阿 man ( Peter)係咪真係好靚仔,李擦地板咡?

  • ~只招待成熟有女人味女性~ 。
    <br>25男, 182cm, fit and sporty,
    <br>唔使賣廣告啦...she d女仔唔會幫親你! btw subconscious = wing?

  • doctor replied at 2010-04-24 11:24 pm
    <br>peter also suffers from language barrier syndrome; he always has difficulties to express himself in words and always imagine he is proficient in english language. in other words, he is half retarded.

  • his eyes are bigger than that of Richard's

  • insider replied at 2010-05-04 9:35 am
    <br>his eyes are bigger than that of Richard's
    <br>C eyes!

  • how do u know?

  • .

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