25 years, it went from emerging market to be 2nd largest economy in the world. Have you ever wonder why Communist China is not the same as North Korea? Or Cuba? Or even former Soviet Union? China is the only communist country to achieve economic success. Why? It adopted capitalistic practices in its business. All that just to make sure its citizen are fed. Why does the gov't care? They are afraid of civil unrest. Which is the only tactics that citizens truly has against an elitist gov't that is run by tycoons like Hong Kong.
    <br>Many are saying that they don't have money to feed their family. Many are saying they are not getting pay because of protesters. Show me statistics and evidence. How many of these people were affected? Taxi drivers are getting paid to protest. Mini van still has plenty of roads. Tram are still in operation. Most of us are still working since we are on this website. Who is hurt economically? Chow Tai Fook? All the large corporations that's missing all the Mainland tourist? Maybe these statements were construed by tycoons because their BUSINESS is severely hurt by the protesters. For most of us, we still go to work, with a salary. I saw the owner of underbridge crab yelling at the students, saying he has his parents to feed. Did you really believe that he is poor and have no money to feed his parents? If I were his parents, I would be embarrassed. He expanded too quickly and opened 4 new restaurants but he has to trash his seafood because low volume of customers. Is that someone we should show sympathy? Just like any investment, there are risks. I buy stock and worry about losses, he expanded but failed to recognize potential risk and did not save for rainy days. he's not out there asking to feed his parents, he's out there to feed his own greed.
    <br>Sometimes, we have to examine the action of people. On one side, students are willing to sleep on the streets, risking being attack, rain, cold, etc to fight for something they believe.
    <br>But on the other side, what has been done? Censor Apple daily by pouring soy sauce on newspaper? Send riot police? CY Leung being cold and removed from discussion? If I were neutral and saw the action taken by either side, I would choose to support the protesters.

  • Where are the evidence of all the allegations of the gov? Who knows for sure who's behind it all?

  • A lot of us are out of pockets, the yellows are delusional and longwinded with their bs.

  • You make no sense replied at 2014-10-24 9:44 am
    <br>What happened in Jun 4 has tremendous effect in Chinese history. Gov't recognize the need to appease its citizen, though it decided to use economic rather political reform to do so. In the next 25 years, it went from emerging market to be 2nd largest economy in the world. Have you ever wonder why Communist China is not the same as North Korea? Or Cuba? Or even former Soviet Union? China is the only communist country to achieve economic success. Why? It adopted capitalistic practices in its business. All that just to make sure its citizen are fed. Why does the gov't care? They are afraid of civil unrest. Which is the only tactics that citizens truly has against an elitist gov't that is run by tycoons like Hong Kong.
    <br>Many are saying that they don't have money to feed their family. Many are saying they are not getting pay because of protesters. Show me statistics and evidence. How many of these people were affected? Taxi drivers are getting paid to protest. Mini van still has plenty of roads. Tram are still in operation. Most of us are still working since we are on this website. Who is hurt economically? Chow Tai Fook? All the large corporations that's missing all the Mainland tourist? Maybe these statements were construed by tycoons because their BUSINESS is severely hurt by the protesters. For most of us, we still go to work, with a salary. I saw the owner of underbridge crab yelling at the students, saying he has his parents to feed. Did you really believe that he is poor and have no money to feed his parents? If I were his parents, I would be embarrassed. He expanded too quickly and opened 4 new restaurants but he has to trash his seafood because low volume of customers. Is that someone we should show sympathy? Just like any investment, there are risks. I buy stock and worry about losses, he expanded but failed to recognize potential risk and did not save for rainy days. he's not out there asking to feed his parents, he's out there to feed his own greed.
    <br>Sometimes, we have to examine the action of people. On one side, students are willing to sleep on the streets, risking being attack, rain, cold, etc to fight for something they believe.
    <br>But on the other side, what has been done? Censor Apple daily by pouring soy sauce on newspaper? Send riot police? CY Leung being cold and removed from discussion? If I were neutral and saw the action taken by either side, I would choose to support the protesters.
    <br>u nvr read news, economists already estimated the loss amount to nearly a billion every day.
    <br>do u mean only the poor need to be taken care of, the business men has no right to protect the interest? u seem more communists than the communist party then!!
    <br>on friday nite, a restaurant @CWB which used to be fully booked, just occupied 1/3 of the tables.
    <br>yes, students got paid to protest too, do u know that?

