SK-II Air Touch Foundation - 你想擁有嗎?

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    <p class="text14pt" align="left"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#7a8e97"><font color="#66756e"><strong>SK-II 限量版<br />Air Touch Foundation<strong><br /></strong></strong></font></font></p>
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    <p class="text10pt"><font color="#66756e">相信不多女士試用過這款粉底,因為並不作公開發售的。在12月時,我有幸一試其效果,用了差不多1 個月,可以給予一點意見了!<br /><br />Air Touch Foundation 的結構有點複雜。簡單來說,透過一些先進科技,令粉底能均勻地分佈於面上,更會自動地避開眼眉、眼睫毛及衣領。粉質方面,它與品牌的其他粉底無異。<br /><br />雖然結構複雜,但操作十分簡單!只要將Air Touch Foundation 隔著面龐若1 只手掌的距離,以「大Z」的方向來回噴上便可。這簡單的步驟,的確方便了繁忙的上班族及對塗粉底感到困難的女士們。<br /></font><font color="#66756e"><u><strong><br /></strong></u>但以這方式塑造的底妝,因遮瑕效果亦大大減低,所以只適宜用於淡妝。每當出席重要場合,我還是用回liquid foundation 配loose powder。<br /><br /><span class="style2"><font color="#66756e">text: Carmen</font></span></font></p>
    <p class="text10pt"><font color="#ffffff"><span class="style1"><font color="#66756e">15 jan 09</font></span></font><font color="#66756e"></font><font color="#66756e"><br /></font></p>
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    <p class="text10pt" align="center"><img height="240" src="" width="180" alt="" /><br /><strong><font color="#66756e">SK-II 限量版<br />Air Touch Foundation<br />(價值HK$1800 / <br />於沙田新城市廣場SK-II 專門店<br />購物滿HK$2500 即可獲贈)<br /><br /><img height="240" src="" width="180" alt="" /> <br />每當轉至「on」,粉底便可均勻地噴在面上。而每次使用前,務必先轉至水滴圖案,以清洗噴咀。 </font></strong></p>

  • i want to try. anyone know if they are also available in seibu?

  • 令粉底能均勻地分佈於面上,更會自動地避開眼眉、眼睫毛及衣領。

  • I've tried Christian Dior's airbrush makeup when it first came out. The product is very similar to the concept described here.
    <br>The promo is great, the sales are all great, the makeup not so great.
    <br>I won't want to try this.

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