有無姊妹係小產後睇過"羅建輝中醫" (灣仔) 調理身體 / 再有BB? 聽講羅醫師係醫不育的聖手.

  • help pls ....

  • I also seeing this doctor almost 8 months la............I try to have BB last 3 years...but never get it......he help me rebuild my body system...and feel good after taking his medicine....expensive ar....

  • merrychristmas,
    <br>yeh ... quite expensive. Around HK%500 per week. I consulted Dr. Law almost 3 weeks with my husband, so already spent HK$3,000 for doctor consultation. I want to have BB again (mis-carriaged in Jan 07) asap, coz I'm 39 years old now, can't wait lah ......
    <br>Any luck for BB till now??

  • i suggust you try our' chinese medical doctor: TCMP Ms. Ho sue
    <br>she can help me & our sister .
    <br>and then, my friends have Baby through TCMP Ms. Ho.
    <br>Clinic ' address : North Point
    <br>Tel: 2887 1299
    <br>Kindhearted Chinese Medical Clinic

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