不如講下大家點樣慳錢同save錢 ?!

  • FM, I only own small percentage of the flat and it already has lease, so I use all my saving for down payment and the rent we received can be cover the pay back to bank, I really want to save more money and I am much more older than you, I wish I started saving when I was young, anyhow, I do want to give better life to my papa and mama, I will take your suggestion and hope to buy my own flat after 2.5 years, this is my goal at this moment.

  • 好勁英文

  • ASOSA, actually you have fix assets alreay!

  • FM, yes, you can say it and just try your excel suggestion and I set goal to save 200000 in two year, I will add oil

  • add oil add oil add oil add oil

  • I have one question, I met someone who is 20years old older than me and he is on the World rich list top 300, and I am not involved in a real relationship in pass 7 years, if you were me will you accept him??And he wants me qite my job and he will support my living (even more) and I am already 40 years old, what should I do??

  • ABC, you better post at "relationship".

  • Just start new job last month so this month I save less than I expect, people said we should have saving at lease 3 times our monthly salary just in case, how much do you have except money for investment?

  • PUSH

  • <<<<<點樣慳錢同save錢 ?!....statistics : 108 replies

  • is me, so do you have any suggestions can share with us

  • is me,
    <br>係呀, 不過第一個條件係要有一舊錢先去投資,錢搵錢, 所以慳錢只係第一步.
    <br>下一步點行, 就真係無一條特定既rule. 我地提出黎只係一個經驗作參考, 因為就算同樣收入, 始終每個人都有唔同負擔.

  • agreed with FW, no first chunk of money how to do investment ne, so saving is very important

  • PUSH

  • Asosa - what is your job ?

  • 我想問下之前見d post話每個月d護膚品都係拎sample,所以每個月都慳好多...
    <br>咁點可以拎到d sample呀?

  • bust why you want to know my job?
    <br>cc. go to sasa buy 護膚品 is cheaper and you can ask for same sample, but actually I use not much money to buy 護膚品, I only put in on day time and the eye cream I am using only hk50 dollar I dont think it is big differen compare with other big brand, normally I buy 護膚品 once half year jar

  • 你現在工作開心嗎?
    <br>你有足夠時間陪家人去旅遊嗎? 你想有多些私人時間嗎?
    <br>如果你大部份的答案都是"否" ﹐要是你不主動爭取你改善生活的可能性有多大?
    <br>Please email me to [email protected]

  • Billy028
    <br>如果有, 點解生到你咁無用?

  • 其實點解要咁慳? 講真好多野老左就做唔到, eg 去旅行 ... 當然要有錢淨, 但我唔會為左慳錢而令自己少左太多o既享受/娛樂... 搵錢都係為開心姐~

  • 點解要咁慳?
    <br>其實就好似問, 點解要讀書? 會考果陣日日走左去讀書唔去玩, 呢世都追唔返快樂既時光. 但係到而家諗返轉頭, 早知果陣唔去玩考個30分返黎, 入去hku讀醫

  • 就好似擺粒糖係個細路面前
    <br>有d人要及時行樂,有d人選擇delayed gratification
    <br>係personal choice
    <br>可能人地次次旅行都住5 star,我就去幾次先一次5 star

  • i have to pay a management fee , why i cannot use a lift

  • we are not talking about too 慳, but just suggest to have a good planning here, we still have our life travling, eat good (not for quantity for quality) and buy good quality stuff, only good quality can last for long, yes you can have fun when you are young but we just chose to have fun when we are older. just have fun at different timing and feel safe.

  • PUSH

  • PUSH

  • 其實好多嘢,所謂心頭好,都係買嗰下姐

  • 同埋呢,我覺得心靈充實d(學下嘢)就冇甘想買嘢

  • 最緊要係有目標.慳慳埋埋想用舊錢係幾時做乜.唔知道為乜但折磨自己去儲錢不過係金錢奴隸.同埋好容易過度壓抑後亂洗錢.咁仲衰.

  • 我就覺得應該買份儲蓄保險,一供就要供起碼8年以上,回報又唔錯喎,又唔會半徒而廢,因為中途斷無就會變得一無所有,無�琱萺x錢的人都係一個唔錯的選擇

  • 目標 is to buy my own appartment

  • 中秋節快樂呀

  • PUSH

  • push

  • I bring my lunch box everyday, let say I can save $30 a day, I can save $600 a month, that is not bad

  • 我之前返工好遠, 兩程mtr + lunch 已經用左好多$
    <br>因為公司附近d野食好貴, 而我要唔多like 帶飯同埋我d同事都係唔帶飯ga
    <br> waste 左好多$
    <br>不過宜家轉左工, 可以行路返工, 公司又包lunch
    <br>計落save 左1000 蚊 ^^

  • Good for you Joy

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