用英文=high class d?

  • I understand that you are just trying to correct the wrong sentence of someone full of laughters, such that your sentence is so succinct. I have been living in England for years and I never saw anyone write a clumsy sentence like that of someone full of laughters! LOL
    <br>Vow, I am so impressed!
    <br>You are so correct to say that I never finished my junior high...you are such a genius...LOL

  • 不如話開呢條thread嘅人有問題, 唔識中文輸入法又如何? 有必要去鬧人係契弟, 惡毒心腸, 把口仲臭過屎, 幾廿歲人仲叫自己做bb, 慳d啦.

  • will
    <br>modal verb
    <br>(also 'll) used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned
    <br>modal verb
    <br>used to express possibility
    <br>These two verbs are so difficult for someone who never finished his junior high. Thanks for reminding me to check them out again...LOL

  • but .... you are such an axxhole, relying on the existence of a smartass

  • 好好笑 replied at 2011-03-21 6:30 pm
    <br>It is therefore logical to say "typing English will reply faster than typing chinese", isn't it? Why? Because most people type English much faster than typing Chinese.
    <br>Now, you have your Lesson 1 in Logic.
    <br>if just "most people" type English much faster than typing Chinese, then you should use "may" rather than "will"
    <br>get my point yet? axxhole LOL

  • ROFL...Yes, I am an axxhole and I rely on the existence of you...a smartass.

  • 好好笑 replied at 2011-03-21 7:09 pm
    <br>I understand that you are just trying to correct the wrong sentence of someone full of laughters, such that your sentence is so succinct. I have been living in England for years and I never saw anyone write a clumsy sentence like that of someone full of laughters! LOL
    <br>Vow, I am so impressed!
    <br>You are so correct to say that I never finished my junior high...you are such a genius...LOL
    <br>Junior high ?? It was a reply from OYG. Idiot !!

  • mind your hole when you roll

  • Stop being a smartass and making a fool of yourself, okay?
    <br>As I said before, I was merely correcting his grammar. I was not teaching him how to write better English. Didn't you notice that I corrected it to say "it will reply faster or it replies faster" from his original sentence "maybe it is reply more faster." I corrected it to "it will reply faster or it replies faster" simply because the adverb "maybe' is understood. You can't say "maybe it may reply faster", can you, smartass?

  • OYG is also you, it was just a typo. Am I correct to say that?...LOL

  • OYG was also you, it was just a typo. Am I a genius?...LOL

  • 好好笑 replied at 2011-03-21 5:32 pm
    <br>Maybe it is reply more faster.
    <br>it 指打中文這個動作,it will reply faster or it replies faster都可以。
    <br>hahahahahaha ~ ROFL
    <br>MAYBE axxhole WILL REPLY FASTER ??????
    <br>I get your point now, of coz the pronoun of an "axxhole" is "it" ~ no wonder you said "IT WILL REPLY"

  • Typo ?? you are such an idiot full of hallucination. oh ho, I should not address "you" ... "it" will be more appropriate ASSOHOLE ~ LOL

  • Why you called yourself OHG but not OMG or OYG?...LOL

  • OMG = OYG = OHG = 1 = 2 = 3
    <br>your ASSOHOLE logic again
    <br>LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • idiot axxhole ~ bye bye

  • MAYBE axxhole WILL REPLY FASTER ??????
    <br>Ooops, you don't practice what you preach? Didn't you ask me to learn the difference between "will" and "may" and taught me to use "may" in such a sentence? You should have said "MAYBE axxhole MAY REPLY FASTER" to make your point and to teach me what good English is all about, no?...ROFL

  • 你已經輸左啦, 重要死撐, 真係好撚好笑, 無撚聊

  • 我見到你呢條叫自己做大師嘅臭七咪仲覺得好撚好笑。

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