Anyone, have a chat?

  • 嗯... 當時係因為失戀而唔得.. 咁情傷好返就冇問題
    <br>至於係身體的問題, 我諗糖尿病的.. 就一定要 keep 住做運動. 俾自己健康同夠氣先得
    <br>體虛的人... 或者呢方面係差左 d..
    <br>就算硬唔到唔緊要... 最多 shybabe 付出少少... 做唔到.. 叫佢出返黎
    <br>然後錫下佢.. 攬住佢.. 或者叫佢用手出.. 你睇住佢出時, 你又錫下佢心口.. 掃下佢.. 等佢自己都覺得.. 對住女友/老婆佢都有呢個能力

  • That's what I have been doing, glad that I am on the right way. Hope times go it will help. In fact, one night when I slept in his place, he thought i was sleeping but I was not. I saw him doing it by himself.
    <br>I am so offended when I saw it, thought so much like why he didn't ask me to help but may be he still has the confidence/pressure problem~!

  • shybabe,
    <br>if you are sure there's no problem between you and him. try to do it for him. men used to be shy to voice out that.

  • shynanae, since you got the answer that u want,
    <br>wish u n ur bf all the best ~

  • babe : 太令人傷心 佢可能面對唔到你先咁做

  • thanks Foo_muyo for your blessing..
    <br>thanks sl for your advice...
    <br>i hope I do not have the control my devil side but it will soon become a happy ending!

  • shybabe.. one thing i need to know
    <br>do you mind sxxk his sperm ?
    <br>if you do not mind, i think when he diy while you sleep
    <br>let him finish it.. and then... you wake up imm.. and then sxxk him again.. see that this simluation can let him wanna ml with you

  • shybabe,
    <br>you have to and you can. be a tough girl !!
    <br>all the best to you and your bf.

  • hmmmm....that's a bit disgusting though :P But you are quite creative!
    <br>Any more things that I can do?

  • you try try fingering his ass hole when you BJ for him

  • sl, thanks.. can we keep in touch? just that I think you can share my feelings
    <br>[email protected]

  • foo_munyo: is that so? thanks, but we always playing this fingering for fun only, I think we will laugh a lot if I do that :P

  • let the more fun, laugh for u n him before starting make love.
    <br>indirectly low down his pressure and build a nots confident on him

  • shybabe,
    <br>thanks for asking. my email is [email protected]. in case you need to talk, i'll be there.

  • if you are not too accept sxxk after he cums in diy..
    <br>you can see him finish it .. and then your finger brush his egg..
    <br>and you still pretend sleep
    <br>he will know what happens and then maybe wanna to touch your body for fun

  • babe,
    <br>are you a good looking with good body to attract your boyfrined sin?

  • 草_草: you are really creative, very funny!! Thanks for these ideas...

  • you are welcome
    <br>i forget to reply you that 背痛 really can affect the 反應
    <br>so. maybe some postion.. when he do it, he feels easy to tire or pain
    <br>you can tell him. we try the best way to do it.. you can shoot.. i can feel it... use the wording to flirt him hot and 心動...

  • sl: thanks for the email :)

  • :)
    <br>be happy. that's not the end of the world.

  • Many thanks ah...
    <br>so for 背痛, what is the best way to do it then?

  • I am always a happy girl, tried to be at least~!
    <br>This is one thing that I have been puzzling for many years, everything else, it's smooth and sweet but just this has been bothering us..

  • U know sometimes girls tend to think the other way round like whether he is not interested in me..etc etc..
    <br>I will try to supress these feelings..!!

  • it's already good enough. sex is not the most important thing in a relationship. there are still other fun.
    <br>have to sleep. take care everyone.

  • shybabe.. 背痛.. 要諗下邊一 d 做愛動作會減少背部位罝用力
    <br>我諗女上男下.. 對佢黎講.. 應該唔係太大問題
    <br>女下男上.. 佢要付出腰力.. 咁會累 D
    <br>狗仔式的好處係佢自己都遷就到佢痛的位置.. 唔痛的時候, 佢咪可以重覆動作多 D
    <br>又或者係未做之前.. 同佢做多少少按摩.. 減少佢身體疲累.. 同時再搞下�
    <br>令佢又有精神.. 又有體力去投入做愛咯

  • so, that good u decide voice out your problem at here, and get the positive feedback and advise from them.
    <br>It motivete you back to bring back your bf sex life with you.
    <br>Tomorrow not need work? so late.

  • thanks sl: nice sharing with you good nite~
    <br>?�_?? 憟喃??瑚?, we have tried but always unsuccessful cause when we waste more time fixing the position, he will become soft so..
    <br>foo: no la, tomorrow on leave so I can still stay awake for a while, and you?

