
  • 舊年7月右左同男朋友分左手之後好亂, 當時有個朋友介紹我去睇塔羅, 結果走去睇...<br />我既收入係來自佣金, 當時收入一向都唔錯, 但係佢話10月時有一d外在因素會影響到我錢銀上會有問題, 結果幾個月後整個金融風暴....勁嘔血...>.<<br />不過佢又話我唔會同個ex復合...而且仲會好快識到個新既, 因為"他"已經出現左...結果係十月底我真係同左我而家個男朋友一齊左, 而我係8月識佢架~~~~~<br /><br />因為個金融環境唔多好...我今個月又去睇...佢話而家要守...9月到會搵到好多錢...希望今次都中la~~<br />多個月應該會跟佢學塔羅~~heehee<br /><br />佢個site <a href="http://www.psychic.hk/">www.psychic.hk</a>

  • the link has a page mention that he also have tarot reading in a shop, but why the price charge in the shop is different as the price in his site gai..?

  • 佢係間shop 掛單,間shop都要charge...所以直接搵佢咪會平d..

  • ok~
    <br>but wht section u hv?
    <br>i want to try, but wanna know more before book for it, becoz i've try the other tarot reader before, but the answer too simple.

  • 我睇過30分鐘同一個鐘...兩個都ok, 但係如果個人已經覺得亂,睇一個鐘個隻會好d, 因為係你未問之前佢會講左你各方面general既野俾你知先架.
    <br>佢唔會只答yes or no, 仲有好多 details, 所以我覺得好好呀~

  • thx a lot!

  • welcome~

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