女性想搵個有經濟 基礎男人, 有錯嗎? 點解比男人話貪$,沒有資格做GF?

  • 搵BF / 老公的話,當然會consider 有無經濟能力, 唔係一定係貪$, 只想將來生活好D, 夫妻之間唔洗因為生活而爭吵.<br /><br />男士點睇, 點先叫貪$?  定意係咩?

  • 錯就錯在......你將佢掛在口邊

  • 有時D嘢,,,, 人地對自己更有信心都好~,

  • ohh, i see, thanks for telling

  • 有d野...在心中啦

  • 但係D男人唔中意講, D女人唔知佢嘅經濟能力係點,就好自然問或者talk about this topic.

  • 直接問

  • 你地好似識咗冇幾耐咁既~.....

  • 下?

  • 當然啦,我都覺無禮貌, 我只係唔明D男人 always talk about 港女貪$嘅心態/定意.
    <br>Because 10 mins ago just saw a post a man say woman 貪$ 就沒有資格做GF

  • JOe,
    <br>i am not talking about myself, i am talking about majority r

  • 或者咁講啦

  • hahaha,,,, sorry ar
    <br>就問佢今晚不如去 XXX

  • 點解有錢就會少d爭吵呢?
    <br>1) 兩公婆無公過患難
    <br>2) 有錢, d財產點分配
    <br>3) 老公有錢, 就有能力去滾
    <br>4) 一樣大把女"喉"住你老公
    <br>5) 咁忙, 日日幾百萬上落, 邊有時間陪屋企人
    <br>6) 無時間教仔
    <br>有經濟能力就好了, 唔會餓親屋企人就好了

  • ???

  • makekawish,
    <br> not only that post, before i saw many ppl or even my male frd says that. but i dont really know what is the 定意, 所以係度問下囉

  • 個定義係

  • Perhaps girls are better in answering this. How much is enough?? If you met another guy who is richer, would dump your current bf? When would you stop? There is always someone richer, and you'll always get a "better" future with the next guy.

  • Daniel,
    <br>我完全明白,對我來講, 有經濟能力就好了, 唔洗為生活爭吵, 為morgage煩就Good la
    <br>p.s. 好多無錢都去滾到唔記得老婆,所以好多女人,有錢係咁,無錢都係咁, so they find rich man lor

  • QC

  • QC,
    <br>i would say everyone is different, and in my point of view, i think they who only ask for more, they dont know what is love and those girl who will dump the current bf to move on, those girl are not worth for you to cherrish them.
    <br>for me, i think a man well able to support the living(no need wife to work) and have some spare money for travel, that is really good ga la

  • 講真,一樣米養百樣人,你自己唔mind咪得,

  • 原來你中意做家庭主婦...

  • well, it seems nowadays, there are more and more girls who never know when to stop. They think finding a rich man means they can sit back, relax, shop their brains out and no need to contribute anymore. There are so many girls like that now it becomes a norm. And there is a reason why man would say "貪$,沒有資格做GF".

  • makekawish
    <br>No wor, i like working, i enjoy working, but i dont like a man 無擔帶, my last chaser think woman have to work even they married, cant all depend on the man, but he earn $40000/ mth.
    <br>i work, is no problem, but dont make it 好似我去做野,你就可以唔擔負個家

  • hello... my name is Tee
    <br>高176cm 重146lbs
    <br>我有相...$400 個半鐘
    <br>如有興趣或任可問題可以send e-mail give me or MSN 同我直接talk
    <br>E-mail : [email protected]
    <br>MSN: [email protected]

  • To: Baby<br />貪即係過份同埋成日都想男友比更多更多錢

  • 其實大家係呢度講既都好shallow
    <br>冇absolute right or wrong
    <br>早d sleep 仲好啦~~

  • $ 40000 / mth = 多定少?

