
  • 分手三個月, 佢依家追緊另一個女仔,<br />我知我無權管<br />但我真係好唔開心,發惡夢<br />佢已經block左我msn,但係我知道佢係msn成日同人讚個女仔<br />我係0米妒嫉心太重??

  • I have uninstall my msn. I want to free myself from the fruitless chatting. It doesn't work between us. You are happy with online flirting but I feel tricked.

  • how old are u?If he don't care u,let him go啦!Find another who really make u幸福!Good luck!

  • 分手後有5個哀傷階段:1)逃避 2)氣憤 3)指望 4)傷痛 5)接受現實
    <br>在任何階段, 分手都是很hurt的. 沒可能很快渡過, 需要時間步出哀傷.
    <br>看來你現在還滯留在傷痛階段. 這個階段會是你的低點, 孤獨, 迷綱, 感到失败...that's ok to feel like that.
    <br>你要接受你倆已分手, 他做什麽與誰一起都與你無関. 你只可以擁有與他的"回憶", 但沒權與他分享現在及將來了. Jealousy , 好奇他現在怎樣, 只會令你自已隋入更深的深"yuen".
    <br>學懂deal with 傷痛, 你或會有時覺得好嬲, 失敗,蠢,傻, 抱怨, jealousy etc....有這些负能量是無可厚非,但要let go of them fast! 繼續留在鑽牛角尖只會讓自已更節磨, 為何為一些你己不能控制的東西及人而節磨呢?

  • does take time.. my ex went away with another guy.. a guy who was supposed to be my friend.. i hated girls for 3 years.. some ppl don't give a shxt about relationship while some put heart.. but just need to accept.. life goes on.. and ur life is worth more than a break up..
    <br>keep going.. !! learn to love others.. u will feel loved.. don't dwell on the past...

  • 對自己好d ==> 放下. 走人.

  • 算啦,已經過咗去

  • 佢都走咗.你仲在意佢.或者同佢有關既野.

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