有無人試過第一次同SL/SP 上床,埋門果下突然軟左?

  • 同sp好少會

  • 放心吧何必咁sad

  • To Mrs. K,
    <br>THere are many reasons to why a man would lose his erection just before penetration. In fact, this is a very common situation. I am sure it has happened to every men one time or another and the reasons are rarely from the women. I would say nervousness on the part of the man is the main culprit for losing his erection. ANd there are many causes to why he would feel nervous. Most men don't get to play around and score another women that often so its natural for him to feel nervous for the first time. Sometimes if the women is too agressive or he perceives that she is an aggressive women may increase his nervousness. He may feel that he might not be able to perform and satisfy you, so that feeling causes him to become nervous. ONe way to help would be to to blow him, that usually would work and get his erection back. But be careful, he might get too excited from your BJ and prematurely ejaculate

  • If you feeling to get nervous,nervous and nervous again than happy smile
    <br>Fist to change the sp or sl, cuz she didn't care about give which sex of highless qty and understand how useless of her asap tell her the true

  • Married Man replied at 2014-02-17 11:35 am
    <br>To Mrs. K,
    <br>THere are many reasons to why a man would lose his erection just before penetration. In fact, this is a very common situation. I am sure it has happened to every men one time or another and the reasons are rarely from the women. I would say nervousness on the part of the man is the main culprit for losing his erection. ANd there are many causes to why he would feel nervous. Most men don't get to play around and score another women that often so its natural for him to feel nervous for the first time. Sometimes if the women is too agressive or he perceives that she is an aggressive women may increase his nervousness. He may feel that he might not be able to perform and satisfy you, so that feeling causes him to become nervous. ONe way to help would be to to blow him, that usually would work and get his erection back. But be careful, he might get too excited from your BJ and prematurely ejaculate
    <br>Hey thanks for your sharing, appreciate it =)

  • 可以同你wechat 傾嗎?
    <br>Wechat: nam117

  • 埋門果下突然軟左

  • henry replied at 2014-02-17 10:21 pm
    <br>希望只係暫時性啦, 雖然大家都係偷食, 不過我都好關心佢既,
    <br>如果你俾著係你突然唔得, 你會想你個partner 做d 咩呢?

  • Mrs K 9:30am feb 18, 2014
    <br>希望只係暫時性啦, 雖然大家都係偷食, 不過我都好關心佢既,
    <br>如果你俾著係你突然唔得, 你會想你個partner 做d 咩呢?
    <br>講下笑, 緩和下個尷尬氣氛,

  • Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 9:30 am
    <br>henry replied at 2014-02-17 10:21 pm
    <br>希望只係暫時性啦, 雖然大家都係偷食, 不過我都好關心佢既,
    <br>如果你俾著係你突然唔得, 你會想你個partner 做d 咩呢?
    <br>愛撫一番, 再吹下, 奶下, 應該可以回氣硬番再來~

  • Patrick replied at 2014-02-18 10:00 am
    <br>Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 9:30 am
    <br>henry replied at 2014-02-17 10:21 pm
    <br>希望只係暫時性啦, 雖然大家都係偷食, 不過我都好關心佢既,
    <br>如果你俾著係你突然唔得, 你會想你個partner 做d 咩呢?
    <br>愛撫一番, 再吹下, 奶下, 應該可以回氣硬番再來~
    <br>講起吹下.... 佢反應好大, 頭一次我以為整痛啦..原來唔係! 跟手第二第三次佢都好似好快想我起身咁, 我有次問佢係咪唔鍾意, 佢又話唔係...我心諗應該唔會有男人唔鍾意吹掛!?? 不過之後我都唔係好敢吹, 驚佢太high 又驚影響佢又唔得.. 哈哈, 唔知點算~~

  • Mrs k

  • Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 10:32 am
    <br>Patrick replied at 2014-02-18 10:00 am
    <br>愛撫一番, 再吹下, 奶下, 應該可以回氣硬番再來~
    <br>講起吹下.... 佢反應好大, 頭一次我以為整痛啦..原來唔係! 跟手第二第三次佢都好似好快想我起身咁, 我有次問佢係咪唔鍾意, 佢又話唔係...我心諗應該唔會有男人唔鍾意吹掛!?? 不過之後我都唔係好敢吹, 驚佢太high 又驚影響佢又唔得.. 哈哈, 唔知點算~~
    <br>下! 咁奇怪? 佢係好斯文, 似少出來玩果種人?

