
  • 我有位朋友頭皮現正患有此症, 西方藥物屢醫無效. 想尋求其他途徑. 謝謝提供資料.

  • go and get sun tan

  • Thanks Gi Gi.
    <br>Yeah, I know sun tan does help. I was wondering are there any special ways out there? Something like Chinese doctor or acupuncture? Really appreciate if anybody can share their experiences for how to fight with that.

  • 我已前都生過, 好耐lu, 10年都有lah...
    <br>個時細個, 成日玩流浪cat, 好彩see doctor see 得早~
    <br>我去睇dr.芩傑山(唔識打), 好似係兒科... (個時我細)
    <br>嘩, d藥好expensive!!! $100 好似得10-20 ml 藥 ><
    <br>my mum said the medicine bill can buy a few 波c貓 ><

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