
  • <p>屋企人响外國... 自己一個人放假... 慘過要返工...<br />d frd 又唔太啱傾... 工作關係, 生活圈子又唔大...<br />唔想再自己睇戲, 食飯...<br /><br />有冇人有興趣食吓飯, 睇戲?<br /><br />有興趣留contact 或 email 我<br /><br />[email protected]<br />(男女都可以...但講明我唔係gay或bi... -_-")<br />(msn...可以响email換...但我唔識打中文, so I'll have to speak English on msn...手寫msn太慢 ~.~")</p>

  • 仲有, 我好多野都鐘意... 唱歌, 天文學...至打PS3...
    <br>係唔鐘意飲酒... 呢個都係我社交圈子細既問題...:(

  • 仲未訓?

  • Hi there~
    <br>What kind of job ur working for that make you feel so lonely???
    <br>How long for this situation last for??
    <br>Sometimes I think feeling lonely not only when ur alone.....the feeling is stronger when ur in a party or gathering....but u still feel lonely~
    <br>Don't u agree??

  • hello..
    <br>nice to meet you, I have added your msn to list already,
    <br>Actually, I feel lonely whenever I 'm alone or in party or gathering
    <br>but why don't you go out with your female friend?

  • karie_latte
    <br>Sure i went out with my female frined but most of them r in a relationship~~~
    <br>U know wht i mean?

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