  • 所有男人, 就算自知只係得一分鐘, 又或者根本唔得, 都會搵好藉口為自己解脫, 無男人會承認自己唔得架

  • Mrs K 10:32am feb 18, 2014
    <br>講起吹下.... 佢反應好大, 頭一次我以為整痛啦..原來唔係! 跟手第二第三次佢都好似好快想我起身咁, 我有次問佢係咪唔鍾意, 佢又話唔係...我心諗應該唔會有男人唔鍾意吹掛!?? 不過之後我都唔係好敢吹, 驚佢太high 又驚影響佢又唔得.. 哈哈, 唔知點算~~
    <br>唔使驚既, 順其自然啦, 試多幾次可能會好D呢,

  • oceanplay replied at 2014-02-18 10:37 am
    <br>Mrs k
    <br>Mrs K 係要番工先會長期對住電腦者~~

  • HAHA。。咁我約你放工得唔得呀?

  • 我都係長期對住部電腦

  • <br>===============================================================
    <br>講起吹下.... 佢反應好大, 頭一次我以為整痛啦..原來唔係! 跟手第二第三次佢都好似好快想我起身咁, 我有次問佢係咪唔鍾意, 佢又話唔係...我心諗應該唔會有男人唔鍾意吹掛!?? 不過之後我都唔係好敢吹, 驚佢太high 又驚影響佢又唔得.. 哈哈, 唔知點算~~
    <br>下! 咁奇怪? 佢係好斯文, 似少出來玩果種人?
    <br>識佢都有4/5個月, 睇佢唔似d weeweewetwet 呃蝦條既人,
    <br>生活都幾正常, 我地成日whatsapp, 又add 左facebook, 所以佢呃我都有限。
    <br>我覺得佢係斯文架...無論床上床下都係, 但係wild once for a while 都唔過份吖 :p

  • Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 11:03 am
    <br>講起吹下.... 佢反應好大, 頭一次我以為整痛啦..原來唔係! 跟手第二第三次佢都好似好快想我起身咁, 我有次問佢係咪唔鍾意, 佢又話唔係...我心諗應該唔會有男人唔鍾意吹掛!?? 不過之後我都唔係好敢吹, 驚佢太high 又驚影響佢又唔得.. 哈哈, 唔知點算~~
    <br>下! 咁奇怪? 佢係好斯文, 似少出來玩果種人?
    <br>識佢都有4/5個月, 睇佢唔似d weeweewetwet 呃蝦條既人,
    <br>生活都幾正常, 我地成日whatsapp, 又add 左facebook, 所以佢呃我都有限。
    <br>我覺得佢係斯文架...無論床上床下都係, 但係wild once for a while 都唔過份吖 :p
    <br>可能你啜得佢太肉緊, 試下慢慢摸下佢, 錫下(唔好啜)佢條野同龜頭, 再慢慢錫落佢袋底, 輕輕逗下袋袋, 睇下佢咩反應。如果仲係差少少, 你就自摸一番, 係佢面前diy, 仲要表現出好enjoy既樣, 不外乎咬下唇反下眼咁樣...或者捉佢隻手幫下你等佢硬返。唔好令佢只focus佢硬唔到...

  • Mrs K 11:03am feb 18, 2014
    <br>識佢都有4/5個月, 睇佢唔似d weeweewetwet 呃蝦條既人,
    <br>生活都幾正常, 我地成日whatsapp, 又add 左facebook, 所以佢呃我都有限。
    <br>我覺得佢係斯文架...無論床上床下都係, 但係wild once for a while 都唔過份吖 :p
    <br>咁佢可能係緊張姐, 大家熟D可能就會勇猛D呢, 哈

  • 罪疚感?

  • Daisy , 好同意你既想法。我地男人女人唔係機器。

  • 快樂係一早就精心安排,過愛玩wave 多

  • I guess it did happen quite often, just that most guys wouldn't admit or even talk about it, afterall, ego runs in the blood of male and having a flaccid dick is not something to be proud of. It did happened to me before, yes, a lota time during the first date or (cough cough ... ) after some substantial alcohol consumption. The psychology matters a lot. For most non-regular ONS player (or guys who frequented prostitute visits), it really actually takes time to get used to a new partner and have in your head prepared to have sex - at least that's true for me.

