十位港女,七位港男, 2036年港女難嫁

  • 一群失敗的港女在拍手歡呼: 好極!港男娶唔到老婆, 我可以嫁鬼佬囉! 點知放眼一望, 港男寧願返去大陸搵老婆都不跟呢班港女約會, 於是更加惱怒, 覺得這些港男好賤, 港男又睇下港女點樣晚晚去蘭貴坊溝鬼佬

  • 26 male..
    <br>Gentle, sporty and tanned...
    <br>chat in msn?
    <br>[email protected]

  • 吓.無老公又唔駛死.自由自在.得閒去下旅行.想生仔就人工授精.唔駛睇無能男面色.唔駛俾人當阿四.有研究話男人會慢慢消失(男人基因好多缺憾).世界上淨番女人單性繁殖.哈哈.睇下而家雖然d人千方百計生仔.男性出生率依然愈來愈低.相信離此不遠.

  • Here in Canada and the States, many girls from Mainland China perfer marry kwai lo or even Indian. They are more generous and educated.
    <br>I have to say, most of the Hong Kong guys are educated and gentle but some are..............!!!! No wonder they have no choice. Sigh!

  • I have to say, most of the Hong Kong guys are educated and gentle but some are..............!!!!

  • .無老公又唔駛死.自由自在.得閒去下旅行.想生仔就人工授精

  • Pussy cat,
    <br>I agree with you. Some of the HK gals and guys are really low-class even they are educated.
    <br>The un-educated HK men and women are even worse, like my friend's mom - 50 yrs divorce. ugly wowan, wants to attract a married and middle-aged man by buying him clothes, giving him money to spend....... This old woman should not have a good ending. Actually she came from China. Somehow she received a big sum of money from her ex husband.
    <br>You guys should be careful.

  • even without the ratio problem, I prefer western girls than HK gals.

  • ET:
    <br>I don't want to blame the characteristics of Hong Kong girls.
    <br>If they cannot change their attitude and concept of marriage, they will keep the single life until to death. I am sure that they will always use the tools and hands to masturbate their organs at night. Moreover, Hong Kong Guys have more choice for their marriage when they meet other foreign girls or Mainland Chinese girls.
    <br>Pussy cat

  • 點解d女仔總係鐘意講d男人冇用!禁係唔係自視過高先會睇唔起男人呢!男同女都係要返工!大家都係禁樣搵錢!女仔搵錢易d架咩!用咩方法先?女仔成日都要優質男!如果個女仔自己可以照顧到自己就唔洗優質男都得啦!女仔平時就咩都要男女平等!講到錢就唔同曬!最好結左婚唔洗做!妳估男仔唔想咩!不過男仔自己會覺得有責任先一直去做野!唔想女仔辛苦者!仲要做完d錢要比屋企!女仔就養自己父母!男人就要養父母同老婆仔女!會唔會仲辛苦呀!點解港女仲要睇唔起d港男呢!點先叫有用呢???????????

  • 阿man,

  • ET i am not sure whether u are boy or girl, u know in toronto, one divorced chinese lady got killed by her younger black colour bf. It's terrible. As u said western countries has decent and gentle man but also in hk there has many that kind of person. Everywhere has black sheep and white sheep of the community. anyway, good luck u can find a good gf/bf in your place take care

  • hi yocool
    <br>u mis-understand me. I don't mean all male in western countries are all good and perfect. Of course there are lots of good pr bad persons (either male or female) everywhere.
    <br>I just response to this topic, telling those girls that there are male everywehere in the world and NOT to worry if they couldn't find any in HK. I also don't mean I can find a perfect half and of course I have my own problem.
    <br>Thank you for your caring.

  • 都唔關我事啦, o個時我都退休囉! 不過到時真係有女特首都唔奇啦, 女多男少, 到時大把高職都會由女性擔任, 咁男人o係工作上咪要受女人氣囉!

  • 大陸男人比女人多約一千萬人, 所以可能將來大陸女人仲惡過港女, 最起碼港女唔似上海女要男友攞手袋...
    <br>所以港男請提昇自己競爭力, 否則可能到時大陸精英要哂d靚同醒嘅港女, 留番d醜女俾我哋就慘啦...

  • 自大傲慢,自私自利,不懂易地而處為他人著想者,不管是男是女,不管外貌如何俊美,也是十分討人厭的。
    <br>不幸的是,真的十分多香港女子也是如此 (雖然不是全部)
    <br>大家在罵人前,何不多自我反省? (港男港女亦如是)

  • 大陸男多女少(多得淒涼), 未來港女大把選擇
    <br>30年後, 你�]認為港男仲有乜咁馨香?

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