試過同援交女仔 trade 最激時她們可以做d 咩?

  • hotsexskill replied at 2012-09-12 6:00 pm

  • 咁你可以唔話比佢知,每個人都有過去,如果佢介意,你都唔好同佢發展啦。

  • 做左三個月果d,點都有陰影既

  • bee - sorry for your story and suffering
    <br>u must suffer a lot

  • kk replied at 2012-09-05 2:50 pm
    <br>那數個月,有無咩情況令妳最難頂 ....?
    <br>呢 d 情況好多會乘機唔帶...

  • yuyu replied at 2012-09-20 12:33 am
    <br>kk replied at 2012-09-05 2:50 pm
    <br>那數個月,有無咩情況令妳最難頂 ....?
    <br>呢 d 情況好多會乘機唔帶...
    <br>yes... 襯你未醒...

  • 嘩,甘你會點? stop佢定由佢黎?

  • my bf sometimes wake me up with touching and being on top. i like it because he will keep bang me hard until i wakeup and will tease me that i get wet in the morning. it's also fun too! don't you like sex?

  • nicole replied at 2012-09-20 12:49 am
    <br>my bf sometimes wake me up with touching and being on top. i like it because he will keep bang me hard until i wakeup and will tease me that i get wet in the morning. it's also fun too! don't you like sex?

  • GarfieldJ replied at 2012-09-20 1:00 am
    <br>nicole replied at 2012-09-20 12:49 am
    <br>my bf sometimes wake me up with touching and being on top. i like it because he will keep bang me hard until i wakeup and will tease me that i get wet in the morning. it's also fun too! don't you like sex?
    <br>that is nice.. morning sex.. is full feel satisfy..!

  • josephine replied at 2012-09-20 12:44 am
    <br>嘩,甘你會點? stop佢定由佢黎?
    <br>好難可以點.. 通常到醒佢已經插左一陣....

  • nicole replied at 2012-09-20 12:49 am
    <br>my bf sometimes wake me up with touching and being on top. i like it because he will keep bang me hard until i wakeup and will tease me that i get wet in the morning. it's also fun too! don't you like sex?
    <br>你試下比個男人大你好多的..又無感情既.. 咁樣插醒你,仲要無帶套.... 你點會 fun...

  • michi replied at 2012-09-20 1:05 am
    <br>nicole replied at 2012-09-20 12:49 am
    <br>my bf sometimes wake me up with touching and being on top. i like it because he will keep bang me hard until i wakeup and will tease me that i get wet in the morning. it's also fun too! don't you like sex?
    <br>你試下比個男人大你好多的..又無感情既.. 咁樣插醒你,仲要無帶套.... 你點會 fun...
    <br>hmm. how old is he.. and what is your age at that moment..!..
    <br>but since u are working.. that is your job.. i also understand how u feel..! how much is your trade?

  • GarfieldJ replied at 2012-09-20 1:07 am
    <br>michi replied at 2012-09-20 1:05 am
    <br>nicole replied at 2012-09-20 12:49 am
    <br>my bf sometimes wake me up with touching and being on top. i like it because he will keep bang me hard until i wakeup and will tease me that i get wet in the morning. it's also fun too! don't you like sex?
    <br>你試下比個男人大你好多的..又無感情既.. 咁樣插醒你,仲要無帶套.... 你點會 fun...
    <br>hmm. how old is he.. and what is your age at that moment..!..
    <br>but since u are working.. that is your job.. i also understand how u feel..! how much is your trade?
    <br>我 19.. 佢四十幾...

  • 過夜trade?唔驚佢食完閃左?

  • tradeguy

  • tg

  • but you get $ when they 插你.
    <br>my bf don't pay me any $. I'm free and get teased for needing to feed!
    <br>i think you should enjoy the fun of being 插. close your eyes or pretend to be asleep till he finish.
    <br>But the 四十幾old man sounds like a PK!

  • but any good sex trade experience? anyone who can bang a long time and do you actually come many times since there are so much sex?

