14 years! - and he is still asking for forgiveness... ...

  • We aint God and we cannot help others affairs. That is all I can say but I do care your being too enthusiastic that might causes you too much trouble. Do hope you get my sincerity then. Good Night.

  • RustyNail
    <br>Thanks for your sincere advices. I better go consult a doctor myself tomorrow morning regarding what I have done tonight.

  • Not at all. I won't be offended by just a few lines like that.
    <br>Strangers can always be the most HONEST. at least i get to know how strangers think differently.

  • Thanks WildBerry^^

  • haha.... i do agree we all need a doctor in some way.... and we could all be a doctor in some way too. :-)
    <br>accept the fact that ppl are different, question less, then i guess it's more easy to keep relationships in harmony. :-)

  • I've seen some people living in very bad situation with family members but they have very close & good friendship outside their home.
    <br>These people can handle frienship so well.. and so sociable... but they cannot enjoy their family time. RELATIONSHIP is such a HUGE topic to learn - How to love - How to be loved.

  • My weakness is my personal viewpoint towards not totally known factors. Silly me but funny that you guys still regard me as a netfd. :)

  • no harm. i treat you as my case study too. when i open my mind, i already expect to absorb anything including junks.

  • by the way.... Alison, my previous replies was to you.
    <br>I've seen some people living in very bad situation with family members but they have very close & good friendship outside their home.
    <br>These people can handle frienship so well.. and so sociable... but they cannot enjoy their family time. RELATIONSHIP is such a HUGE topic to learn - How to love - How to be loved.

  • Thou I am a fool but I neither a case nor junks. kaka.

  • wildberry, hehee... i know that msg was for me. :-P
    <br>i've learnt that, "relationship" is the only topic for human.... relationship with all others, relationship with the nature, relationship with even money maybe.... hahaa.... so how to keep a balance among all these links is very important. and it is also the same challenge that makes life not dull.... :-)

  • whatever... just a description... too many bankers in this world. EASY!
    <br>i take junks as sharing too. So, thanks for sharing. You can keep sharing still.

  • Alison,
    <br>that's what i'm anticipating... how nice if your love one is your soulmate and be your family member and a close friend whom lend you his shoulders to cry on and also determined enough to help on your career. most importantly, he's always there to share your joyful moments.
    <br>there's always someone like i described. we just need to open our mind and our hearts to allow the oppotunities to accept. Believe it or not, we ourselves are always the angel to replace this person when he is absent. :)

  • Wildberry, i'm a positive thinker so i for sure know what you mean. hehe.... dont forget to share this with J too, she needs more positive energy to help expel the negativity. :-P
    <br>and you've mentioned the most important point, "to share the joyful moments" .... so we really have to think twice if someone only brings tearful moments, is it a real love? :-)

  • Alison,
    <br>with Chinese culture.... we gotto think 3X

  • Some Quotes to share:-
    <br>"The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else."
    <br>"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
    <br>"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
    <br>We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
    <br>"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be. "
    <br>"If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back theyd never ask you to."
    <br>Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing!

  • Good Morning to those being loved.....
    <br>Love the one who loves you.
    <br>If you can't
    <br>At least try not to hurt him/her.

  • Goodmorning WildBerry
    <br>Unconditional real love only contains joy and fun which never hurt. All others they call it love must belongs to the group of 'LIKE' which is conditional and trapped by the rules of human beings.

  • 美丽笨女人

  • Love is an ART yet what I know MOST ladies keep asking for and never love unconditionally. What a sigh that being in love is not a movie but that is life.

  • im the the alias banker. kaka.

  • EONS love or ONS is your smart choice. :P

  • <br>I started a joke, which started the whole world crying,
    <br>but I didn't see that the joke was on me, oh no.
    <br>I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing,
    <br>oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me.
    <br>I looked at the skies, running my hands over my eyes,
    <br>and I fell out of bed, hurting my head from things that I'd said.
    <br>Til I finally died, which started the whole world living,
    <br>oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me.

  • hi wildberry, thanks for sharing the quotes....
    <br>i've heard this long time ago and always remember it:
    <br>"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."

  • Hi WildBerry and Alison,
    <br>How many years ago, you gals built all these nice thoughts?

  • I believe: people would change from time to time > when we grow older :P
    <br>we see things differently at different stage of life.
    <br>but if you are talking about the thoughts... i think, we all have great impact on how we were being brought up by our family values.
    <br>but i also paid a tough lesson to went through the pains. i think i was a lucky one to recover soon enough.
    <br>I've had changed a lot because I think "change" is a mutual thingy...

  • The love grows when we are in love. We all change naturally to accept the forever changing world. If either one party not willing to do so. Then the love certify dead. We view things at the same angles that we can be in love.

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