
  • <p>妳有心事需要找人當面傾訴嗎?</p>
    <p>妳想在空閒時, 找人陪你散心嗎?</p>
    <p><br />妳想找一位外表年青俊朗, 但思想成熟的男仕當妳的聆聽者嗎?</p>
    <p>一位大多數女性朋友都喜歡作為傾訴對像的男仕, 願意聆聽你的聲音.</p>
    <p><br />收費 :  <br />3 小時 450 元, 6 小時 800 元 <br />只限女姓.<br />期間一切開支全由客人 (女方) 負責.<br />談話內容絕對保密.</p>
    <p>純粹傾談或 陪伴散心. 性服務免問. 男仕免問.</p>
    <p><br />本人有的是時間, 獨缺金錢.</p>
    <p>email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>

  • can i know ur qualification before i hire ur services?
    <br>for example, how many years of experience in counselling? which area of expertise u have possessed? what are ur educational background? how mature u are? how handsome u are? too many questions...

  • If you are considering qualification or expertise, I am sorry to tell that I cannot help. The one you are looking for should be professionals like doctors or psychologists, who may charge over a thousand for an hour.
    <br>What I can offer is mere a good looking, polite and patient guy who are willing to listen to anything you don't want to share with people you know. And share some of his point of view on the topic if you are willing to.
    <br>I have over 10 gals who treat me as their private secret keeper and listener, for over 5 years. I also come across with 2 friends who have depression. And I can always release their presure and worries successfully. BTW, I am not a doctor. People who really have illness should better seek professional medical advice.
    <br>I am 30, with postgraduate qualification. It is hard to discribe how handsome I am. But if you find that I am not handsome enough at your first sight, you can leave immediately.

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