尋找人海中的sp/sl ,會是妳嗎?

  • 先介紹自己<br /><br />已婚男,40歲,187cm高,少胖身型!教育水平高,外表不俗,風趣幽默,個性爽直,有禮貌有風度,尋人海中的妳,如果妳 喜歡男士:<br /><br />1) 高大<br />2) 成熟,能從多角度思考<br />3)  健談幽默,真誠坦率<br />4)  耐力持久 (一般可維持三十分鐘或以上)<br />5) 長情但唔煩<br />6) 有良好的經濟基礎,支付兩人問的活動開支<br />7) 維持單一性伴(妻室以外)<br /><br />我的要求:<br /><br />1. 維持單一性伴(丈夫及現任男友以外)<br />2. 外型順眼似女性打扮的女性 (非tomboy或外表中性的類型)<br />3. 爽朗健談,別太被動<br /><br />有意結識者,可以在msn詳談,互相認識,才慢慢再談其他!<br /><br /><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br />

  • 手民之誤,msn為:[email protected]才對

  • what kind of lady you like?

  • a detailed description!
    <br>hi mina

  • I guess I have already stated my requirement very clear.

  • I think it is really difficult to search for a sl / sp here. However, at least I have tried.

  • It is difficult because at the end height, looks and whether you last long or not are not important. Point is, what can the woman take from this relationship? Love? Time, care and attention? Money? You have none! Call us realistic but why should we be a free chicken to you when you do need to pay for sex with 141?

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