Serious Question

  • I am now 25, I met a guy and he is over 20 years older than me, I love him and we have undergone very happy and sad moments. I want to stay with him forever, but I am afraid that my parents won't like it. What can I do?

  • 首先, 你果個條件好唔好先..?
    <br>我同你都有一樣架問題, 我果個條件都可以接受架...
    <br>我一樣擔心家人, 於是我今日試探地問下我媽, 點之佢覺得冇問題...
    <br>我個人都輕鬆左唔少...而我媽係幾開通果類人, 你媽係唔係開通果種人先?
    <br>但而家到要想埋... 佢屋企人會點樣睇...

  • too partner is 26 years older than me, im 25 years old as parents r ok with that...depends on if ur parents r traditional type....n i want to ask do u mind ur bf that much older than u?? if u love him n u think u can have future with him etc. n tell ur parents i think they might understand.

  • true love never run smooth, could you two proof that it's true?

  • 最好報細十年..

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