  • You make no sense
    <br>how about making the street as venue as carnival, stealing electricity from light pole.......... are these are right things to do?

  • . replied at 2014-10-24 10:01 am
    <br>You make no sense replied at 2014-10-24 9:44 am
    <br>What happened in Jun 4 has tremendous effect in Chinese history. Gov't recognize the need to appease its citizen, though it decided to use economic rather political reform to do so. In the next 25 years, it went from emerging market to be 2nd largest economy in the world. Have you ever wonder why Communist China is not the same as North Korea? Or Cuba? Or even former Soviet Union? China is the only communist country to achieve economic success. Why? It adopted capitalistic practices in its business. All that just to make sure its citizen are fed. Why does the gov't care? They are afraid of civil unrest. Which is the only tactics that citizens truly has against an elitist gov't that is run by tycoons like Hong Kong.
    <br>Many are saying that they don't have money to feed their family. Many are saying they are not getting pay because of protesters. Show me statistics and evidence. How many of these people were affected? Taxi drivers are getting paid to protest. Mini van still has plenty of roads. Tram are still in operation. Most of us are still working since we are on this website. Who is hurt economically? Chow Tai Fook? All the large corporations that's missing all the Mainland tourist? Maybe these statements were construed by tycoons because their BUSINESS is severely hurt by the protesters. For most of us, we still go to work, with a salary. I saw the owner of underbridge crab yelling at the students, saying he has his parents to feed. Did you really believe that he is poor and have no money to feed his parents? If I were his parents, I would be embarrassed. He expanded too quickly and opened 4 new restaurants but he has to trash his seafood because low volume of customers. Is that someone we should show sympathy? Just like any investment, there are risks. I buy stock and worry about losses, he expanded but failed to recognize potential risk and did not save for rainy days. he's not out there asking to feed his parents, he's out there to feed his own greed.
    <br>Sometimes, we have to examine the action of people. On one side, students are willing to sleep on the streets, risking being attack, rain, cold, etc to fight for something they believe.
    <br>But on the other side, what has been done? Censor Apple daily by pouring soy sauce on newspaper? Send riot police? CY Leung being cold and removed from discussion? If I were neutral and saw the action taken by either side, I would choose to support the protesters.
    <br>u nvr read news, economists already estimated the loss amount to nearly a billion every day.
    <br>do u mean only the poor need to be taken care of, the business men has no right to protect the interest? u seem more communists than the communist party then!!
    <br>on friday nite, a restaurant @CWB which used to be fully booked, just occupied 1/3 of the tables.
    <br>yes, students got paid to protest too, do u know that?
    <br>They OC like to support their claims with whatever it takes even twisting the facts.

  • 示威者 和 記者發生/// 煽動佔領機場
    <br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="

    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    <br>28SEP2014 示威者 和-------------------- TVB 記者有爭執
    <br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="
    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • you make no sense
    <br>the oc people are making self sacrifice which is fine for most people, but they are pulling other people to sacrifice with them. what kind of logic is that?

  • Do you really think that students got paid to protest? That's probably the biggest farce I have ever read? Who would pay them and how much. I sure have seen plenty of evidence showing taxi drivers, mainlander, construction workers being paid. No one has produce evidence on protesters being paid.
    <br>Economist estimate? How do you estimate an event like that? Based on what number? What's the calculation? I would LOVE to hear the numbers. Most people look at headlines, but no evidence behind the statement. I sure read the news, but I also decide what is true or not. Remember, economists like these are looking out for self interest, they want to make a name for themselves, and if they say things like "the protest would not affect economy", they would not be interviewed. Even John Tsang said it has not affected stock markets too much. If investor truly believed that businesses are getting hurt, wouldn't people sell shares of HSI? You can listen to economist, but I'll evaluate the effects through broader means like stock markets.
    <br>Most of the argument against the protesters have been based on self interest. Either businesses not making money, or individual not making money.
    <br>I think at the end of the day, it comes down to this. People are piss because their lives are affected. They would normally not care about politics and just want to live their lives. Chinese people can never be united and move in the same direction, because too many are looking out for self-interest but not the interest of the society or culture.
    <br>What if HK in 30yrs be fully incorporated into China? Can we still speak freely on this site? Facebook? Tweeter? This is the reality. Hong Kong WILL be fully incorporated into China, the current 1 country 2 system is just giving us time to adjust. The incorporation has already begun ECONOMICALLY (HK is already dependent on mainland businesses), SOCIALLY (through immigration, those who grew up in mainland bring their communistic ideas mix in with HKs, since they already take up a lot of seats in HK's university. Once that happens, less people will/can fight for freedom of speech, freedom of press, facebook, twitter, will be censored. Media is already self-censored (ie TVB). This is why there's a need for free election. In action today means we won't have a choice to take any action in the future.

