Why it is so hard to find a nice and match woman SP

  • passaway replied at 2011-06-08 3:07 pm
    <br>Dont worry! They are talking normally!
    <br>Why U come here?
    <br>ic, haha :)
    <br>just feeling bored today and this topic caught my sight, that's all ^^
    <br>So how are you doing today? busy at work?

  • 佛教茂峰法師紀念中學文可為

  • Ada replied at 2011-06-08 4:24 pm
    <br>ic, haha :)
    <br>just feeling bored today and this topic caught my sight, that's all ^^
    <br>So how are you doing today? busy at work?

  • passaway replied at 2011-06-08 7:43 pm
    <br>not too much of difference la
    <br>it's very difficult to communicate if we live in 2 different circles, right?

  • kelly replied at 2011-06-08 3:15 pm
    <br>我咁講你可能唔服, 告訴你, 通常d人係msn到係好風趣咁,但到見面其實講講下好快冇話題, 因為大家都唔會完全冇戒心地披露自己的真實,但又唔想下下吹水講大話. 結果,熱情好快冷卻. 更何況keep住有sex都要有團火架.女人唔同男人,唔可以似隻狗咁,話要就隨便搵個人仆. 你d女唔同你keep,講到底,你根本就好普通,普通到黎手掉左,都可以有人取代. 差在佢地想唔想搵啫.
    <br>You definitely hit the point and catch the weakness of "唔想下下吹水講大話".
    <br>一個大話遮一個, 越搞越大, 無味道.

  • follie replied at 2011-06-08 3:18 pm
    <br>Illiterate, for those who can truly read and write and have a life otherwise, all she.com guys are below average. The differences are microscopic and immaterial...
    <br>sometimes i work around here, not only curious on sex and relationship but also pick up something into my pocket...english...thks!

  • I somehow agree to kelly, if there isn't anything interesting to keep the two going... its obvious ppl will off again and search for new fun and excitment.. perhaps that's what sp all about?? And my view is the older the better, can keep longer.. coz there are some gd experience to share..

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