請問你地有無患過濕疹而已經醫好左 ?

  • 我患左濕疹成 5 年啦, 以前 d 皮膚超級靚, 依家見到自己 d 皮膚都想死, 你地有無好既中醫介紹 ?  因為我知道濕疹係要睇中醫比較好, 我以前睇過慈雲山一個中醫, 不過勁貴, 仲拖我病添, 浪費左我好多錢, 我依家都好驚再俾醫生拖症 !<br /><br />有好多人話史泰祖, 黎嬰, 黃國安好得, 我無睇過佢地, 不過覺得佢地一定收好貴, 你地有無人有好中醫介紹呢 ?  濕疹真係令我好煩惱, 而且夏天來啦, 著短袖衫好驚俾人見到爛曬既手

  • 不如您試下睇左西醫先, 再睇中醫調理番個body啦~~
    <br>我本來睇中醫的, 但一直得都無咁上下...
    <br>之後有個朋友傾開計, 原來佢3年前都有濕疹既, 佢去左睇西醫, 佢話打左一口針同食左d藥就無事了...
    <br>咁我又去睇下, 自從睇完之後, 真係無咩點起濕疹了, 偶爾會有幾點小紅點既, 不過唔會好似以前咁勁啦....
    <br>我以前起得好勁, 好恐怖, 果陣仲諗唔會成世都係咁嘛...

  • 我覺得西e只會比d慮固純你茶,因為我有個朋友都係咁,佢之前去咗一睇一個中醫,個中醫係教佢用食物內調的,同埋教佢用咩淋浴露,而家好咗好多

  • to SY_EVA : 咁你個朋友依家仲有無翻發 ? 佢係睇邊個中醫架 ??

  • to Agnes : 無咁厲害掛 ? 打支針食下藥就無事 ? 咁依個西醫都好勁即, 不如你俾依個西醫地址我丫 ^^

  • 會有翻發的,不過次少好多同埋冇以前咁利害lor.
    <br>不如你msn我吖:[email protected]
    <br>希望幫到你啦 ^^

  • Sharonfaye
    <br>See if you like to try this Chinese doctor:
    <br>陳醫師, 天津名醫館 Tel: 24760600 天後
    <br>My son has visited this one for about 2.5 months, much better now even still has a little bit itiching. The doctor said has to take 3 months medicine. Hope this can help you.

  • Hi, I had this problem for years and I got cured about a year and a half ago. I just used Vaseline and change to organic shampoo and soap. For face and body, I just use brands such as Avene. Also, take Manuka Honey. The most important thing is to apply a thick layer of Vaseline on the itchy or rough patches of skin as often as possible.

  • 我同我朋友都先後睇左1次就無事了@@"

  • to Puipui : thank you so much ar , I will try
    <br>to Cured : Vaseline 夏天用好 " 立 " 喎, 我試過, 皮膚完全吸引唔到, 因為太 "立"
    <br>to agnes : 你講到個醫生咁勁, 咁佢個地址即係邊?

  • sharonfaye,
    <br>Vaseline works very well for me. My skin problem mainly occured on my hands, back of my armpits, neck and face. I wore cotton gloves and cotton tee shirt after I apply Vaseline on my hands and back. That would help to prevent the sticky feeling. I'd only use vaseline on my vase at night. Anyway, I guess it depends on your skin type, mine is super dry, so I have no problems with using Vaseline and olive oil.

  • I'd only use vaseline on my vase at night. <--- Vase should be FACE!! HAha!

  • Hi,

  • 我己經好返, 為期超過十年先攪得返掂, 真係痛苦,
    <br>依家周身都冇問題啦, 係要以後注意吓唔好再俾佢開始有事, 唔係又有排煩

  • Dear man,
    <br>Can you tell us how to cure the disease?

  • 柴灣樂翠台有個中醫叫李銳標, 佢幫過一個己經有濕疹十年o既小朋友醫, 好似兩個療程(唔記得幾多個月, 1-3個月)就醫好, 佢o係藍田都有另一間診所
    <br>我最近去醫風疹時, 都見有另一個小朋友, 成身都R到損哂起哂一舊舊比佢醫緊

  • 有無試過中醫呀, 我都係keep住番發時去, 好番後小心啲
    <br>有個醫師都ok嫁, 都幾好.話你聽大約要食幾多藥同注意地方
    <br>至少坊間有的, 不停叫你試. 唔得都等你駛左一大筆錢.
    <br>自己send mail問地址:
    <br>[email protected]

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