Major group sex last night

  • AIDS are spreading out by your guys......
    <br>God bless you.
    <br>You will pay for it one day.

  • naive! just a condom can save all?

  • AIDS might be in your body.
    <br>Don't ignore this real fact, please!!
    <br>You will die soon... and spread out more and more virus.....

  • 你地會報應架 !!
    <br>真架... 真人真事... 淫亂之人, 必有報應 !!
    <br>個天真係會知, 唔會縱容你哋呢班淫亂之人....
    <br>仲有, 有無唸過你哋BB仔個時, 你雙親有幾愛你..... 你宜家咁做只會傷害你爸爸媽媽.....

  • David, 收手啦! 會折福架!! 有報應架 !!

  • never knew hk ppl r so daring nowadays. how interesting!
    <br>did u need to wear mask and so forth?
    <br>i kinda wonder if one would feel weird by seeing all the dicks dangling around while performing one's action. lol

  • do go for regular checkup to be a responsible human.
    <br>may ur god bless u!
    <br>hell yeah, pls describe how u truly feel when seeing all those groupies laying their hands over ur ladies. did u feel aroused? annoyed? jealous?

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