  • GX replied at 2014-10-24 12:37 am

  • 書真係多長氣大叔!

  • You make no sense replied at 2014-10-24 2:45 pm
    <br>Do you really think that students got paid to protest? That's probably the biggest farce I have ever read? Who would pay them and how much. I sure have seen plenty of evidence showing taxi drivers, mainlander, construction workers being paid. No one has produce evidence on protesters being paid.
    <br>Economist estimate? How do you estimate an event like that? Based on what number? What's the calculation? I would LOVE to hear the numbers. Most people look at headlines, but no evidence behind the statement. I sure read the news, but I also decide what is true or not. Remember, economists like these are looking out for self interest, they want to make a name for themselves, and if they say things like "the protest would not affect economy", they would not be interviewed. Even John Tsang said it has not affected stock markets too much. If investor truly believed that businesses are getting hurt, wouldn't people sell shares of HSI? You can listen to economist, but I'll evaluate the effects through broader means like stock markets.
    <br>Most of the argument against the protesters have been based on self interest. Either businesses not making money, or individual not making money.
    <br>I think at the end of the day, it comes down to this. People are piss because their lives are affected. They would normally not care about politics and just want to live their lives. Chinese people can never be united and move in the same direction, because too many are looking out for self-interest but not the interest of the society or culture.
    <br>What if HK in 30yrs be fully incorporated into China? Can we still speak freely on this site? Facebook? Tweeter? This is the reality. Hong Kong WILL be fully incorporated into China, the current 1 country 2 system is just giving us time to adjust. The incorporation has already begun ECONOMICALLY (HK is already dependent on mainland businesses), SOCIALLY (through immigration, those who grew up in mainland bring their communistic ideas mix in with HKs, since they already take up a lot of seats in HK's university. Once that happens, less people will/can fight for freedom of speech, freedom of press, facebook, twitter, will be censored. Media is already self-censored (ie TVB). This is why there's a need for free election. In action today means we won't have a choice to take any action in the future.
    <br>i got fd working in uni library, he overheard the conversation between students. well, u can always choose not to accept. but then what evidence u got ppl get paid to act against the protestors, got any clip? pls post up here then.

  • i m not an economist, but we all depend on diff estimates in our life. if u challenge nos, ok then, tell me how many % of hk population pro & how many against the oc movement. if u dont hv any no. to support the pro camp is over 50%, how come these ppl represent all of hk?

  • 我啲表弟表妹去佔中是因為貪玩同羊群效應,如果唔去會俾佢啲同學朋友杯葛,冇收錢嘅,其實佢地都唔清楚乜嘢事剩係知啲人話政府衰.

  • many ppl in many countries are not united, so many cases for fight for independence.........scotland, spain, quebec, etc
    <br>but no place could see these ppl use the way of severely affecting other ppl's live to fight for what they want!!

