
  • 呀倫, are you married?

  • 妳好,我想識妳呀~

  • SleepingKathy replied at 2010-06-18 1:55 pm
    <br>呀倫, are you married?
    <br>我未結婚, 不過同居左好多年. 我諗0個一種不被重視同悶既感覺係差不多吧, 0個一種俾人老馮左, 同埋無晒浪漫既感覺, 真係會令人好唔開心...
    <br>KATHY, 妳會想有人待妳如寶貝一樣嗎? 我有好多感情情想投放係一段SL 既關係入面呢

    <br>i am 38 year old and is married, i just broken with my sl for few month, can we chat and communcation?? let do some talk from msn or phone???
    <br>[email protected]

  • kathy
    <br>what kind of men u like to be yr sl?

  • 對於不影響對方生活我認為是布需要的, 始終追求浪漫既生活唔等於要付出太多
    <br>係唔影響生活既大前提, 我地可以係工作時間MSN, 放工時間如果唔急住返屋企的話可以見過面, 係放假同大節日就要各有各, 如果真係掛住咪SMS 下.
    <br>甘又可以開心而且唔會影響對方既生活, 只係好好利用時間去得到一點快樂, KATHY 妳話好唔好?

  • Dennis, i agree what you said, but i need time to know whether it is really what you want or not? cause everytime the man said the same things to me but finally totally difference.

  • pls add and chat
    <br>[email protected]

  • SleepingKathy replied at 2010-06-18 3:00 pm
    <br>Dennis, i agree what you said, but i need time to know whether it is really what you want or not? cause everytime the man said the same things to me but finally totally difference.
    <br>明白既, 如果妳覺得我地可以進一步可以了解下既話, 不如係MSN 傾下了解下大家想要既野會唔會一致好唔好?
    <br>我既MSN 係[email protected] 希望可以好快見到妳ADD 我.

  • dennis, just added you.

  • Kathy,
    <br>If you only looking for SL, will it be better to go to relationship forum? Given we are all talking in sex board, so this is sure sth in their mind... I am not saying all guys are looking for sex... but just want to be realistic about it....
    <br>To share, I got a SL few years back... then we do have sex relationship... but it finished after a yr as she felt pressure and getting uncomfortable... so just think carefully what is your requirement and take the right move..
    <br>I am not against SL/SP relationship... but just want to highlight that it may turn out not the same as what you expect... so you need to prepare for it.

  • SleepingKathy replied at 2010-06-18 3:10 pm
    <br>dennis, just added you.
    <br>哦?好的, 我看看, 好像沒有顯示似的。。。。

  • hkguy-sp, thanks for your comments, from your name i should know.

  • Dennis, I did added you already, don't know why can't send you message?

  • SleepingKathy replied at 2010-06-18 3:10 pm
    <br>dennis, just added you.
    <br>好像沒有看見呢。 如果不介意, 可以把妳的MSN EMAIL 到我[email protected] 的信箱嗎? 總覺得現在的MSN 沒以前的穩定 

  • Kathy
    <br>Did you find the right guy yet. I am 40 and married, and looking for someone also

  • chi9sin replied at 2010-06-18 1:33 pm
    <br>hello kathy, i am 37y married man, let's chat further in msn if u r free.
    <br>msn: [email protected]
    <br>大家可以傾一傾嗎? 未傾過點知大家夾唔夾

  • Kathy,
    <br>Just clarify.. my ID is few yrs ago just dont bother in setup a new one... Not really looking for sth for the time being... so just bored today and random posting only.
    <br>sorry if I create any issues for others

  • kathy
    <br>can we chat and share ? where are you now?

  • SleepingKathy replied at 2010-06-18 3:19 pm
    <br>Dennis, I did added you already, don't know why can't send you message?
    <br>甘就真係奇怪喇, 唔通個天想我直接俾我手機黎? 妳介唔介意SKIP 一下丫?哈哈

  • SleepingKathy
    <br>Seems it's not easy to catch you up here. I really hope we can have a moment to talk a share. I hereby leave my msn :
    <br>[email protected]

  • 其實都唔打緊既, 只不過想同妳單對單傾下, 可以講得深入小小, 始終呢度都係一個公眾地方嘛。  哈哈, 妳話係唔係KATHY

  • MSN: [email protected]
    <br>Good CHoice

  • hi kathy 反正又未ADD到, 我諗可以係度同妳分享多小小我SL 既諗法:
    <br>我成日都思考, 點解我要一個SL, 定其實我要一個SP呢? 
    <br>經過呢幾年黎同sl一1起既日子,我了解到我係要一個SL 的。 
    <br>首先, 我同我女朋友同居好多年喇。有時太熟呢反而會無甘在意對方既情緒, 無論咩人都好, 都總想有人去聽下自己講野, 但係一起耐左呢0的野反而會係曼小做既, 同埋無論做幾多野都好似無人去欣賞甘。 
    <br>係另一方面, 可能係人既天性使然, 係性生活方面都大不如前, 好似完全無情趣甘, 就算你想搵0的野搞對方都好似一副叫你早0的休息甘既表情, 真係令人好氣頂的。 
    <br>反而SL 就唔同喇, 因為大家都明白0個一種痛苦, 係一起既時間都會好努力甘去令大家開心, 而且有一個大前題就係唔可以影響對方既生活, 所以每次可以見面時 都會好期待同埋好開心, 呢份開心係我同好多有SL 既人所追求的。 
    <br>另外大家都知道有0的日子係一定唔可以見面, 係感情上就更了解到對方同自己一樣都為呢一段關係付出左好多好多。 甘就會更架願意去錫對方。 
    <br>呢0的係我既一0的諗法, 希望好快可以有機會同妳MSN 又好, 搵間CAFE 大家舒舒服服甘坐係度傾下計就好。

  • Hi sleepingkathy
    <br>I am 38 married..Can we cahrt in Msn
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>我都想識個可以互相關心的 SL. 不須成日見面, 只想大家心中都想著對方

  • 34 M 1.73 142lb Good Looking, 有 keep fit, overseas education, self employ 時間自由, NT west 想揾個 鍾意拍吓拖 行街 睇戲 食飯 又鍾意 Sex 嘅 SP/SL MSN [email protected]

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