
  • <p><font size="3">計算一下自己這一代在港的兄弟姊妹及堂╱表兄弟姊妹,七人只生了四個小孩,如果計算這四個小孩要跟另一家族平分,實際七人只有兩個後代,而我們大都超過三十五。<br /><br />在外地或大陸的反而會生多一點,香港真是一個難以生存的地方,莫說開枝散葉,連一點原氣也恐不保。</font></p>

  • 31歲....

  • ?��??��?閬��?鞈湔�啁宏�?憍血戊?�瘝�, 雿?.摰嗅滬?��??���脰釭�?????�甇賊��皜�?凋??�撟港�? ?��??��??踹?, 蝷曄蔡?��??脣??賢??亙?閬? ?����?��?鞈��??��?.

  • ?��??��?閬��?鞈湔�啁宏�?憍血戊?�瘝�, 雿?.摰嗅滬?��??���脰釭�?????�甇賊��皜�?凋??�撟港�? ?��??��??踹?, 蝷曄蔡?��??脣??賢??亙?閬? ?����?��?鞈��??��?.

  • 睇黎真係要依賴新移民婦女加油, 但..家庭背境教育質素難免重歸香港六七十年代. 惟有期望政府, 社署及教育局能先知先覺, 投放合理資源配合.

  • <br>
    <br>新移民婦女 ----> they have guts lor. They thought children will grow up naturally with rain and sunshine.
    <br>Mainlanders will buy a big house but not think about how many people will live in it or how to maintain the house.
    <br>They will have many kids but not think of how to support them financially.
    <br>For us, it's a lot of work, money, time .................. alot more.
    <br>It's not easy to have kids.
    <br>Normally, a couple will say "we both like kids"but they never think about the 20 yrs of education the kid has to endure. The sweetest part of having a kid is from birth to 5 yrs old. After that, it's nightmare.

  • testing

  • 人口老化,香港是否排第二位?

  • 人口老化,香港是否排第二位? <<<<<<< 出生率之低,香港世界第一,哈哈

  • 物競天澤,自作孽不可活

  • 環保份子 ~~~~~ 你香港有冇親朋戚友? 真鄧他們可憐!

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