
  • <br>How hard is it to find jobs in Australia (sydney) ?
    <br>I have no university degree, only F.5.
    <br>I have some working experiences as a CLERK in hong kong.
    <br>I am not an AUS citizen.
    <br>My ENGLISH is of F.2-3 level.
    <br>I only have a working visa for 1 year.
    <br>Anyone know of the situation?
    <br>Any past experiences ?
    <br>THanks everyone.

  • <br>Also, what sort of jobs do you guys think I'll be able to find ?
    <br>我搵到工既機會有幾大呀 ??
    <br>Will they look at my past working experiences ?
    <br>如果英文唔係好得咁點.. ?

  • <br>i want to know too !

  • 整咩你講咁自己學歷咁慘都申請到visa?
    <br>holiday visa?
    <br>你想做返文職? 如果唔係餐館, 超市收銀?

  • <br>i got the " WORKING HOLIDAY VISA " .
    <br>但我驚過到去... 到時佢要我有 high education. 如果唔到返 office, 做 sales, 餐館果 d, 我驚我 d 英文唔得.

  • 講真,你講到自己條件咁慘, 係香港都難搵工做
    <br>我印像holiday visa唔比你全職(你check清楚先), 多數都係parttime形式. supermarket,餐館最岩喇.

  • 我都想知多 d 關於0係Australia 0既working pass....

  • cc,
    <br>你知唔知 supermarket restaurants 果 d 人工係咪好 " UN " ga jar?
    <br>因為我每個月整係 RENT 都要 2800hkd.
    <br>同埋聽人講 tax 都好重.
    <br>我 resume 既 公作經驗 only 得 " office work " ... 無 supermarket restaurant 果 d 架.

  • 我只係去過澳洲, 人工多少真係不知.
    <br>你有working visa, 我想找份餐館工都唔太難卦. 不過當地稅收真係好重.
    <br>你預計收入同香港餐館高少少, 我想差唔多喇.
    <br>不過我好佩服你有勇氣呀. 我都想遲左份工去澳洲讀書, 不過無勇氣咁做.
    <br>你幾時出發呀? 有無朋友係sydney, 我朋友岩岩去完sydney返. 佢話呢家係sydney唔洗講英文添, 好多唐人.

  • i will go there 2 weeks later.
    <br>I have a friend studying and working there now. I will live with her and some other people.
    <br>其實我 hk 份工都有 8000 .. 唔哂點做... 唉...
    <br>但我想試o下係外國生活... 同埋學多d英文. 但而家聽你咁講... 唔洗講英文....

  • gum:
    <br>係唐人地方唔洗點講英文. 不過你去其他地方, 大巴鬼比你講
    <br>我朋友話想學英文去教會. 多D同人講野.
    <br>我真係好佩服你O既勇氣, 比心機.

  • cc,
    <br>其實我 2 年前去過 perth 9個月學英文... 唔知係咪咁... 今次個 visa 易d批呢...

  • 我朋友話想學英文去教會. 多D同人講野
    <br>>> 齋talk唔入教得唔得?

  • 無神主義 ,
    <br>唔入教... 邊個月你 talk 呀...

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