圓方 Elements, 差差差.....

  • 做乜差?

  • 可以在尖沙咀乘免費穿梭巴士去圓方,

  • 佢所謂" 免費 shuttle bus ", 係得個樣 , 只係可以"去", 唔可以" 返" 已經夠cheap .
    <br>仲要我試過等佢既免費 shuttle bus,
    <br>找唔到個站 , 因為佢無牌,
    <br>終於等到有車, 個司機仲要發緊呆, 飛站 !!!
    <br>好不容易自己搭車去到, 唉...
    <br>大得黎 , 一忽忽.指示牌又衰, 都唔知自己去咗邊.
    <br>賣的全部清一色名牌, 做大陸人生意.
    <br>D食肆又係,一忽忽, 東一間,西一間.
    <br>無food court.

  • 我去完之後, 比想像中差. 裝修 ~ 90's感覺 (而且唔太好行); 名牌子 ~ 唔及IFC多; 方便 ~ 唔使多講 (我哋行完, 諗住去海港城個邊, 以為有SHUTTLE, 點知冇, 要搭小巴, 短短5分鐘車程, 既要$5一個, 好貴!). 但我唔覺好多大陸人, 反而香港人好多, 同埋外國人都不少(日本人, 西人etc), 可能係有機鐵既原故!

  • 呢d商場走高檔路線, 係比d有時間冇事做既人去既, 所以一忽忽, 冇food court, 你估好似朗豪坊咁MK咩.
    <br>淨係睇佢個book shop, 只係賣英文書, 就知佢扮high 唔岩我地草根架.

  • 個商場就幾大

  • I went there once. I was looking for the shuttle bus in Mongkok but there's no where to be found even though I checked online and called them to ask. In the end I had to take a minibus there.
    <br>Once arrived, there's actually nothing much to see. The only shop that attracted me was their bookshop. But then I can also found Pageone and Dymock everywhere. So there's no point for me to go back to Elements.
    <br>Furthermore, the food there was horrible. I went for Thai and you see, it's really hrad to make Thai food taste bad as I know how to cook. But I was really disappointed as the food was bad and costy there.

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