  • nicole replied at 2012-09-20 1:32 am
    <br>but any good sex trade experience? anyone who can bang a long time and do you actually come many times since there are so much sex?
    <br>nicole u seem really interested in sex
    <br>do u want a bang right now?

  • nicole
    <br>i think when trade, the gal wont feel good for banging long time........ do u think a gal love the process to be prolonged if she is being raped?

  • what i'm trying to say is, we should enjoy sex. During trade, just close eyes and think of feeding a handsome man.
    <br>i love being fed. i also like riding because i can come many times.

  • 我都試過tg, 夜晚一次, 日頭起身又硬晒要做多次..仲係無用套內射埋, 個女仔有一半時間係訓緊..好high

  • nicole replied at 2012-09-20 1:52 am
    <br>what i'm trying to say is, we should enjoy sex. During trade, just close eyes and think of feeding a handsome man.
    <br>i love being fed. i also like riding because i can come many times.
    <br>yup.. girl is more easy to get high more time when they are on the top.. since they know what position to get real sex... so that is depends on your skill!... nicole.. would u feel like to chat on msn.. please add [email protected]

  • 個女仔有一半時間係訓緊-->死魚咁,有咩好?!

  • 有一半時間係醒架麻.. ~.~"

  • foreplay 都冇就插,我唔like !!

  • 試過約好左只口交,但去到酒店時
    <br>帶套含左陣, 個男人都係想我除晒衫做,即場加晒錢好難拒絕

  • teresa
    <br>佢加左幾多, 令你唔想拒絕?

  • 2000

  • teresa
    <br>我俾返依個數你。 陪我食飯only.
    <br>msn: [email protected]

  • 口交都重要用套?
    <br>咁即係total 收幾多?

  • 試過無用dom入後門,當射時揪出黎,要條女吹爆再吞埋,各位請放心條女係老處俾我,包保干淨,包佢玩足成個月,除左group party,乜都玩過哂,洗費HK$38000....,幾年前既事,諗起都超爽 haha

  • 正白癡仔!

  • Teresa replied at 2012-09-20 12:48 pm
    <br>帶套含左陣, 個男人都係想我除晒衫做,即場加晒錢好難拒絕
    <br>無錯,即場加錢 係好難拒絕
    <br>我都常常用呢招 玩左 D 囡囡本唔俾我玩既野 ~
    <br>有時連 D 女仔生理週期都唔放過,玩左多好野 …

  • .

  • Teresa replied at 2012-09-20 12:48 pm
    <br>帶套含左陣, 個男人都係想我除晒衫做,即場加晒錢好難拒絕

  • 過客 replied at 2012-09-20 4:56 pm
    <br>試過無用dom入後門,當射時揪出黎,要條女吹爆再吞埋,各位請放心條女係老處俾我,包保干淨,包佢玩足成個月,除左group party,乜都玩過哂,洗費HK$38000....,幾年前既事,諗起都超爽 haha
    <br>a lot of young students allow anal but not fxxk pussy
    <br>easier to get these play now

  • ..

  • 過客 replied at 2012-09-20 4:56 pm
    <br>試過無用dom入後門,當射時揪出黎,要條女吹爆再吞埋,各位請放心條女係老處俾我,包保干淨,包佢玩足成個月,除左group party,乜都玩過哂,洗費HK$38000....,幾年前既事,諗起都超爽 haha

  • ShanShan
    <br>About what range is now for that ?

  • Any more ? Boring tonight...

  • 試過比人包,1 星期都係佢屋企比佢任做

  • trade 最激時...揷穿咗個套, 中出咗

  • 試過叫條女痾屎我睇

  • 我叫GARY黎耀龍,想搵SL,WHATSAPP ME OR CALL ME~!!!緊火中~!!!緊火中~!!!

  • .

  • Yee replied at 2014-02-03 11:14 am
    <br>試過比人包,1 星期都係佢屋企比佢任做

  • apple

  • any share?

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