做唔成情侶, 係咪就唔想做朋友???

  • The key n smart way is RESPECT.

  • //我真係抱住一個唔啱feel都可以做朋友的心態出黎,
    <br>//見左就算冇feel都可以keep contact 但係往往d男仔approach左一排,知道冇機會做情侶,就漸漸唔會再想做可以做互相關心的朋友 想問下大家,係咪其實大家上得網都只係目標為主,只為識男女朋友?

  • Ok replied at 2013-09-22 9:36 am
    <br>The key n smart way is RESPECT.
    <br>Yup, and so k's ambiguous and undecided approach of keeping friends first may be seen as lack of sincerity and respect, not to say she means it. The key is what is perceived by others.
    <br>It may not be easy for others to understand us; including appreciating our respect.

  • 速食文代嘛

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