
  • I think moeny is important than career

  • 壓力跟本係自己�姥互J....睇下版主講既野就知啦...
    <br>女人可以嫁左佢就算 <--- 如果女人覺得唔可以就咁嫁左佢, 咁咪有壓力囉
    <br>男人唔通去搵個富婆養咩 <--- 跟本就自己限死自己, 敢諗, 唔敢做...自己俾壓力自己

  • 你有壓力, 我有壓力...未解決!!!
    <br>如果要計男人女人邊個壓力大d, 呢條數係茅答案!

  • cool7002 replied @ 2008-12-10 1:17 pm
    <br>咁個分別可能就係咁, 我有朋友既老婆係唔駛做? 因為佢地要湊仔!!! 不論搵得多與小, d女人都一樣係唔駛做 ~
    <br>老友, 你最後尾0個句說話似乎偏激左少少喎~
    <br>女人唔洗做, 食乜野?
    <br>結左婚0既女人就一定唔洗做? 正係依賴個男人? 唔洗供樓? 唔洗開飯? 唔洗燈油火? 唔洗開支?
    <br>以前就話可以依賴個男人, 但係依家就一定唔得.
    <br>我有個朋友佢生左仔, 雖然佢無出黎做野, 不過佢依家係自己屋企開左間公司, 自己接job返屋企做.

  • 我意思係,係社會角度下,男人成功得一個標準,就係要有事業,如果無事業,你其他野醒都無人認同

  • 男人冇事業都可以去做個好老公,好daddy,又或者出色既義務工作等等.

  • 女人 replied @ 2008-12-10 6:13 pm
    <br>男人冇事業都可以去做個好老公,好daddy,又或者出色既義務工作等等. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>無奈社會覺得呢D男人唔算成�

  • 無奈社會覺得呢D男人唔算成功..

  • 無奈社會人的看法友被框住左

  • 無奈社會人的看法被框住左,點解唔可以男住內,女主外, WHY???

  • 男人事業當然重要啦!!而我, 除左事業ok之外, 當放工就要想下今晚煮咩餱比老婆食, 買餱煮飯, weekend又要去做家務!! 至於我老婆, 佢都好多野做.... 做劇集的影評, 做餱的食評... 哈哈!! 我都好想老婆可以煮比我食, 做個大男人... 不過都慣左, 始終都係自己揀的...
    <br>我的意思只想話依家的男人除左事業外, 仲可能煮內的!!

  • 而家女人越來越o力,入大學女多過男,過多一兩代人,男主內,女主外可能變成主流

  • 哈哈, 男主內,女主外呢個睇法並不代表個人的傾向,我都係鍾意做小女人多D...

  • actually.. i noticed this phenomenon long time ago..
    <br>do not say girls have it the easy way.. because most girls simply do not admit things as easily as guys..
    <br>girls tend to want everything.. they want guys to be gentleman, yet want they say man and woman should be equal..
    <br>girls don't like handsome guys etc..always say they have no heart.. but how many guys who have second wives in china or part time girl friends or lovers are classified as good looking..
    <br>as long as it matches their 'dream' person and can provide..
    <br>in the office.. the proportion of men and women is outrageous..so many departments are all girls..
    <br>everyone needs to make a living...girls or guys.. but a guy, who also needs to make a living, will find it difficult to find jobs because job ranges are so limited for a guy..
    <br>anyways.. after the school periods.. one will most likely to find that reality is life is never fair.. so just try to balance life .. eat well.. cherish the little things.. and god decides..

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