
  • Definitely not. I will break up with him immediately. They are just trying whether or not there is someone else more suitable than their ex, if they find out one day the most suitable is their ex they will get together again. I don't believe there is pure friendship among those has been couple before.

  • 調返轉咁諗...
    <br>唔好話0個個係ex啦... 我男朋友都忍受唔到我同異性朋友有密切0既聯絡啦~~~
    <br>男人一向都比女人大方, 但男人做唔到0既野, 何況係一個女人?

  • There's a girl who know my husband for a long long time (before me), they used to hang out together, very close. My husband asked if she could be his girlfriend but she refused. Then, my husband met me. We got married many years later. The girl (woman) and my husband are still good friend. Sometimes, i think i am so stupid as I don't feel comfortable when I saw them talking. They seem so close (the tone they talked). That girl got married few years ago but we still saw each other sometimes. Recently, I found some old pictures of my husband and that girl. My husband kissed her face for her birthday (They both seemed so happy). I felt so angry and sad. I understand it's been passed over but I just can't control myself thinking of them. Do u think I'm really stupid ?

  • 通常, 多數都係女方唔容許男方與舊愛侶有聯絡, 相反, 男方比較接受女方咁做.

  • not stupid, is naive

  • 梗係唔得啦.如果你真係鍾意你女朋友.你都唔想佢亂諗野.影響你地感情

  • 我就接受唔到囉,

  • Ummmm..... 我就一定唔得, 因我之前個男朋友就係禁, 我真係好辛苦好難受, 最終發生咗D我接受唔到既事, 我同佢分開咗!! 依家好開心, 之前我根本就係浪費時間. 但你已經結了婚, 個女仔亦已結婚, 要考慮既事同我好唔同, 你有無嘗試同你老公講你既感受?? 你地多唔多四人行呢?? 個女仔對你態度點呢??

  • We have dinner about once per two months but I know they chat on MSN sometimes. In fact, I think the girl treat me well. I've been in serious illness before and she took good care for me. So, I appreciated for what she did for me but I also hate her as my husband's close friend. What I am going to do is to observe how my husband's action after I told him what I felt. I can't tell my hobby not seeing this girl but less contact is much better. I really don't want to 諗太多. One more thing, my husband's ex also hated this girl because of the same reason (they are too close). They argued and they broke up at last. I don't want to act like the ex. Hope I can help myself to overcome this feeling.

  • I hope you can get use of this feeling. Relax .... try your best lor!! Remember this "係你既始終係你的". 唔好太勉強壓抑自己既感受, 佢係你老公, 佢有責任照顧你的感受, 鍚自己多D, 自己唔錫自己, 人地唔會識鍚你的!! 有唔開心找我傾計呀!! =)

  • 睇黎你老公都有d問題喎,自私左d咁囉

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