  • shybabe, ask him not always change the position first
    <br>and then... he can move slowly inside.. but do it hard and harder
    <br>when you feel it.. your pussy also clip it more tightly
    <br>So... no need to spend too much time for fixing the postion

  • i working tomorrow, will stay another 20-30minutes
    <br>To fix this problem, u need patient or sweet him go to see doctor (if he want). I gusee, normal man sure want fix this problem. I beleive he had take more affect on himself.
    <br>how old r u n ur bf?

  • Yes ah, I tried to ask him to keep one position instead of doing the tricks cause he will easily soft, may be he thought changing positions can build up his confidence gwa
    <br>Gotta work, better sleep earlier la, or else panda eyes :P I am 27 and my bf is 5 years older than I.

  • ok, i gonna sleep.
    <br>wish u all the best.
    <br>if you got msn, can add me > [email protected]

  • shybabe.. we are the same.. i will 27 too
    <br>maybe the main point is he wants to satisfy you as well
    <br>so, change lots of post while ml
    <br>you can ask him to get more foreplay instead of ml change post
    <br>and then.. you know.. guys sometimes easy come .. haha
    <br>while you feel too itchy... you use hand to play his dick
    <br>and then when he also feel cannot control.. ask him ffck by doggie direcly..
    <br>both side can easy get the 高潮finally.. right ?

  • thanks foo, good nite~~~ I can't MSN much, please email me to keep in touch [email protected]

  • 草_草: U don't need to work tomorrow? No need to sleep?
    <br>He doesn't allow me to touch his brother recently, may be because he still can't figure out the pressure problem so he doesn't want to ml.

  • of coz i need work tomorrow morning
    <br>but i always late for work.. never mind
    <br>ai....seems his pressure problem is quite serious and nervous him too much.
    <br>maybe you can try to blow air / lick his ear. if he feels itchy.. you also touch his brother at the same time
    <br>i think he cannot refuse as he feels comfortable
    <br>for me.. i face the problem is same with you
    <br>cannot ml w/ others well.
    <br>your bf still can solve... backpain
    <br>my gf.. too fat.. some post i can't shoot easy, some post is postion problem.. cannot do it.. if she does not change.. my best way is find partner to solve it.
    <br>So, i already solved my proble in this way before and no regret
    <br>since i still love my gf.. have no change heart while ml w/ others

  • guess yours is the same with mine. I don't want to cheat on him and I wanted to solve his problems. Just that sometimes the will is loose..
    <br>For the position problem, we do have. We are not creative in that end, cause once we change it, he will not do well, he thought.
    <br>So what about you? Is that because your gf is fat and it doesn't arouse your interest?

  • when i go together with her.. i have not mind she is fat as i fat too
    <br>however, cannot ml since the physical problem is quite upset coz cannot enjoy this with the close one.
    <br>i can tell you that i have sex with fat and thin.
    <br>Just too fat and then cannot sex.. a bit 無奈 and 遺憾
    <br>but i can sure sex and love can seperate for me and then if i need.. i maybe sex with others lol..

  • don't be disappointing la! You teach me so many tricks, you can try out that with your gf la! Talk to her positively or else she doesn't know how to help, just like me...
    <br>So do voice out your concerns with her~!

  • i am not too disappoint as i am adult.. right?
    <br>all things i do.. also take risk and responsibitility that i know
    <br>since my gf is a 信徒 and elder than we and ur bf/husband
    <br>so.. i think she is not easy to accept sex
    <br>she does 主動 i already surprise.. i have requested her try to use mouth and she has rejected. I think i can understand her thinking.
    <br>That;s why i will not 強迫 her to do something for me.
    <br>one more thing, while you and bf/husband has sex.. request to play 69
    <br>you tell him that even he cannot stand up.. but you love to do it for him and enjoy he sxxks
    <br>do you think when he hears this kind of love wording.. he will erect. haha

  • 唉.. 好比你明知鍾意個女仔係肥.. 但你識左佢立即就叫佢減肥
    <br>其實好 hurt 人.. 亦都因為咁.. 就好容易覺得搵野黎嘈
    <br>i do not want to see a screen that she is unhappy

  • haha, he is my bf, not husband yet! I actually wanted to tell him that we can help each other but not actually "doing it" if he is feeling painful at the back. But I have yet found the courage to say so, may be I will try~
    <br>For you, I think you can buy some fruity condoms, your gf might feel easier to use mouth for you...

  • 哈.. 真係唔知佢的思想可以接受得幾多
    <br>我諗大家咁傾法.. 傾電話都仲得...
    <br>除非你自己係電腦度一邊聽歌.. 一邊睇緊野啦

  • encourage is the best way to push him to do a lot of things
    <br>since if love each other , you will try to listen to others and do it for you only.. ^ ^

  • That's what I hope too!! Thanks for all of your advice.
    <br>I am getting sleepy, you better sleep now too as you need to go to work tomorrow morning! :)
    <br>Glad to chat with you tonight~!

  • So... i follow your instruction and then chat with you through email at once
    <br>have a nice sleeping.. shybabe
    <br>i will sleep soon too

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