
  • 收左你自己塊皮先

  • 你分下莊閒先, 你寄人離下, 你唔鐘意咪走囉, 我個仔唔吊你, 有鬼人吊你.

  • 男朋友媽咪 PK la.....

  • 無佢又何來你個男朋友?

  • 我真係好憎佢,佢係一個極度自私的人, 連對自己嘅仔都一樣..而且行為異常..你唔明白唔緊要,但係唔該你唔好喺度搞槁陣

  • she all the time $$$$$$$
    <br>i live in his home about 8yrs, per mth pay $3500 to 男朋友媽 la... (i pay my moher & fatherr only pay $1000)
    <br>5 pk .....

  • cindy,
    <br>why u dunt move out wiht him?
    <br>u pay for the rent or it is ur property?

  • sorry iam is gracepun = 0103

  • 你明知佢阿媽個人係咁, 你仲要一齊住, 無得怨.

  • $3500好多咩, 叫鴨都要俾$ LA

  • to : cindy
    <br>you can input chinese word, but i don't input chinese word (because i know the meaning),tks!!
    <br>inportant is : my boy for bank -$120000, so need pay mins pay per mth $7000

  • 版主:
    <br>我明白一家唔知一家事, 佢媽咪可能真係有問題, 但係我覺得你0既態度都唔見得好好(收佢皮0個句)....
    <br>你口中0既收佢皮, 有無0的咩野具體意思?
    <br>其實, 我都係同男朋友0既媽咪一齊住, 不過同你唔同0既係, 我同佢媽咪相處得好好, 好和諧, 你需唔需要我比0的意見你~?

  • 0108,
    <br>I guess its better for me to type english either...
    <br>I have been with my bf for about 11 years and live with him for several years too...
    <br>Every month I gave 3000 to my boy friend as rent, meals (whatever la just living expenses). I also have deposit $ into his property.. (he didnt add my name into the prpperty as promised, which really pissed me off)
    <br>However i have a 寄人離下's feeling. I think i fullfiill my responsibility . I pay for my own expenses..Unlike other girls , I never asked my bf for money, never asked my boyfriend to buy me expensive gift.
    <br>At the beginning, my relationship with her mom is okay.. However as time passed by I really cannot stand all her horrible behavior. At the beginning i tried to tell her that she shouldnt do certain things but she never listen. and time passed by I become really hate her especially i saw those selfish behavior that she did to her own son...
    <br>This anger grow slowly and I kind of lossing my temper to her.. I dont want to move away from my building because of my硬頸personailty because I always think i have shares in this property but she didn't..
    <br>None of her sons willing to live with her except my boy friend. I complain so many times to my boyfriend but it seems that we have no choice and have to stay with her even after our marriage...
    <br>I know she hates me either because i always gives her "black face".
    <br>Everytime if my boyfriend not came back home having dinner, she would only cook for her own portion even i were in the house. I really feel angry about that...and I realised that we should never live togehter... because it not gonna work!
    <br>And this give rise to another problem - money...
    <br>I started to complain that I shouldnt gave him the monthly living expenses because i cannot get the treatment which I expect. Everytime when my bf is not at home i have to order my own food.. I started to question myself, why do i have to pay the monthly expenses to my bf then? I feel like I am paying for her mom's expenses!!!!
    <br>More and more arguement arised...
    <br>I notice that my complains become more and more... i know this will impact the relationship with my boyfriend too... this is something i dont want...
    <br>I am asking you guys opinions because i really want to do it smarrter... If this is not solved, it will sonner or later impact the relationship with my bf(which i think it already does)

  • 收皮...因為我真係好憎好憎好憎好憎佢..
    <br>對唔住..i mean 收儉

  • 白獅子座 -,
    <br>我男朋友好多事都覺得係佢阿媽唔啱, 有話過佢但無用, 話下 話下, 就只得一句"佢始終係我媽" , 唉咁我可以点, 我出發点係想知道有咩辦法去對付呢種人, 最好可以和諧共處la, 唔得的話起碼唔好比搞到我先

  • cindy,
    <br>can u find u r another selfish lady,
    <br>same as her, u make her suffer, she makes u suffer..
    <br>she has her story to tell, u have your story to tell.. there is no difference between u and her..
    <br>maybe, she is complaining why my son chose a girl who makes me sufer as a gf.. it s a pusblishment?

