
  • 好男人? I dun know, a 好男人 will be trying to fxxk his recep buy trying to lend her money?? its cheap to me for god sake...
    <br>and if he treasure me, he will come back to me...and it has been 3 weeks so far..he did nothing...not even celeb my b day and x mas and ny....he is totally telling me i m not his gf anymore!! ...........

  • thanks vov for speaking that for me.
    <br>my bf never like me get involved in his biz, NEVER... business is his life and I should respect that....if i say that to the receptionist, I could never go to his office again.....

  • 咁chanel袋係可有可冇...嘅野...話時話.....@@...e.g..if my gf ask me chanel bag i say no too....if buy a house for her I would like to do..more

  • 如果係咁,就分手,但分手之前,一定要欏番D掟煲費!彌補你付出左既青春!

  • vov, oh i thought u are a girl?
    <br>yan: exactly 可以俾錢個Recept,冇理由唔可以俾錢你! (but sorry i don think i will ask for that, i can make my own money, don need he to give me, but of course it's sweet if he is willing to do something expensive for me without I asked.....)

  • say that to the receptionist, 你使佢好冇臉嘛!you tyhink think la...唔好脾氣大過理智,if his love you ,sure don;t want with you work togeter..盞吵!你唸吓!

  • yup

  • 泠靜d啦!

  • vov -> the truth is I have been implying / asking my man to get/buy me an apartment, and he finally agree to share the rental with me when I got my own apartment....
    <br>its cheap right? (but mayb he didnt want to pay all the rental by himself because that will mean a big responsibilit or a compromise....)

  • a few issues here
    <br> the sec amybe a very good producer for him, so lend her $$ is a biz decision, he may find it hard to find another sec to do all the things he wants.
    <br>u said he's cheap towards u, some men are very cheap too.
    <br>if u had to look at his black berry then u invading his privacy.
    <br>sure if u didnt do that u would never know.
    <br>U kind of dont trust him very much right from the start.
    <br>He choses to share his work with u, if he had said nothing about the sec pregnancy u wouldnt even know anything right.
    <br>If he wanted to fool around with sec then he would not bother to tell u anything anyways.
    <br>U could be over react.
    <br>If u cant trust a man during his 10 hrs away from u why bother?
    <br>Same when I dont see my woman for 8-10 everyday, should I follow her every where?

  • he never spend money on me generous but lend money to a small recep????...............

  • thanks for advice jimbo.
    <br>that was a receptionist, my man has his own personal assistant in the company. he told me the receptionist is not productive and he never give her any tasks...she just sits there and welcome guests and pick up phone calls...
    <br>yes, i dun trust him as i know what person he is...

  • ...甘佢應該係好算數目嗰種死佬...

  • thank you very much for every advice guys, but its time for me to sleep.
    <br>please do keep leaving me messages and I will reply next time.
    <br>mayb i should trust fate...if he comes, he comes...he might be the right man...might be not.....

  • vov: 條氣唔順 yes, but i truely love him..if he tell me to marry me tmr i d say yes immediately!!!

  • goodluck lady
    <br>I'm sleepy ,too

  • ^^

  • 算數目? sure! he is a biz man...every biz man is like that.....
    <br>but honestly, if i say he is 算數目 by he never gave me any expensive gift, and i never gave him any expensive gift too......

  • haha~

  • tks vov. love chatting with u and all guys here. gd nite!!

  • I am a boss and I would never fxxk a receptionist. Not worth it.
    <br>If I really want to fxxk her, since her pay is low, I prefer to "bao" her and pay her HK$20K and she will treat me like King and wait for me at home.
    <br>Patra, your ex bf must be running a small business if he wishes to fxxk her receptionist. For a CEO like me running a listed company, we don't need to waste time on such low quality recpetionist, especially if she is as ugly as Teresa Cheung.

  • 散得好, 9 成是佢攪大人個肚

  • never sh*t in your own backyard, too close for comfort.
    <br>screwing staff is a bad thing for company, morale , she get more favorite made rest of staff annoyed.
    <br>from bedroom to board room is for idiots only, when back fires u lost job, co. and everything.

