我同事o岩o岩話我知佢同全公司最 good looking o既男同事上 o左床

  • <p>我想問同事之間係未      真係好易  會O甘﹖ 有D妒忌佢同the most popular guy in the firm 上床﹐ 但 at the same time, I kinda feel released.  因為個 青見 仔有時都講    D O野 kinda 令我誤會  ~  Such as you are so sweet... so cute ....blah blah ~  其實 公司 個個   女仔 都應該對    佢有D 意思~   因為佢好 funny and adorable ~  正當我都有   D 對佢 有小小  o甘多多 幻想   果陣﹐ 我全公司最    friend o既 女同事就話我知  佢地琴晚 飲大o左 之後就搞埋 o野。。。 我一來有      D 妒忌 之如﹐ 又有 D 如釋重負。。。。 起碼賴        o野 果個唔係   我。。。。哈哈。。。   因為我有男朋友   and what was worse was my coworker friend told me he's not good at sex ~  o甘以後我都唔使  幻想同佢有  o野 and also can ignore his flirting with me...haha<br /><br />我想問  公司同事之  間係 唔係真係個 o甘 common to have feeling or even sex relationship ? <br />大家有無   any experience ?<br /></p>

  • 都會有架...呢d野

  • it is easy. always heard.

  • hihi...kimmy
    <br>我都有試過有呢d同類既野, 不過係個女同事有feeling 囉
    <br>我未同佢上過床, 因為大家都有bf/gf
    <br>不過我覺得如果有機會, 我同佢都可能會囉
    <br>同埋呢d野都好common 者
    <br>係呢, 你幾大呀

  • kkk

  • kkk 你搵食死遠d啦

  • kimmy, still here??
    <br>你自己有冇試過呢d experience??
    <br>i mean 如果有機會....
    <br>我會同唔係自己gf既女仔有sex, 但都係有feeling 同friend先會囉...
    <br>係呢, 你有冇msn 呀, 介唔介意add我msn 傾下, share 下呢
    <br>msn: [email protected]

  • I gott go lunch now.... will be back in an hour....=) (I live in US)
    <br>Seriously, I sometimes imagine to have affair with some cute guys other than my boyfriend.... but I will only imagine lor.... cuz I am not a slutty or easy person... haha

  • kimmy, so can u read chinese in US ??
    <br>or u prefer me to type in English??
    <br>and will u add my msn for further chatting??
    <br>i mean just for sharing at first.
    <br>will u come back to HK frequently, or stay at there for a long time??

  • kkk

  • hi kimmy, what you did is just normal. My co-worker kept telling me have crush on female every single day lol. He got wife now & 2 ex wives. 4 kids...so & so ...
    <br>ps. what state are you in ?

  • I live in Los Angeles..... how about you?
    <br>Life is getting so boring for me now... cuz most of my friends went back HK for good already....
    <br>I think I will stay .... at least for couple years or maybe forever..haha
    <br>HK is fun for vacation but seems too stressful for me...
    <br>and US is too boring... except work.. ppl just go clubbing and movies...
    <br>PPl spent too much time on work maybe that's why they are easy to have chemistry ~
    <br>PS. I can read and type Chinese here... just cuz I am working so better type English..hehe

  • 真係越睇越覺得你地香港呢邊d人係垃圾﹐一d都唔pro。返工都只係顧住溝仔上床﹐唔怪得商業競爭能力下降成甘啦。一班甘既廢物﹐見到都笑兩聲。論商業工作競爭能力﹐香港人真係完全唔係對手。我求其放隻靚d而且受過特別訓練既鴨或雞係你地公司都已經可以搞垮你地﹐真係一d難度都無。

  • ic....almost 10 hours different between US and HK.

  • 有咩好妒忌丫!
    <br>咁 cheap 隨便同個唔係bf 既人上床架咩?

  • 傻啦, 唔值的妒忌
    <br>你個果同事=比人玩左一晚, 人地會當佢係咩o者, 未成班fd講開笑時拎黎笑下囉

  • 因為個男同事好 青見 仔﹐ 又有幽默感﹐ 之前大家出去 飲 o野 又淨係捉住我一個女仔玩 wor... 甘我未以為 佢淨係對我有好感 lor.... 不過﹐ 果日係我自己要走先。。。 我個女 同事 一個女仔留低同幾個男仔玩。。。唔 出事都幾難。。。 同埋我個 女同事應該 仲癲 過佢。。。like she enjoys having sex with her dates... and the guy used to tell me that he's not an easy person or manwhore..if a potential relationship and perfect sex, he will choose potential relationship. but turns out he hooked up with my 女同事 。。。kinda make me feel disappointed lor....

  • Jealous just because I have abit feeling about that guy.... but also I feel released geh... cuz I really love my boyfriend... dont wanna betray him... but u know...we have been living together for like 5 years..... no more passion.... I kinda want something to spice up my life... that's why my handsome coworker is on my mind... but luckily that I didnt have anything with him... cuz I know if I was the one why stayed the last... he might just hook up with me too... I guess... and then I am sure I will regret..haha

  • kimmy ,,,
    <br>thats good u think its better not to have sex ... other wise u will be the rumor amongs your co workers lor

  • I know.... hehe...
    <br>有時真係唔好貪圖一時之快感 。。。。but maybe I live in US lah... seems like everyone around me is crazy... their relationship are all fxxked up....like one nite stand is common and usually that's how the relationship starts...
    <br>most ppl tried drugs and drink crazily...
    <br>唔知淨係我 D friends 係甘﹐ 定係呢一代都係甘呢~

  • 以你既心態,遲早都會出事

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