  • 表姐 replied at 2014-10-24 3:47 pm

  • . replied at 2014-10-24 4:02 pm
    <br>表姐 replied at 2014-10-24 3:47 pm

  • . replied at 2014-10-24 3:38 pm
    <br>You make no sense replied at 2014-10-24 2:45 pm
    <br>Do you really think that students got paid to protest? That's probably the biggest farce I have ever read? Who would pay them and how much. I sure have seen plenty of evidence showing taxi drivers, mainlander, construction workers being paid. No one has produce evidence on protesters being paid.
    <br>Economist estimate? How do you estimate an event like that? Based on what number? What's the calculation? I would LOVE to hear the numbers. Most people look at headlines, but no evidence behind the statement. I sure read the news, but I also decide what is true or not. Remember, economists like these are looking out for self interest, they want to make a name for themselves, and if they say things like "the protest would not affect economy", they would not be interviewed. Even John Tsang said it has not affected stock markets too much. If investor truly believed that businesses are getting hurt, wouldn't people sell shares of HSI? You can listen to economist, but I'll evaluate the effects through broader means like stock markets.
    <br>Most of the argument against the protesters have been based on self interest. Either businesses not making money, or individual not making money.
    <br>I think at the end of the day, it comes down to this. People are piss because their lives are affected. They would normally not care about politics and just want to live their lives. Chinese people can never be united and move in the same direction, because too many are looking out for self-interest but not the interest of the society or culture.
    <br>What if HK in 30yrs be fully incorporated into China? Can we still speak freely on this site? Facebook? Tweeter? This is the reality. Hong Kong WILL be fully incorporated into China, the current 1 country 2 system is just giving us time to adjust. The incorporation has already begun ECONOMICALLY (HK is already dependent on mainland businesses), SOCIALLY (through immigration, those who grew up in mainland bring their communistic ideas mix in with HKs, since they already take up a lot of seats in HK's university. Once that happens, less people will/can fight for freedom of speech, freedom of press, facebook, twitter, will be censored. Media is already self-censored (ie TVB). This is why there's a need for free election. In action today means we won't have a choice to take any action in the future.
    <br>what if? then u are just making an assumption. can we ....? how can u tell we cant, what evidence u got? what no./figures can u base on to make such assumption? dependent on china.... what %, if u hv the %, how to get these figures? free election can stop hk's dependence on china economically? can stop uni to accept mainland student?

  • 表姐 replied at 2014-10-24 4:19 pm
    <br>. replied at 2014-10-24 4:02 pm
    <br>表姐 replied at 2014-10-24 3:47 pm

  • . replied at 2014-10-24 4:25 pm
    <br>表姐 replied at 2014-10-24 4:19 pm
    <br>. replied at 2014-10-24 4:02 pm
    <br>表姐 replied at 2014-10-24 3:47 pm

  • 表姐,極之贊同,明知都唔可能妥協,係度拖對受影響既人非常不公平,對警隊士氣好大打擊...甚麼法治,已經蕩然無存,我係外國投資者,都速速搬去上海/新加坡啦!

  • Firstly, Scottish and English are actually different people, so are Spanish and people from Catalan, that's why they want their independence. Hence, not sure how that's related.
    <br>Second, I saw a poll showing that a third support protesters, a third against, and a third don't care. Another poll shows about 45% pro/45% against and rest don't care. So I agree that not everyone supports. But I never said one is majority and the other is not. Not sure how to respond to this one either.
    <br>Those are the two things that I understood from your responses. I can use a similar example, about affecting lives of normal people. Russia supported those who wanted Crimea and Eastern Ukraine be part of Russia instead of Ukraine. After Crimea annexed Ukraine, US and Europe enforced economic sanctions against Russian companies. Why did they do that? So the sanctions could put pressure against Russian businesses and then those would pressure Putin to seize his annexation.
    <br>The aim of the protesters is the same,that when normal lives are affected, people should go to gov't and demand for change, not tell the student to go home. How come no one is telling Leung that he needs to make changes? Instead, there's only complain about students blocking the streets. If Leung/gov't would be willing to concede, then the students can go home. But since the public don't care enough to make changes, and not support these students, Leung/gov't wouldn't have to do anything, since there's so much in fighting between different people. This is exactly what communist gov't do. Soviet Union turned family members against each other, wife report husbands, child reporting parents to the communist army of wrong doing. This is from visiting museum in Hungary. Chinese gov't does this perfectly. Now, if this is something you can accept, then keep yelling at me. we would play out exactly what Chinese gov't want.