  • Patra
    <br>先聲明,用 alias 既 earthworm 唔係我
    <br>對於你既 case,我會咁睇,錢,係你男友搵返黎既,如果你同佢未組成一個家庭,道理上,佢點洗佢既錢,你係冇權去干涉。
    <br>當然,你同你男朋友一齊兩年,你又愛佢,不自覺地你會 draw 左好多你認為合理既期望出黎,一旦期望同發生出黎既現像不相乎,你會覺得唔舒服,會嬲,會認為對方有問題。但係,請不要忘記,理想中既 picture 係你自己 draw 俾自己既,唔係人地夾硬質你食既
    <br>你既推論亦都有你既根據點,你信,就會變成所謂既真相,因為你已經用左一個框去框住左你既思考範圍 & 可能性。你嬲而飛左你男朋友,你既得著係咩野?你又失去左咩野?
    <br>因為個 receptionist 靚同 sexy,你就對自己冇左自信嗎?你同你男朋友既關係係建基於金錢外表,定係互相既關心同了解?
    <br>你可以做任何既決定,作為網友,充其量就只可以為你提供一 d 你睇唔到既觀點
    <br>你都幾好火喎 ^^

  • patra,
    <br>我覺得自己個情況同你超級相似, 不過要分析呢件事, 最重要係先要知道你同你男朋友兩人之間既相處
    <br>你地呢兩年既相處係點? 相方感情穩唔穩定? 你地幾歲?
    <br>佢公司開左幾耐? 3,4 年既公司仔?
    <br>拍左兩年拖咁見左家長未? 認為自己地位鞏唔鞏固?
    <br>呢個recept. 係邊個in邊個話請? 佢做左幾耐?
    <br>Teresa Cheung 係邊個呀? 真係唔知...章小慧?(好唔掂啵)
    <br>講番自己男朋友,公司仔做左幾年佢自己又後生,心高氣傲生意人,事業第一, 有錢唔慌無好女人...公司又話要討好呢個女人討好果女人,我自己都好辛苦,覺得自己好無安全感, 夜晚佢話我聽成日傾生意,我當然疑心生暗鬼etc...
    <br>我同佢既問題...隨住佢公司不穩定發展一直改變...very sad...好多好多野想同你share...

  • Patra
    <br> U have good command of Engrish, u should be able to find better bf lor.
    <br>wish u good luck.

  • love is forever

  • Patra
    <br>Just wonder how much $$ your ex lended to her/If it's a small amount,it could be just a small favour to make her happy for working on
    <br>Being a bizman,i dont think i eat and shxt in the same place,do does he.
    <br>Perhapes he didnt want you to think too much by tell you a lie.

  • Federic - my bf was also running a listed company, but not now anymore.
    <br>Alias earthworm - her baby is not my bf's.
    <br>tks jimbo again - yes never eat where to shxt, my bf must knows this rule, but I just dun know how to deal with the edvience I found.
    <br>thank you for your advice earthworm - yes, 佢點洗佢既錢,你係冇權去干涉 - i totally agree, so the only thing I could do is stay with this man or leave him, he doesnt even care I yelled coz he just think I am getting crazy with nonsense again. that receptionist is not 靚 but sexy, and it's always seducing men can fxxk such type for free.
    <br>boa - everyone in his company knows I am a 'friend' to him, my bf has never intro me as gf but 'friend' only, but i used to visit him in his office almost everyday, sometimes 4 times a week, I will only sit there for an hour to accompany his work, or we have lunch in office together, I will come by near the off working hours and we leave for happy hour together, i guess everyone knows what kinda relat we are in.
    <br>and yes, honestly i dun think our relat is stable...
    <br>tks for advice jimbo.

  • Hi there biz - I dun dare to ask how much he had lent her, but I guess it wont be a small amount if it is talking about a lawsuit?? yes i understand dun eat where to shxt, but pls analysis me the evidences I found - lent $ to a small receptionist?? why???

  • 對於我提問你都好保守,難d分析你聽
    <br>你其實唔洗咁執著"analysis me the evidences I found - lent $ to a small receptionist?? why???"... 唔重要, 你愛佢最重要分析你男朋友對你0既心係點...
    <br>你要分析...我覺得,其實你男朋友話借錢俾佢, 借左未丫? 可能係吹下水架姐...
    <br>個女人大過肚, 有又個仔, 你男朋友點會吼佢呀? 諗清楚d...會唔會呃佢上床多?
    <br>你男朋友話哂都係老闆,娶老婆梗係要清清白白,點會揀個咁既女人咁無腦, 唔驚俾公司人笑,行家笑?

  • you got me boa, i cant even bear if my bf is really trying to 呃佢上床~, thats disgusting!!

  • 樓主

  • 窮=輸

  • 男人個個都係咁, 唔知點講呢個道理你聽, 你係叻女你就呃掂自己話俾自己聽呢個唔係事實

  • 窮=輸

  • 樓主除左出topic用中文,replies通通用英文,點解?

  • 我條仔 earthworm 佢成日去偷食, 我都 accept 啦

  • to 無聊人 - > I see what you mean, thats why i didnt conceal i broke him already and all the details, my focus in not on win or loss, i just want to know what's in man's mind and why my bf did that. pls refer to my first thread.
    <br>boa - true, 男人個個都係咁...

  • to 核突 - thanks for visiting my thread anyway even though I do not think u have a point.

  • 無聊人分析無聊野 replied @ 2009-01-12 5:39 pm

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