
  • 我初初好介意架,不過而家一d都唔介意lu。因為我有辦法對付佢:每次佢講小你 老 母 xx。咁我會望住佢然後慢條斯理咁問佢:你小你 老 母 xx?乜咁委屈你弟弟呀?好心你一場兄弟對佢好d啦!!!

  • 結果?我老公立即收聲

  • <br>
    <br>Many well educated like to speak vulgar words. I blame it on the movies. Most of the movie goers follow suit and make themselves so low class.
    <br>I work in Central, "A" grade office with reputable firms but most well dressed men and women are so vulgar and loud. No diff from those day-poon-lou and truck drivers.

  • 我老公從來唔講粗口架....

  • <br>It's our culture and it's the way we talk and the way we do things here.
    <br>Hong Kong is a very special place.
    <br>HK people are just as special.
    <br>Our sentences must start with vulgar words and ends with vulgar words.
    <br>We like to talk lik Wong Yuk Mun and Ng Man Tat and Ng Kwan Yu, and Dodo cheng and ba-see-ah-suk.
    <br>We like to talk loudly because we cannot listen to how loud we are.
    <br>HK is a city full of vulgar people who likes to speak in a vulgar way no matter how well educated we are.
    <br>Who says vulgar words are for people from the immigrants and non-educated people?

  • 正所謂粗口都係次等文化.

  • 我老公唔會同我講....我老豆都唔會同我地講...
    <br>但係佢地同其他人, 會有一兩句, 唔係慣性果隻..
    <br>我姑姐聽到姑丈同佢講"xxxxxx"時, 會好嬲, 越老就越定唔順我姑丈, 佢地現在半分居, 姑姐同我地講時, 好唔開心講佢一聽到就好嬲, 會同佢講有咩唔好講, 要講佢老母, 話"我阿媽現在係老人院呀". 所以如果一個有自制能力的人, 係會學懂何時可講粗口, 何時不! 首先, 要學懂尊重他人, 我認為我姑姐係憎佢老公不懂尊重他人, 對住不介意粗口的人, 都要學懂底線, 連這些都不懂就很失敗了.

  • 當然十分介意, 香港地好多人講粗口, 我接受到只係在睇波或睇馬時講下單字個d粗口, 但我唔想自己老公講, 我覺得好失禮
    <br>尤其是講: x xxx x x x
    <br>鬧我阿媽係唔專重我和我家人, 失禮我也失禮佢自己, 真係接受唔到.

  • 我認識一個大陸家庭,一家人都是醫生,偏偏個妹就講粗口,我覺得都幾失禮

  • 乜女仔會好介意架咩?

  • 不過我全家人都講, 係屋企講得最多, 但出去街對住出面既人就唔講law, 呵呵~
    <br>我對住我老公都唔會講, 佢都唔知我有講粗口既習慣~

  • 我接受到

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