靚女無人要, 吾靚就嫁晒....

  • Hi
    <br>Let's chat
    <br>[email protected]

  • 芝芝 replied at 2010-12-20 10:14 pm
    <br>我知自己角色..我而家無拖拍會專心做野, 到我有男朋友我會係個好女友, 到我結婚後會是個好老婆, 有了子女會是個好媽媽....只是有沒有機會....
    <br>think about it

  • 設計人你岩唔岩?

  • 芝芝 replied at 2010-12-20 9:57 pm
    <br>有男人追我..是送貨佬, 地盤佬之類...我接受吾到....早年係有D好D條件...但....一係一出到街便問可否上床, 一係就年齡太大...
    <br>how old r u ?

  • OL送貨佬地盤佬點埋到身架?小姐你邊度識人玩架?

  • 芝芝 replied at 2010-12-20 10:14 pm
    <br>我知自己角色..我而家無拖拍會專心做野, 到我有男朋友我會係個好女友, 到我結婚後會是個好老婆, 有了子女會是個好媽媽....只是有沒有機會....
    <br>[email protected]

  • Hi gigi,
    <br>Don't give up gal! I met my wife when I was 28 and she was 31. She has been single for many years but she didn't rush or worry at all. We was not each other's cup of tea at the beginning but after few years, all in a sudden we know we r perfect for each other. When we are married I was 33 and she is 36/7 bu that doesn't mean anything to us. All it's about is the love and care and when the right time comes, ur "the one" with show up as well!

  • 芝芝 replied at 2010-12-20 10:14 pm
    <br>我知自己角色..我而家無拖拍會專心做野, 到我有男朋友我會係個好女友, 到我結婚後會是個好老婆, 有了子女會是個好媽媽....只是有沒有機會....
    <br>其實我都想搵個好老婆, 不過到現在都仲係單身, 可能因為工作還境的關係啦! 我是做工程師的都可以叫做係地盤佬掛 haha 唔知有無機會同妳做朋友, 如果可以的話我先留個 msn 係度啦.

  • 芝芝 replied at 2010-12-20 9:51 pm
    <br>無拍拖無性生活好耐....我都係正常女仔, 有時都有須要...(但好在還頂得住) 但我吾想是但搵個男人人有我有....
    <br>咁你有無諗過搵個有D質素嘅 SP 呢?

  • 隨緣~~

  • 世事往往就係咁, 版主認命吧!

  • 我娶老婆唔係靚就得囉!

  • i am day-off tmr, are u free to meet?
    <br>i can drive to pick u up wherever u are..
    <br>i am 5'8 tall and 150lb.. look good. 33 yr old. how abt u?
    <br>free to chat and meet?
    <br>[email protected]

  • 芝芝
    <br>hihi,good afternoon,nice to meet u,may i chat with u pls?
    <br>my msn is [email protected]

  • 芝芝 9:51pm dec 20, 2010 無拍拖無性生活好耐....我都係正常女仔, 有時都有須要...(但好在還頂得住) 但我吾想是但搵個男人人有我有....
    <br>That's the most common thought among people( men/women). Always thought that they deserve a better one. As a matter of fact, love, chances may probably pass thru once. If you can't get it at a proper time, or you thought that it was not the right time. You are going to lose it.
    <br>Anyway, good luck to all~~

  • <p><strong>芝芝</strong>,<br /><br /><strong>hi~可以做個朋友嗎?<br />我男30,算有學識,有正當職業。在妳未認識前雖然只是普通人一個,但妳識了我後,會明白到我對每個朋友都是用心的。<br />願意花時間在一起~是識真正朋友,什麼假朋友就不用了。<br />識朋友只想開開心心,希望識到「妳」~<br />請ADD我MSN方便聯絡^^</strong></p>
    <br><p><strong>msn: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></strong></p>

  • Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you. Please add me at [email protected] if you want to chat sometimes. Have a nice day and good luck. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  • It's not weird, it reveal that people's looking is not the only ingredient of getting love or relationship, perhaps being together comfortably does matter than how is one's looking.

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