
  • 男友工作好忙,呢排再忙d,<br />佢應承左同我去旅行,但都未confirm到佢係咪去得,<br />我要自己好乖錦study好所有旅行既野,之後仲要唔知去唔去得成,<br />攪到去旅行既動力都開始減退...我明既,佢忙,唔應該煩佢。<br />早幾日佢忙完佢d野攪到4點先返到屋企訓,第二日仲要返工,<br />放左工出離見面,佢個樣攰到死錦,食飽飯就返屋企,我明既,佢忙,唔應該煩佢。<br />如果成日都係錦我怕我地會生梳,我講左咁多係想請教各位,特別係好忙既男人,<br /><br /><u>你地想你地專心做野既同時,女友為你做d乜野會令你地記得佢,會感到溫暖呢?<br /></u><br /><br /><br /><br />

    1. sms to convey your regards or love messages (not asking questions). One or two is enough daily/every second day.
      <br>2. (sometimes) morning call to wake me up if you can.
      <br>3. night call before sleep every day. if you sleep earlier, call me before you sleep.
      <br>4. "sometimes" come to my working place to have lunch/dinner with me, or if I am really too busy, just bring some of my favourite food for me to eat with you.
      <br>5. send me pic with your sweet smile, so that i can save it in my phone as wallpaper. I smile in my heart every time I pick up the phone and see your sweety pic.
      <br>6. Buy some clothings/tie (which I like) for me to wear when working. I can always feel the clothing during work and remember you (optionl).
      <br>7. buy me wallet so that every time I take out the wallet, I remember you (optional).
      <br>8. buy me a watch so that every time I look at the watch for the time, I remember you (optional).
      <br>You do not need to do all of the above, two or more are enough. I will be disolved by your passion and your love. I will try to take some time out to be with you if I can, no matter how busy I am. I work so hard for OUR future and to give you a better life.

  • <br>如果我想追一個好忙既男仔,我可以點做先令佢對我有好感

  • Give him a break !

  • L E A V E M E A L O N E ! ! !

  • Stay away!!

  • 迷茫

  • 我同佢唔係同事,係一個朋友既朋友,我同日日都會傾電話,但如果我約佢出黎既話佢多數話好忙唔出,唉...我都唔知點好

  • 如果我約佢出黎既話佢多數話好忙唔出,
    <br>by 迷茫 - 05/07/07 14:47
    <br>Frankly, I don't think he has a feeling toward you, he just treats you as friends.

  • 最好乜都唔好做
    <br>最多只係send 個SMS / email 俾�
    <br>仲要唔好 send 咁多、同埋唔好問問題

  • I miss "him" too.
    <br>I used to be very much attached to him, both emotionally and physically. i always asked to see him, and always did sweet and caring things for him, thought that he'd appreciate and feel the sweetness too.
    <br>Not that he didn't feel the sweetness, but he just found all those things I did a lot of pressure for him.
    <br>He finally asked me to leave him. He didn't like the pressure.
    <br>He's always so busy about work. All he has in his mind is work and career and wealth for future.
    <br>In the past few months he had finally gained a lot of his personal space for his own things. and he could also concentrate on his work without having me to bother him and keep telling him how much I love him.
    <br>Instead, that surprisingly made a positive effect. He finally missed me so much. he now realized that he really loves me and cannot survive without me.
    <br>So my advice is, if you love your guy, give him space. If he loves you back, he will come for you, in the end no matter what. Sometimes when you love a person (or a person is loving you), you don't need to say it. Love lives inside our heart, not outside.

  • 上星期六, 老公由早就做野, 到12:30am才回到家, 我那一個星期六真係好悶, 個個都唔得閒陪我, 咁我就做下自己想做的事, 上下網, 睇下書, 聽下歌. 落街買一d本來佢應承陪我一切買的東西(因為佢話重喎), 狗糧(很多我估有成廿幾磅一包), 厠紙兩大條; 因為我知佢一定會好攰, 唔想真係樣樣野佢做曬. 咁做左好多野, 時間就咁過啦. 買定d食物俾佢, 如果佢返到家餓都有得食.
    <br>自己叫自己千其唔好立即同佢講好悶, 因為咁樣就係壓力啦. 就算同佢講, 都要係係佢無事好relax的時候講, 佢一返到家, 我就問佢是否很累, 佢話唔係, 就睇佢想點, 同佢傾下笑下, 但係我一向都唔會主動找佢, 因為咁係好辛苦的.
    <br>我估係佢free time同佢肯陪你的moment, 你可以sweet一點向他表逹, 咁就好好了.

  • 我衰左啦

  • 我男朋友都好忙, 我地仲要係岩岩開始左無耐...我做過既野同"男"所講既都差唔多, 如果你真係鍾意佢既應該多d係佢方面到諗, 最緊要唔好成日check住佢, 每日我都會morning call佢(其實佢有較時間起身返工, 但我會想佢每日第一把聽到既就係我把聲), 到中午同放工會send個sms比佢. 有時佢無假放, 我老遠都會出去搵佢食個lunch, 又或者買d小禮物...佢忙到連我生日同情人節都無慶祝(生日只係食左一餐dinner), 但佢會知到你對佢好....其實見少d咪掛多d law....

  • 我老公今晚又會做到好夜. 我同老公係大學同學, 拍左拖十年才結婚, 結左婚一年. 但係老公都好"痴"我, 好sweet, 可能大家真係太忙了, 所以樣樣消閉活動都特別有新意, 特別sweet. 對老公/男友sweet, 係唔需要時常的(當然因人而異啦, 有人鍾意柔情似水, 有人鍾意爽直爽朗, 你可以test下, 多d留意伴侶的表現, 表情) 有時你覺得sweet, 但係男人好能覺得無聊, 多餘, 只要唔過量, 間唔時sweet下, 會有趣味一點. 好多時拍左拖耐左, 大家做一d習慣性的事/活動, 大家都因為係習慣而已, 如果身邊有友人/同事提起, 而佢又想起女友/老婆, 當然佢會好滿足, 係一瞬間, 佢會好自豪, 有心肝的, 那一晚佢會對你溫柔一點.
    <br>用自己來說, 我老公真係十分之體貼, 係因為講開咁講, 人才會計分咁想起佢真係好好喎. 但係平日又會好少咁諗, 所以會發佢脾氣, 會嬲佢. 男人都係一樣, 都係人.
    <br>Purbee 講的好值得參考, 你越想做一起事去please佢, 並不一定有回報, 亦有可能係反效果. 男人想女人聽佢地吹水, 其實女人一笑, 男人好多壓力都會無左啦.

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