
  • replied at 2011-12-09 5:19 pm
    <br>又喺度賣廣告啦!!!! replied at 2011-12-09 2:39 pm
    <br>點賣講告啊,,我了解件事同大家分享下...邊D字眼係我好想係度揾到著數?,揾人都唔係SHE.COM 揾啦..

  • K replied at 2011-12-08 12:36 pm

  • Grenade replied at 2011-12-09 6:37 pm
    <br>Sorry for belate reply, I guess the main problem is your bf afraid that you will leave him anyway if you success to develop your career as a model. I am in a opinion that it's very easy for you to separate with your bf when you succeed.
    <br>At this moment, you have to concern what kind of life that you are going to take. I do understand that 1 20 yrs old girl are not willing to give up any opportunities at this stage. You have to consider many things, such as if your bf will be your husband or if he is capable be your husband ?
    <br>Do you think BIG company will not get the advantages from you ? Advantages can include many means, no matter in money, or..?? who knows..
    <br>Well, seems I talk too much. Think about it
    <br>no too much! Thanks! This all i need to considerate,
    <br>his feeling and more more,no easy

  • minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-10 12:37 am
    <br>Grenade replied at 2011-12-09 6:37 pm
    <br>Sorry for belate reply, I guess the main problem is your bf afraid that you will leave him anyway if you success to develop your career as a model. I am in a opinion that it's very easy for you to separate with your bf when you succeed.
    <br>At this moment, you have to concern what kind of life that you are going to take. I do understand that 1 20 yrs old girl are not willing to give up any opportunities at this stage. You have to consider many things, such as if your bf will be your husband or if he is capable be your husband ?
    <br>Do you think BIG company will not get the advantages from you ? Advantages can include many means, no matter in money, or..?? who knows..
    <br>Well, seems I talk too much. Think about it
    <br>no too much! Thanks! This all i need to considerate,
    <br>his feeling and more more,no easy
    <br>and which something i want to do when i was young..

  • simple replied at 2011-12-08 3:45 pm

  • simple replied at 2011-12-08 10:05 am

  • made replied at 2011-12-08 11:49 pm
    <br>minniechan1028 ,
    <br>[email protected]

  • 字裡行間知道你的決心好大,相信你一定會參加比賽,亦相信你會言出必行。
    <br>人家講的黑暗不無道理,請應該留意一下。根據starz people的經理人講,做model一定要eq高,因為你看大大小小的模特比賽都知,當一位獨當一面的模特係要經歷考驗的。

  • replied at 2011-12-09 2:38 pm
    <br>做MODEL, 高質素的話揾錢好快, 多JOB, 仲段鐘計好好PAID,,得閒又會有人揾妳飯局,公價都1000句鐘, 比有錢二代睇中自然有媽媽生揾妳,,個時揾錢仲快,好多人入行前都好單純話唔會出賣自己,,我眼見就好多都做唔到呢點...因為實在太好揾了.
    <br>低質素的, JOB 唔多,, ON 9 仔私影都會揾到GEI,,將貨就價, 識人都有機會去D NIGHT CLUB 賣下煙仔,,賣下酒,,都算比一般工作好PAID ,,叫做2 3百蚊一句鐘,,但都唔會夠錢駛,, 好多到最後比D on9 咸濕私影仔,,出"高價" 1,2千咁,,又去到出賣自己條路了,,..
    <br>最後就係,,行得呢條路,,收開個人工,,,正常工係好難揾得返,妳唔會想再做返其他工.. 所以,妳自問有條件,有能力,可以係26前揾夠,,就去做...再唔係妳自問有姿色有內涵,,工作其間釣到有錢二代都係一條出路...坦白講,冇幾多人建立到呢行事業,,有的都一定已出賣自己...
    <br>未必既.. .可能真係有好既野呢

  • minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-10 12:44 am
    <br> replied at 2011-12-09 2:38 pm
    <br>做MODEL, 高質素的話揾錢好快, 多JOB, 仲段鐘計好好PAID,,得閒又會有人揾妳飯局,公價都1000句鐘, 比有錢二代睇中自然有媽媽生揾妳,,個時揾錢仲快,好多人入行前都好單純話唔會出賣自己,,我眼見就好多都做唔到呢點...因為實在太好揾了.
    <br>低質素的, JOB 唔多,, ON 9 仔私影都會揾到GEI,,將貨就價, 識人都有機會去D NIGHT CLUB 賣下煙仔,,賣下酒,,都算比一般工作好PAID ,,叫做2 3百蚊一句鐘,,但都唔會夠錢駛,, 好多到最後比D on9 咸濕私影仔,,出"高價" 1,2千咁,,又去到出賣自己條路了,,..
    <br>最後就係,,行得呢條路,,收開個人工,,,正常工係好難揾得返,妳唔會想再做返其他工.. 所以,妳自問有條件,有能力,可以係26前揾夠,,就去做...再唔係妳自問有姿色有內涵,,工作其間釣到有錢二代都係一條出路...坦白講,冇幾多人建立到呢行事業,,有的都一定已出賣自己...
    <br>未必既.. .可能真係有好既野呢

  • <br>姊妹們小心

  • "倒奶模何佩瑜( Jeana)和動漫 Maggie李曼筠近日分別傳出緋聞, Jeana早前擲千萬掃豪宅,原來幕後金主是有米英國投資公司股東 Victor Lee,男方更入股 Jeana的經理人公司力捧她。動漫 Maggie為求翻身,前晚騷腿陪新經理人 Peter鬼祟睇黎明個唱。"

  • newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 9:51 am
    <br>minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-10 12:44 am
    <br> replied at 2011-12-09 2:38 pm
    <br>做MODEL, 高質素的話揾錢好快, 多JOB, 仲段鐘計好好PAID,,得閒又會有人揾妳飯局,公價都1000句鐘, 比有錢二代睇中自然有媽媽生揾妳,,個時揾錢仲快,好多人入行前都好單純話唔會出賣自己,,我眼見就好多都做唔到呢點...因為實在太好揾了.
    <br>低質素的, JOB 唔多,, ON 9 仔私影都會揾到GEI,,將貨就價, 識人都有機會去D NIGHT CLUB 賣下煙仔,,賣下酒,,都算比一般工作好PAID ,,叫做2 3百蚊一句鐘,,但都唔會夠錢駛,, 好多到最後比D on9 咸濕私影仔,,出"高價" 1,2千咁,,又去到出賣自己條路了,,..
    <br>最後就係,,行得呢條路,,收開個人工,,,正常工係好難揾得返,妳唔會想再做返其他工.. 所以,妳自問有條件,有能力,可以係26前揾夠,,就去做...再唔係妳自問有姿色有內涵,,工作其間釣到有錢二代都係一條出路...坦白講,冇幾多人建立到呢行事業,,有的都一定已出賣自己...
    <br>未必既.. .可能真係有好既野呢

  • K replied at 2011-12-10 12:43 am
    <br>人家講的黑暗不無道理,請應該留意一下。根據starz people的經理人講,做model一定要eq高,因為你看大大小小的模特比賽都知,當一位獨當一面的模特係要經歷考驗的。

  • newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 10:17 am
    <br>"倒奶模何佩瑜( Jeana)和動漫 Maggie李曼筠近日分別傳出緋聞, Jeana早前擲千萬掃豪宅,原來幕後金主是有米英國投資公司股東 Victor Lee,男方更入股 Jeana的經理人公司力捧她。動漫 Maggie為求翻身,前晚騷腿陪新經理人 Peter鬼祟睇黎明個唱。"

  • Try appealing to his masculine sense of protecting his woman. Let him know that as his gf, you will need him by your side as your champion to protect you from all kinds of bad people as you bravely foray into the world of modeling. :p

  • minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-10 7:11 pm
    <br>newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 10:17 am
    <br>"倒奶模何佩瑜( Jeana)和動漫 Maggie李曼筠近日分別傳出緋聞, Jeana早前擲千萬掃豪宅,原來幕後金主是有米英國投資公司股東 Victor Lee,男方更入股 Jeana的經理人公司力捧她。動漫 Maggie為求翻身,前晚騷腿陪新經理人 Peter鬼祟睇黎明個唱。"

  • man replied at 2011-12-10 7:24 pm
    <br>Try appealing to his masculine sense of protecting his woman. Let him know that as his gf, you will need him by your side as your champion to protect you from all kinds of bad people as you bravely foray into the world of modeling. :p
    <br>I know he is a good man and he just wanna protect me

  • newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 8:05 pm
    <br>minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-10 7:11 pm
    <br>newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 10:17 am
    <br>"倒奶模何佩瑜( Jeana)和動漫 Maggie李曼筠近日分別傳出緋聞, Jeana早前擲千萬掃豪宅,原來幕後金主是有米英國投資公司股東 Victor Lee,男方更入股 Jeana的經理人公司力捧她。動漫 Maggie為求翻身,前晚騷腿陪新經理人 Peter鬼祟睇黎明個唱。"

  • minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-11 3:55 pm
    <br>man replied at 2011-12-10 7:24 pm
    <br>Try appealing to his masculine sense of protecting his woman. Let him know that as his gf, you will need him by your side as your champion to protect you from all kinds of bad people as you bravely foray into the world of modeling. :p
    <br>I know he is a good man and he just wanna protect me
    <br>me good man too if you my gf will let u model

  • 好野留俾自已欣賞都係男人的心態,

  • minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-11 3:57 pm
    <br>newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 8:05 pm
    <br>minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-10 7:11 pm
    <br>newsgroup replied at 2011-12-10 10:17 am
    <br>"倒奶模何佩瑜( Jeana)和動漫 Maggie李曼筠近日分別傳出緋聞, Jeana早前擲千萬掃豪宅,原來幕後金主是有米英國投資公司股東 Victor Lee,男方更入股 Jeana的經理人公司力捧她。動漫 Maggie為求翻身,前晚騷腿陪新經理人 Peter鬼祟睇黎明個唱。"

  • 想做梗係做啦~~~又唔係犯法既事

  • want hotpot tonight = 好凍丫,有没女仔末拍拖又想找男仔拖拖手/抱抱呀
    <br> 我29碎,最近和女友行手
    <br>, 有没女仔末拍拖又想找男仔拖拖手/抱抱呀. 和我5怕bore.
    <br>interest就快的PM我 la

  • model is rich people's toy, but not wife....

  • replied at 2011-12-11 5:46 pm
    <br>want hotpot tonight = 好凍丫,有没女仔末拍拖又想找男仔拖拖手/抱抱呀
    <br> 我29碎,最近和女友行手
    <br>, 有没女仔末拍拖又想找男仔拖拖手/抱抱呀. 和我5怕bore.
    <br>interest就快的PM我 la
    <br>你都好off topic下喎

  • man replied at 2011-12-11 6:08 pm
    <br>model is rich people's toy, but not wife....
    <br>Haha, you are right , but the point of view is not this

  • man2 replied at 2011-12-11 4:05 pm
    <br>minniechan1028 replied at 2011-12-11 3:55 pm
    <br>man replied at 2011-12-10 7:24 pm
    <br>Try appealing to his masculine sense of protecting his woman. Let him know that as his gf, you will need him by your side as your champion to protect you from all kinds of bad people as you bravely foray into the world of modeling. :p
    <br>I know he is a good man and he just wanna protect me
    <br>me good man too if you my gf will let u model
    <br>Haha,thank you!

  • Rollei replied at 2011-12-11 4:09 pm
    <br>U right! But I also said which have exclude^_^

  • Jackson22 replied at 2011-12-11 5:06 pm

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