All that we see or seem is a dream within a dream

  • hi all
    <br>women, 廿幾年真係無咩passion架啦, 平淡是福, 細水長流啦! :)
    <br>時上時落都好正常, 香港人o甘鬼忙, sweet都要d心力架! 你地long distance, 好難得!

  • obi
    <br>我覺得有好多香港人都唔係太忙, 上she.com就知. :P
    <br>不過如果bolt少成日懶懶閒, 我又未必咁鍾意佢.

  • nut/obi,
    <br>個男人係真有其人架, 我仲 send 左張相比佢睇 tim ^^

  • women
    <br>個男人有咩特徵架? 點解哨牙妹唔肯見佢o既?

  • sisters:
    <br>new thread...
    <br>life isn't about finding yourself. life is about creating yourself.
    <br>thread id: 2175151
    <br>cu there. : )

  • sori, the new thread's id is 2175183, pls ignore my previous post.
    <br>new topic: Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
    <br>(i made a typo in the other one.)

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