
  • 觀塘區發生「二老婆」斬「三老婆」桃色血案。一名男子先後有三段婚姻,其第二任妻子認為丈夫的現任雙程證妻子「搶我老公又刻薄我個女」,曾多次上門找晦氣及貼街招「唱衰」情敵,至昨日更持刀在其住所樓下埋伏,見情敵出現即撲前揮刀向她腹部狂刺,女事主身中多刀重傷,警方到場將涉案的二老婆拘捕,三老婆目前情況嚴重。<br />涉案的二老婆姓文( 40歲);被斬重傷的三老婆姓黃( 31歲)。據稱,兩人的丈夫「阿陳」( 60歲)先後有三段婚姻,與「大老婆」已分開多年,兩人所生的子女都已長大成人,間中亦有給錢孝敬老父。阿陳多年前與文婦結婚,並誕下一女現已 5歲,但幾年前,一名姓黃的內地婦介入了阿陳和文婦的婚姻,結果阿陳與文婦離婚,而黃婦成了阿陳第三任妻子。

  • 要斬都斬個衰佬喇!第二任老婆四十歲比他細二十年重生埋個五歲女,都重要搵個大陸女人三十一歲結婚,唔死都無用!!!

  • y 個男人甘有魅力~?三段婚姻?

  • 有錢既同無錢既男人都有一個共通點............花心!!!

  • agree, 要斬都斬個衰佬喇!
    <br>she is so pissed, because they not allowed her to see her daughter, i would sue them both.

  • Will the old man seek for his 4th marriage now?

  • I know an old man in his seventies lives in a council flat and claiming income support benefit recently got married with a mainland chinese woman in her thirty something.
    <br>Another slight aquaintance of my parents' who was also in his 70+ married a mainland chinese woman in her late twenty. Initially I thought she was his granddaughter. Then I heard not long after that a baby girl was born but he recently past away, luckily for his wife that he had some saving left for her and her young daughter.
    <br>What's wrong with the men especially the old ones......

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