
  • <p align="center"><font size="3"><font color="#ff0000">羅厚恩  , 如果繼續讓何姓兩姐弟同你群埋一堆 , <br />第日只會再多一個專食軟飯同呃女人既癈人出現 , <br />同你隔離鄰舍一樣 , 何太將會知道你啲"威水史" .<br /><br /></font><img alt="" src="http://blog.she.com/setting.user/images/3/3/333022_81879D58-345C-4071-8C1D307473B20E3D.jpg" /><br /><br /><a href="http://truthofandylaw.blogspot.com">http://truthofandylaw.blogspot.com</a><br /><br /></font><br /><br /> </p>

  • Push.................

  • 羅厚恩,你咁"能"賤格同厚面皮,

  • 重有,以你為人,難保他日會誘騙嗰家姐出嚟trade搵錢俾你享用 ,

  • 乜你以為你做咩都冇人知咩,羅厚恩?

  • 乜你以為你做咩都冇人知咩,羅厚恩?

  • 你個唔知羞恥既冚家剷,你話我地屈你?

  • gal,
    <br>I truely believe that you were once a devastated victim of what this axxhole has done. But this is the past right?
    <br>I see your thread every day... and I can feel the pain that you have...
    <br>Mind if I ask, are you happy with what you are doing everyday? scolding and screaming and yelling and cursing the same damn man and keep recalling your sad past?
    <br>I have simliar experience but I wasn't ruined by this creature. In the end, I chose to move on and start another life, helping other gals out.
    <br>I know I have no right to ask you to do this and that. I am no one but just a passerby. But here I come to she.com and always see you thread... I regard this as some kind of karma/connection. I wish you will live a happy life without all those shadows which this creature has cause you. Let it go and free yourself from hatred.
    <br>I wish you well, in all sense.

  • dilida , 好多謝你既回應, 但係我地出post既原意唔係諗住"recalling their sad past", 而係提醒呢到既人唔好再俾呢個賤狗呃

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