  • 我飲左酒試過,唉

  • yikfan replied at 2014-02-18 3:16 pm

  • Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 3:25 pm
    <br>yikfan replied at 2014-02-18 3:16 pm

  • 不過你果啲情況我又冇喎,係咪因為陌生未熟呀

  • 我都試過...女女LIN頭太黑...太主動..,.似叫雞多過同SL做.....

  • SM replied at 2014-02-18 4:12 pm

  • 係冇興趣....明明同個女友FEEL做...突然同雞做......

  • 我怕有陣臭味多啲

  • 咩臭味? 唔係沖左涼先咩?

  • Daisy77 replied at 2014-02-18 4:29 pm
    <br>咩臭味? 唔係沖左涼先咩?

  • 體臭口臭都好大鑊, 不過呢d未上床前都發現到, 唯有扮有事走先 :(

  • 我都試過, 因為喝了點酒, 加上要用套套, 一戴就軟了.

  • kk replied at 2014-02-18 4:37 pm
    <br>我都試過, 因為喝了點酒, 加上要用套套, 一戴就軟了.

  • Daisy77 replied at 2014-02-18 4:36 pm
    <br>體臭口臭都好大鑊, 不過呢d未上床前都發現到, 唯有扮有事走先 :(

  • Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 4:44 pm
    <br>kk replied at 2014-02-18 4:37 pm
    <br>我都試過, 因為喝了點酒, 加上要用套套, 一戴就軟了.

  • Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 4:44 pm
    <br>kk replied at 2014-02-18 4:37 pm
    <br>我都試過, 因為喝了點酒, 加上要用套套, 一戴就軟了.

  • 其實可以係第一次同妳時緊張, 如果係我都會有feel先可以

  • 點會架, 都不知幾硬呀 ;)

  • Daisy77 replied at 2014-02-18 11:07 am
    <br>Mrs K replied at 2014-02-18 11:03 am
    <br>講起吹下.... 佢反應好大, 頭一次我以為整痛啦..原來唔係! 跟手第二第三次佢都好似好快想我起身咁, 我有次問佢係咪唔鍾意, 佢又話唔係...我心諗應該唔會有男人唔鍾意吹掛!?? 不過之後我都唔係好敢吹, 驚佢太high 又驚影響佢又唔得.. 哈哈, 唔知點算~~
    <br>下! 咁奇怪? 佢係好斯文, 似少出來玩果種人?
    <br>識佢都有4/5個月, 睇佢唔似d weeweewetwet 呃蝦條既人,
    <br>生活都幾正常, 我地成日whatsapp, 又add 左facebook, 所以佢呃我都有限。
    <br>我覺得佢係斯文架...無論床上床下都係, 但係wild once for a while 都唔過份吖 :p
    <br>可能你啜得佢太肉緊, 試下慢慢摸下佢, 錫下(唔好啜)佢條野同龜頭, 再慢慢錫落佢袋底, 輕輕逗下袋袋, 睇下佢咩反應。如果仲係差少少, 你就自摸一番, 係佢面前diy, 仲要表現出好enjoy既樣, 不外乎咬下唇反下眼咁樣...或者捉佢隻手幫下你等佢硬返。唔好令佢只focus佢硬唔到...

  • Daisy77 replied at 2014-02-18 4:36 pm
    <br>體臭口臭都好大鑊, 不過呢d未上床前都發現到, 唯有扮有事走先 :(

  • hi Mrs. K~
    <br>i am a sweet guy looking for a sexy/decent SL
    <br>wanna chat?
    <br>[email protected]

  • Alvin1 replied at 2014-02-18 10:11 pm
    <br>hi Mrs. K~
    <br>i am a sweet guy looking for a sexy/decent SL
    <br>wanna chat?
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>I have notice you looking for chattmate or SL/SP in relationship page... for quite long time... any problem there?

  • 早晨

  • Happened once to me, because I saw redness on the condom, she was starting to have period. I'm not a fan, maybe some other brothers are.

  • hi mrs k, r u still looking for sp or sl?

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