  • QC
    <br>yes i totallly agre with the norm u mention, in that casse a man say girl 貪$, i understand.
    <br>but in way, man start to have a 'norm' too, which is Once a girl wonder how much they earn/prefer they have house/ car, they will say they are 貪$. without getting deeper and knows what the girl thinks.
    <br>一開始就話個女仔貪$,有D唔 fair

  • 借過(女的)
    <br>thx for your care^^

  • 借過(女的)

  • 係度好難講比你聽我EX嘅心態, 只可以講佢比唔到安全我,因我覺得佢無左男人應有凡的擔帶

  • then perhaps the girl also shouldn't ask such things at the beginning?
    <br>A decent girl should spend more time caring for the personality of the guy, plus his potential. If what the girl cares most is how much the guy is making, house / car etc, then most likely she is a woman who can only shares the good, but not the bad.

  • um......ok

  • makekawish
    <br>hahaa, i like the '佢應該都覺得自己好醒ga'

  • 佢唔覺得醒都唔會咁決定啦

  • QC,
    <br>in the 人情世估 point of view i agree, but as a woman, i understand or know what most woman wants, just like investing, you will find the best or potential stock/best quality, before you invest, ofcause you want to know more about it. because woman is a loving animal, once they invested, they dont want to change, not totally like buying stock you can let go anytime.

  • Daniel講得幾好, 除左$外, 一樣有好多其他問題, 點解一定要排$先?
    <br>樓主的問題其實好難答, 就以自己及身邊的朋友為例, 因為都算叫做中產(專業人士有樓有車生活無憂), 基於工作背景及朋友圈子, 身邊的另一半亦多數係差不多背景, 根本唔存在邊個貪$的問題.
    <br>其實每個男人都知自己想要什麼, 要麼就係搵番個差不多背景的老婆, 一齊搵錢住暑屋好d, 揸架車好d, 仔女讀國際學校. 一係就搵個個樣勁省鏡的, 不過明知佢10年後都係會老, 同埋要成世揹住佢, 唯一好處就係成世食住佢, 唔使太就佢. 在我及身邊的朋友, 10個有9個都係選前者囉. 要靚女, 得閒比$出去玩下咪得囉.

  • QC
    <br>1 more thing, trust me, once a woman love you, they can sacrifice more than a man can/ will do. ( providing the man love her and the man tried their best already)
    <br>Never expect a woman will sacrifice anything when a man all day sit at home and watch TV and being a lazy ass

  • I understand women can do a lot of scarifice for their love ones, I only need to look at my own mother and gf to know that myself.
    <br>But, using your stock analogy, it's more common for women to just take the most expensive stock, rather than making the effort in spotting stocks that have good potential, and make an effort to grow it. Why so many women just expect things to dish out to them in a plate nowadays?
    <br>on the other hand, I don't think guys will accusing the girl a gold-digger if she is willing to ride the rough patch as well as good ones.

  • because woman nowadays are, they want to work, but they dont want to work 得'sun fu'
    <br>ofcause if a girl willing to ride the rough patch man wont call them gold digger, but that needs time.
    <br>let says...
    <br>if a girl you really really like, and you want to have further with her, and when you take action, you get to know that she is in real big debts and she is a shopaholic, will you go ahead?

  • well, then it depends why the man likes that girl. If it's because of her appearance only, then perhaps not, as appearance will disappear with age. But if it's because of her personality and kindness, then why not? Afterall, a relationship should be to help each other to be a better person, not just match with the best person and full stop.

  • i see
    <br>thanks :)

  • 其實是那些傻仔看不通而巳。

  • Personally I feel "only the man work and the woman doesn't need to work" is already "outdated". At least this is difficult for the majority of men in HK.
    <br>Tactically it is also not safe as there is only one source of income. Unless the man is really VERY VERY rich like those sons of property tycoons.

  • If me, as a man, want to find a wife who supports the family fully so that I don't need to work .... what would u think the response in the forums would be?
    <br>This proves that there is no equality of sexes. Cest la vie.

  • Blackgold
    <br>you said it yourself, there is no equality of sexes, its a nature.
    <br>you can say that is outdated, but thats also the traditional for all men, even western ppl.
    <br>this topic is not about a woman should work or not.
    <br>woman are willing to work, but one concept, i think a man should have 男兒天職保家眷

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