  • . replied at 2014-10-24 4:46 pm

  • you make no sense replied at 2014-10-24 5:01 pm
    <br>Firstly, Scottish and English are actually different people, so are Spanish and people from Catalan, that's why they want their independence. Hence, not sure how that's related.
    <br>Second, I saw a poll showing that a third support protesters, a third against, and a third don't care. Another poll shows about 45% pro/45% against and rest don't care. So I agree that not everyone supports. But I never said one is majority and the other is not. Not sure how to respond to this one either.
    <br>Those are the two things that I understood from your responses. I can use a similar example, about affecting lives of normal people. Russia supported those who wanted Crimea and Eastern Ukraine be part of Russia instead of Ukraine. After Crimea annexed Ukraine, US and Europe enforced economic sanctions against Russian companies. Why did they do that? So the sanctions could put pressure against Russian businesses and then those would pressure Putin to seize his annexation.
    <br>The aim of the protesters is the same,that when normal lives are affected, people should go to gov't and demand for change, not tell the student to go home. How come no one is telling Leung that he needs to make changes? Instead, there's only complain about students blocking the streets. If Leung/gov't would be willing to concede, then the students can go home. But since the public don't care enough to make changes, and not support these students, Leung/gov't wouldn't have to do anything, since there's so much in fighting between different people. This is exactly what communist gov't do. Soviet Union turned family members against each other, wife report husbands, child reporting parents to the communist army of wrong doing. This is from visiting museum in Hungary. Chinese gov't does this perfectly. Now, if this is something you can accept, then keep yelling at me. we would play out exactly what Chinese gov't want.
    <br>Actually most Crimeans wanted to join Russia, totally different situation to hk.
    <br>US intervening for their self gain.

  • they are diff ppl? pls enlighten me on what ground u would say so. if u say quebec i may agree a bit with u, but for the other 2 places, i doubt the justification of saying so.
    <br>so london ppl is also diff from liverpool ppl? hk ppl is diff from kln ppl, in turn diff from NT ppl, etc. hahaha~~

  • Enigma replied at 2014-10-24 5:21 pm
    <br>you make no sense replied at 2014-10-24 5:01 pm
    <br>Firstly, Scottish and English are actually different people, so are Spanish and people from Catalan, that's why they want their independence. Hence, not sure how that's related.
    <br>Second, I saw a poll showing that a third support protesters, a third against, and a third don't care. Another poll shows about 45% pro/45% against and rest don't care. So I agree that not everyone supports. But I never said one is majority and the other is not. Not sure how to respond to this one either.
    <br>Those are the two things that I understood from your responses. I can use a similar example, about affecting lives of normal people. Russia supported those who wanted Crimea and Eastern Ukraine be part of Russia instead of Ukraine. After Crimea annexed Ukraine, US and Europe enforced economic sanctions against Russian companies. Why did they do that? So the sanctions could put pressure against Russian businesses and then those would pressure Putin to seize his annexation.
    <br>The aim of the protesters is the same,that when normal lives are affected, people should go to gov't and demand for change, not tell the student to go home. How come no one is telling Leung that he needs to make changes? Instead, there's only complain about students blocking the streets. If Leung/gov't would be willing to concede, then the students can go home. But since the public don't care enough to make changes, and not support these students, Leung/gov't wouldn't have to do anything, since there's so much in fighting between different people. This is exactly what communist gov't do. Soviet Union turned family members against each other, wife report husbands, child reporting parents to the communist army of wrong doing. This is from visiting museum in Hungary. Chinese gov't does this perfectly. Now, if this is something you can accept, then keep yelling at me. we would play out exactly what Chinese gov't want.
    <br>Actually most Crimeans wanted to join Russia, totally different situation to hk.
    <br>US intervening for their self gain.
    <br>turning family members against each other, wife vs husband...exactly the result of the oc movement, i dont see how u can blame the central gov for this, but those who organize the oc campaign.
    <br>protesting did not promote democracy, but increased hostility among family members, fds, etc~~

  • UCLA alumni condemns violence erupted in Hong Kong by local students.

  • condemns the students?

  • The protestors would support their "claims" at any costs even wisting all facts and figures, this is called arrogance and ignorance.

  • 假如我上你屋企口爆你娘親一鑊, 然後舉高雙手狂插你老婆下面, 再用精液和平佔領你個妹後花園. 吾知你同你老頭有咩感覺?

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