
  • 是07年12月尾至08年1月頭要生BB才正確呀?

  • Yes, still not see the heart beat of the BB

  • Life: 你是不是剛有bb便去睇醫生呀? 你有了bb多少天呀?

  • My Last period is 3/14, but calculation it should be almost 7 weeks
    <br>But My Egg release day should be around Apr 2 or Apr 3, my cycle are always longer than 30 days
    <br>so my baby is now only conceived 4 weeks, plus the 2 weeks
    <br>now = 6 weeks
    <br>Yes, 剛有bb便去睇醫生, but the 1st time can see nothing, only some inside the ovary, confirm posision is OK
    <br>2nd time u/s could only see a sac, no heart beat yet

  • 我現在也是等緊派彩,我同LIFE 一樣都係3X日的月經周期,上次最後來月經係3月28日,我計算排蛋日為4月16或17日,因此正常月經期為5月1日,現在還未到,所以咪叫糊,不過暫時都未驗到,其實我已有兩次懷孕經測,不過都小產了,所以今次我都好擔心,我都隔咗一年先再試.....所以好驚,又希望中,不過中咗又要等多一段日子先可以照到,所以真係好煩

  • I've seen the doctor today and can see the heart beat of my baby, the size is normal (8 weeks and 3 days). But the doctor found 4 small 子宮肌瘤, the doctor asked me not to worry as it's quite common for pregnant women (like 2-3 in 10 have 子宮肌瘤), the 肌瘤 are small and far apart from the baby so won't affect the baby. Still I'm very worry!

  • 我也是知道我有了BB已5週不過我沒有相熟的私家醫生, 現在去健康院排期驗查囉...是第一次有BB咋好緊張呀...

  • Check u/s yesterday,
    <br>as my calculation should be 51 days(7W2D) since 3月14日(last period)
    <br>u/s checked size only 0.42cm = 6Weeks1Day, because I knew that my 排蛋日為4月2或3日, a week late than normal people who has 28 days period cycle
    <br>so I guess it's normal, so relieve to see the TINY heart beat 閃閃下
    <br>BB, How many Week are you now ? due date ?
    <br>Eva, I also has as cyst 3cm one month before I got this baby, cyst are still inside my ovary when I check with u/s, doctor didn't say anything and I know it is common
    <br>so don't worry, When is your due day ? early December ?
    <br>Fatlanlan, if you have 2 小產 before, do you know the reason, is that because of the DNA ? you can now check if you are pregnant with "ClearBlue"

  • hi Life..
    <br>my last period also 14/3 too....but i haven't had my u/s taken yet...but already booked the doctor within two weeks time...
    <br>so exciting...

  • 我在5月1日及3日驗過,還未有....跟住我買了CLEARBLUE諗住明天再試,因為我第一次有BB都早期驗唔到,我記得果次係2005年5月26日最後來M,之後7月1日3日7日驗都沒有,便以為真係冇,之後又打保齡,又搬重嘢,結果在7月13日驗到有,就好開心啦,結果原來已經跌咗了,所以今次我乜都唔怪做,又唔信個驗孕結果.....真係好煩

  • PP
    <br>Great Congratulation ! Your baby should have heart beat now
    <br>ClearBlue is very accurate, try and waiting for your good news

  • Hi all,
    <br>剛於今日看醫生(普通私家), confirm bingo, last M 3/4, 現在應該 week 4, 下星期會去廣華 book 期, 另外約了私家婦產科 11/6 睇(因為之前的期已經full曬), 會唔會遲咗D呢? 聽人講大概 6 week 會見到 BB 有心跳, 而家仲諗緊係咪應該另外約醫生, 早D做 u/s, 因為好心急呀!
    <br>大家有無明顯的身體不適呢? 例如嘔, 好疲倦 諸如此類? 我好似無乜, 係咪因為太早所以未出現?

  • 好多謝大家的關心及支持,我昨日驗都是沒有的,可能真係我太緊張啦,根本就沒有BB,不過我會繼續觀察啦,原來我姑姐有我表妹果陣成三個月都驗唔到,不過因為佢已生第三個有經驗,所以先唔信驗孕,我現在依然會自己小心一點,你們身體好嗎?有沒有唔舒服的感覺?

  • fatlanlan:
    <br>不用不開心, 有時只要諗吓唔想有便會有架...因之前我也是好似你這樣很想有但2次也失敗便打算順期自然囉...就是這樣便有了,以為可以生老鼠點知現在是豬呀...

  • rainrain

  • Life,
    <br>Thanks for your comfort!
    <br>I'm feeling tired, nervous and don't want to eat much. As I'm both working and studying and it's now my exam period, I don't know if my hectic life will affect the bb.
    <br>What food do u like to eat?

  • sushi !!!
    <br>Yes i know it bad "if" it has bateria
    <br>i still like sushi and I can't hold it anymore, i had sushi on Sunday
    <br>so far i am still good, god bless my baby
    <br>and i have a lot of snack to ease my stomache due to those prenatal supplement (iron contains)

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