覺得好多香港人都唔好心地, 今天搭地鐵, 好迫, 我都係只得企..竟然冇人讓位比大肚婆座, 連欄杆都唔讓比佢扶住, 她在沒有扶手的情況下搖擺不定, 我出聲叫人讓位或讓欄杆比佢, 但竟沒有任何人回應…..對香港人十分失望…..

  • 好有同感呀, 啲人見倒大肚婆都當睇唔倒, 繼續睇報紙, 瞓覺 etc.

  • 我贊成 sc 的建議。

  • 係呀, 特別係返工同放工時間, d OL or 西裝友唔會讓位, 反而人唔多果時搭, 好多太太or 後生仔都會讓呀...

  • 我就一定讓, 不過今時今日真係少左人讓.

  • because some people don't like 大肚婆

  • Janice, how come?
    <br>I always think 大肚婆 are very great! They make LIFE.

  • 因為在hospital會見到好多亞嬸話d大肚婆發(考)lor
    <br>有時係車會見到d人bee住d大肚婆 lor (由其是上左年紀果d 未婚老姑婆)佢地唔抵得佢地甘幸福lor 可能.
    <br>這反映出不良的社會風氣, 你們有同感或同意嗎?

  • That's HK.

  • 我覺得佢地啲心態係 "大肚大哂呀! 我夠攰啦, 我係唔讓呀" 咁囉!!

  • 其實我都唔望有人讓位比我, 只要唔好撞我, 已經還得神落.
    <br>同埋我覺得公德心, 係要由細教起, 尤其是係父母,要以身作則先得, 家下好多細佬一入地鐵就橫衡直撞, 擺住d位, 做父母既都唔理佢,真係無眼睇呀!

  • I have not been taking MTR since I am pragnent. I am not afrid of no seat I am afriad of they push me

  • i think SC is a very bad bad manner person
    <br>don't want to meet her/him in MTR.

  • iris,
    <br>I think you may have misinterpreted SC's statement. What she said is what those people who are unwilling to give seat might be thinking. In fact I met SC in another thread and she's also a pregnant woman herself. I think what we are all trying to say is that many people in Hong Kong are inconsiderate in terms of giving seat in public transportation to people in need. Of course we still see some good people from time to time but I'd say it is less common in Hong Kong than in the western world.

  • Iris,
    <br>i think Iris is a very bad bad bad bad bad manner person
    <br>all pregnant woman don't want to meet her in MTR.

  • Blue,
    <br>SC said 我覺得佢地�齯葴A係 "大肚大哂呀! 我夠�ヶ�, 我係唔讓呀" 咁囉!!
    <br>so, I replied: i think SC is a very bad bad manner person
    <br>don't want to meet her/him in MTR.
    <br>Blue, What wrong with me? I'm bad?

  • Blue
    <br>I think you misintrepreted iris's message, Iris misinterpreted SC's message.
    <br>Actually, all are good person in this thread...

  • 我試過坐巴士有人讓位,不過都係一個已為人母既後生媽咪,d couples 或後生的見住都唔會理你…

  • i understand everyone is very tired after office hr., but pregnant women really need a seat... not becoz of they hv a big tummy... the pt. is pregnant women really need more air to breath... as there is baby inside.... they are so easy to fall down without enough air... if pregnant women fall down... the baby inside maybe hurt or die.... hope people think it seriously

  • 咦, 行開一陣發生咩事?
    <br>iris, 我諗你誤會咗我個意思, 我係話啲人唔肯讓位, 可能係因為以下呢個心態 :
    <br>"大肚大哂呀! 我夠攰啦, 我係唔讓呀" 咁囉!!
    <br>我係估嗰啲人個諗法, 唔係我自己! 我自己而家都大緊肚.

  • SC
    <br>yes ar, I misunderstood you ...sorry. 我以為你係想講你自己tim.

  • iris,
    <br>sorry too!!!sorry sorry sorry,我以為你話佢,好嬲,so sorry!!!

  • 不過其實d人係有權唔讓,唔係應份要讓…

  • 大肚婆特別需要坐,除左因為個bb好重、身體負擔好大、同埋驚跌親外,仲因為大肚婆常見既貧血,因為大肚之後身體血液增加左,有d大肚婆紅血球增加得唔夠多,就會出現貧血,好多時會見暈。我自己就係一個例子,所以好希望搭車有得坐。

  • blue, no need to say sorry. ....thanks.

  • 其實我真係覺得今時今日, 香港既社會風氣好差, 唔單止係讓座既問題, 就連公德心都越來越差。
    <br>就好似o係地鐵食野 la, 坐巴士將 d 膠袋放在旁邊座位唔俾人坐, 入電梯時不先讓裡面的人先出來等等。

  • agree w/ ww.
    <br>today i go to office by MTR, I pay attention to the people, they don't care about pregnant woman, they are all sleeping. I saw a pregnant woman standing in front of the 欄杆, there is a man who is aware of that woman but he is (唉)住成條欄杆 lor ..so poor of that man.

  • 哇~JANICE出"SING"都冇人應?真過份!!
    <br>我果時懷胎十個月答mtr都係比人讓過我一次咁大把,唔通叫人起身比我座咩?好彩我後生仲捱得住~~有次座巴士啲人仲要扮訓覺,very disappointed@@

  • I saw a pregnant woman standing in front of the 欄杆, there is a man who is aware of that woman but he is (唉)住成條欄杆 lor ..so poor of that man. <------ 至憎人唉欄杆 %$$##^&*((

  • ww,

  • 我有次見到個亞爸(40歲左右)拖住兩個仔(都8,9歲), 個亞爸一野挨住條柱, 望佢又無反應, 我開口叫佢"唔該可唔可以唔好挨住條柱?"

  • 有次搭地鐵, 有個國內遊客, 男人黎架, 好高大既 (成六呎), 佢一路同佢班 fd 傾計, 一路唉落我扶住果支桿度, 我好誇張咁大聲 "aiya" 左一聲, 搞到佢鬼咁唔好意思, 猛咁同我 say sorry , 佢班 fd 仲笑佢, 搞到我都忍唔住笑埋一份。

  • I have never seen somebody will give a seat to a pregnant woman whatever in MTR, bus, .....
    <br>I think most of the HK people is selfish. HK government should consider to build an image or have more advertisment in the media or to have some seats specially for the pregnant woman or elder people. HK govert. should take serious consideration....Right?

  • I live in Seoul, Korea, Korea subway has a special seat for pregnant woman and elder people. So I never feel tired when I go out. I think HK government should learn and consider it.
    <br>How about people hug a baby in MTR, they will give a seat ???

  • 呢啲行為其實係因為啲人不為人設想, 好多人都唔會讓, 反而我70幾歲亞爸會讓位比老人家坐, 所以而家我都會讓位比幾類人坐, 如大肚婆, 老人家, 手抱bb的人, 傷殘人士等, 但係細佬仔唔會讓, 尤其係大大個仲要人抱果啲, 實在比人寵壞曬!

  • 有次我搭車讓左個位比個 大肚婆坐, 佢落車果陣仲好感激敢捉住我隻手多謝我, 我仲覺得佢太過感激, 令到我好唔好意思! 可能真係太少人識得去讓坐啦?!

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