  • i really doubt how a decent son can allow his gf giving his parents black face... eh dumpes u long ago..
    <br>he has maken her mother suffer for last 8 years?
    <br>full of such useless men...
    <br>having a family is not only to have a lady at home..

  • think abt it, 3K really is no money,
    <br>not enough for a living expense in hk i believe.
    <br>so dunt overlook ur contribution on the family...
    <br>gf in hk always asks for money from her bf? i dunt really agree with it..

  • whenI sufferd like you , I would looking for answer in book. to slove the psychology problem in my mind
    <br>can u do that ?
    <br>simply question is ,
    <br>如果你樓下間餐廳 又貴,又唔好吃.
    <br>你會選責行遠去第二度吃,定 系keep endure???
    <br> 從來相見好同住難, 就算系cuple 住一起都已經難得很.,
    <br> 你仲蠢到同佢mom live together?
    <br>don't tell me becoz of u love ur bf so much !!! bull shxit excuse !!!! it's essential problem occured .
    <br>untill this moment , none of your are the problem , or did something wrong,
    <br>只系你太天真, 以為好多野會系必然.
    <br>所以, 我系絕對打死唔會同 bf 阿媽同住,
    <br>最多系樓上樓下, 越接近,越煩.

  • 白獅子座 -,
    <br>我男朋友好多事都覺得係佢阿媽唔啱, 有話過佢但無用, 話下 話下, 就只得一句"佢始終係我媽" , 唉咁我可以点, 我出發点係想知道有咩辦法去對付呢種人, 最好可以和諧共處la, 唔得的話起碼唔好比搞到我先
    <br>by TigerCats - 01/01/07 16:47
    <br>下..... 你講到我好似中左六合彩咁喎...... =.="
    <br>要知道人同人相處得好, 要用方法0既......
    <br>我得, 你都得, 人人都得...
    <br>而且, 做人呀媽0既, 你估真係好鐘意無啦啦有個外人係自己屋企住架咩~?!
    <br>人地對你好, 係比面佢個仔; 人地對你唔好, 係正常架.... 相處, 要有方法, 技巧, 呢0的要學架... 他日你嫁左入去呀, 都要識啦~~~
    <br>唔好好似人地欠左你咁先得架...... 你男朋友話佢呀媽點點點唔好, 係佢0既事, 你只係一個"外人", 你未嫁架~~~ 現實0的講都唔關你事啦~~~~

  • cindy

  • Well, let me tell u my story, I think I am such a lucky person, because I just married last year, and before I really had a good understanding of his family and his family is really nice and I know I can live with them after marriage, so I chose to get marry with him last year. I also live with his parents, and his brother as well. His mother treats me like her daughter. She is very very nice person and kind. She cooks everything for us and even looking after our baby too....
    <br>So, I think if you want his mum to look after you more, maybe you should be proactive instead of reactive. What i mean is that if it comes to dinner time, then you can also cook for her too! And see see what happens, and do some houseworks in front of her. I know it's hard ga la.. but who knows what happen if you dont offer your help first? Right?

  • 之前我因為同呀媽吵架,離家出走,迫於無奈去左男友到住,初頭都無咩,因為緊時我身體唔好,無做工,但始終0係人地到住,我米幫距呀媽買送,做家務同照顧屋企兩個老師家

  • 表面上,距對我好好,成日0係人面前讚我係好新抱,但後尾距呀公病,去左,其間我幫距照顧呀婆,點知...距呀媽0係飲完解慰酒0個晚....就趕左我走....緊時我重係同屋企人好薑...距趕我走,我去得邊?

  • 後尾重比我知距偷看我同男友的情信週圍唱...又屈我將男友比距的家用落格!!!但距表面係無事嫁

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