即刻配 --- 男仔女仔配 , 黎緊29/5 party

  • 首先多謝8/5參加左我地party既朋友.<br /><br />先分享下我地8/5搞過乜東東...8/5, 依時8.30pm在某中環cafe開始食飯, 飲紅酒, 抽獎, 配對及吹吹水.<br />預定11.30pm完事落BJ玩, 不過由於果晚氣氛太熱烈, 最後同大家玩玩到 and 飲到點幾先落BJ, 最後我地仲要比extra cost間cafe , 不過唔緊要, 開心為上. <br /><br /><img onmouseover="if (this.resized) this.style.cursor = 'hand';" onclick="if (this.resized) {window.open('http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/icon25.gif')}" border="0" alt="" src="http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/icon25.gif" onload="if (this.width > screen.width * 0.5) {var width = this.width * 0.5; var height = this.height * 0.5; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.resized = true;}" /> 黎緊29/5照舊, 先去cafe, 玩完飲完再帶你去BJ, 上次參加過既女仕們, 不好意思了, 今場未到你地join, 下場先到你地, 因為我地盡量唔想做到有'翻炒'情況發生, 你地預12/6果場啦. 但如果想落BJ玩, 就早少少打比我都得(still free). ^^<br />男仕們, 有興趣就盡快留言比我, 我地想下星期就confirm晒, 多少少時間比我地預備. 價錢照舊, HKD278, 有興趣就聯絡我啦, 到時見 p.s. 上次join過既朋友們, 歡迎在此版留言, 講好野壞野都得, 以便我地作出改善. ^^<br /><br />2030~2330:先到上環既 cafe享用豪華晚餐同高級紅酒, 介時有名貴禮品抽獎!<img onmouseover="if (this.resized) this.style.cursor = 'hand';" onclick="if (this.resized) {window.open('http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/victory.gif')}" border="0" alt="" src="http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/victory.gif" onload="if (this.width > screen.width * 0.5) {var width = this.width * 0.5; var height = this.height * 0.5; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.resized = true;}" /> <img onmouseover="if (this.resized) this.style.cursor = 'hand';" onclick="if (this.resized) {window.open('http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/lol.gif')}" border="0" alt="" src="http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/lol.gif" onload="if (this.width > screen.width * 0.5) {var width = this.width * 0.5; var height = this.height * 0.5; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.resized = true;}" /> <br /><br />2330~0430 同你殺入LKF 癲返幾粒鐘 每次會有7對幸運兒抽出去LKF玩係****免費<img onmouseover="if (this.resized) this.style.cursor = 'hand';" onclick="if (this.resized) {window.open('http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/icon31.gif')}" border="0" alt="" src="http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/icon31.gif" onload="if (this.width > screen.width * 0.5) {var width = this.width * 0.5; var height = this.height * 0.5; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.resized = true;}" /> ****入場呀結果會逢星期四2300公報.<br /><br />有美酒佳餚, 有獎抽, 有舞跳 仲有friend識, 由8.30pm玩到 4.30am, 玩足8粒鐘, 各位兄弟姊妹有興趣就盡快聯絡我啦, 到時見.<img onmouseover="if (this.resized) this.style.cursor = 'hand';" onclick="if (this.resized) {window.open('http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/icon23.gif')}" border="0" alt="" src="http://i1.hk/u/images/smilies/default/icon23.gif" onload="if (this.width > screen.width * 0.5) {var width = this.width * 0.5; var height = this.height * 0.5; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.resized = true;}" /><br />

  • 無論男女都歡迎參加

  • 香港地真系商機處處! :)

  • 唔係咁講既 都係為大家製造機會

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