有無人隻身嫁去外國, 唔適應外國生活, 又掛住香港同家人, 最後都係自己番黎香港架?

  • 你起邊度呀??

  • <br>just take this advice:
    <br>when you are in country A, dont think of how good country B is and how bad country A is.
    <br>Country / city / company / boyfriend / girlfriend
    <br>all the same.
    <br>When you start to miss B when you are in A, you will definitely NEVER EVER going to be happy or contented.
    <br>That's what happened to most HK people. They are rushing in and out to various places and they ended up still very unhappy.

  • 死啦, 我都好驚自己會好似你咁, 男朋友係外國, ...... 香港乜都有, 買野又多choice 又靚, 好驚乜都要重頭來過,

  • 你老公唔理你?點解要一個人返黎.....?
    <br>by sea
    <br>he's been here for a few years and he doesn't like hk at all.
    <br>i've been stayed there for a few years as well and i don't like there at all.
    <br>and most importantly, all my friends and family members are in hk. i miss them esp. my old parents all the time. it's really harsh for me.

  • to be honest, i regret not thinking twice before married him. i do love and care him but i don't know how to deal with this.

  • To 苦惱:
    <br>我諗苦惱你真係要同你先生傾,再唔係搵D 婚姻輔導做中間人大家調解下

  • 我男朋友都唔係住係hk,e+我都計劃緊結婚後,去佢果邊生活,但係我真係好worry...我係果邊都係無朋友&親人.....

  • i understand your siutation as i'm dating someone who lives in overseas. he had never lived in HK but did come over for visiting me few times. also travelled here himself before he met me and overall he loves HK as it is westernized and convenient enough for him (it is how he feels for HK). he lives in LA and i guess it is the reason that he is alright for the lifestyle here as LA is a city full of Asians.
    <br>we get along well and now is still too early to talk about marriage. we are not at that stage yet but i did think about what would my life be if i married him. i might not like living in his country. at one point...i don't really like US at all
    <br>have you ever talked to your hubby? does he know your feelings??

  • 心態好重要,心裡面一味覺得香港有幾好有幾正.永遠唔去靜心欣賞你要住既地方.發掘佢既優點.就算俾你去到比香港仲先進既國家,點都會不習慣,永遠覺得它比不上香港.
    <br>呢家internet o甘發達,要聯絡自己朋友好容易.有不開心事想同朋友講,可以send e-mail的.而且到左一個陌生地方,自己既老公老婆就要負一些責任,多點帶你跟他她的朋友去街.從而建立人際關係同盡快適應當地生活.仲有自己都要努力去識更多的朋友.
    <br>我只覺得 有些人實在太過依賴或者掛念某些東西.令到自己不能獨立不能放開.
    <br>如只因為太掛住香港的人事物 不是因為2個人的問題 而分開

  • 不咬文嚼字,諗到幾多寫幾多....
    <br>咁又要睇下去邊個州,NYC和 San Francisco較接近港式生活

  • 有時我唔明点解去到外國住之後發覺唔鍾意住外國就好似好"錯"咁??? 我識得個人,响外國住咗廿幾年, 以前响MIT study degree, 然後喺d big company做野,head住班外國人又揾好多$,廿幾年之後番咗hk, he said, he will never go back to america again. what i want to say is, unless you have no choice of which country you are living in, otherwise, why not choose the country your like to live in?? This guy i am talking about has no problem in communicating with the american and has been there for over 20 years, i am sure he is so use to the life there too but i just want to say ' the moon is not always bigger on the other side", if you like it in other country, that is good for you but if you don't like it, its no big deal. not your fault!

  • 現在係針對 苦惱 問 (有無人隻身嫁去外國, 唔適應外國生活, 又掛住香港同家人, 最後都係自己番黎香港架?) 我都認為為了另一半嫁去外國 無論是苦是甜都要承受. 不是自己去外國讀書然後係當地生活廿幾年喎 黎2樣都唔同. 前者係為左自己婚姻同另一半 後者不鐘意當地 當然可以隻身返來香港啦.

  • to vv
    <br>你朋在在 america住咗廿幾年,應該係公民!又喺d big company做野,又揾好多$,照應該將來係有一筆可觀的退休金!佢話: never go back to america again.講到咁???

  • 適應某地嘅生活同鍾意在某地生活係兩件事,你朋友
    <br>响外國住咗廿幾年, 以前响MIT study degree, 然後喺d big company做野,head住班外國人又揾好多$。

  • aa, agree with u

  • i think you don't want think too much la...get married and try to stay there...if you think it is really not familar with the new envirnment, then talk to your husband again and see what you can do further. You love him, then you get married. Please don't bring too much worries to
    <br>get marry. I wish you all the best.

  • 我因為工作去左nyc 幾年

  • 你是否喜歡nyc多過hk?

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