Benetton 內最喜歡的 item

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    <p><font color="#ffffff">雖則t-shirt 配牛仔褲實屬優閒之列,但總覺得創意欠奉。casual wear 佼佼者United Colors of Benetton 利用「熾熱」的纖維,造就新一股秋冬mix & match。</font></p>
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    <p><font color="#ffffff">「熾熱」的七彩毛線,為鬆身的A 字型設計添上別具一格的重量感,令原始的針織物益發時尚。<br /></font></p>
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    <p><font color="#ffffff"><br />套頭上衣、leggings 及leg warmer 均為layering 帶來無限創意,讓一摺一疊充滿瑞典一流格調 。<br /></font></p>
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    <p><font color="#ffffff"><br /><br />品牌利用不同時代的流行物料,如天鵝絨、羊毛及印花尼龍等,打破誇世代的設計框架。<br /></font></p>
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    <p><font color="#ffffff"><strong><br /></strong>少量的軍服味道可為微不足道的小配件增加masculine 元素。<br /></font></p>
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    <td width="270" bgcolor="#ebebc4" height="270" rowspan="2"><img height="255" src="" width="270" alt="" /></td>
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    <p><font color="#ffffff">除卻軍boots,長及足踝的ankle boots 更是各大品牌的秋冬心水。</font><font color="#ffffff"><br /></font></p>
    <font color="#ffffff"><br /><br />
    <p><em>text: Fa<br /></em></p>
    </font><font color="#ffffff"><br />26 aug 07 </font><font color="#ffffff"><br /></font></td>

  • Oh~ I wanna buy their rain boots this summer but it sold out to quickly!
    <br>I like their knit items in winter~

  • I love their 頸巾

  • I love the rain boots too!!!不過會唔會好焗ga?!!

  • 咁樣襯leg warmer又幾特別wo!

  • 我最鍾意佢d o急....

  • 有o急咩?!!

  • Dear Siu Siu,
    <br>Carmen (Editor)

  • THX editor!

  • 不知怎答你......不要抱太大期望比較好,我曾經擁有一個,用上5年,也算不錯吧!
    <br>Carmen (Editor)

  • leggings 及leg warmer .. still a trend?

  • Dear Still︰
    <br>在多個秋冬季的fashion show上,確是少見了leggings,始終leggings太薄,冬天穿上不能保暖;但leg warmers則偶爾會見到,特別是將leg warmers套在boots上,幾有型,但要高眺身型來配合。
    <br>Carmen (Editor)

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